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Are They are planning to conceive, or have just confirmed a pregnancy? Chances are, one of the first tests that the doctor will ask you to take a thyroid check.
thyroid during pregnancy is quite common. Mothers who are suffering from thyroid during pregnancy can easily pass it on to their unborn child. If left untreated, the disease can easily turn into something more serious. So it is extremely important that you understand about two specific types of thyroid disorders mainly hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism during pregnancy clearly.
What is Thyroid?
The thyroid endocrine gland is the H-shaped which is located in the neck below a large cartilage of the larynx. And 'long 2 inches and weighs less than an ounce. The thyroid gland produces, stores and releases hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones released then directly the cells of the body functions.
There are two main thyroid hormones, namely, T3 and T4. These hormones help in brain development, breathing, metabolism and other important functions of the body. Increased levels of thyroid hormones in the blood causes hyperthyroidism and decreased levels of thyroid hormones in the blood causes hypothyroidism.
Thyroid disorders can be very different in different people. It can range from simple, harmless goiter that does not need treatment to abnormal release of thyroid hormones cause various harmful effects for you as well as the growth of the fetus. This condition, if not treated in time, can develop into life-threatening cancer.
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The pregnancy affecting thyroid function:
thyroid during pregnancy can affect the health of you and your child. thyroid disorder is common in almost all women in their childbearing age. The impacts and the negative effects of a malfunctioning thyroid can overcome even after pregnancy. It affects neuron intellectual wellbeing of your newborn at an early age.
There are two main pregnancy related hormones, namely, the human chorionic gonadotropin and estrogen. These increase the thyroid hormone levels in the blood. During the first quarter it provides thyroid hormones to the fetus through your placenta. However, as the pregnancy progresses, about 12 weeks of the child's thyroid begins working alone
hyperthyroidism during pregnancy :.
Generally, the immune system fights infections and other foreign guests that enter the body. However, in autoimmune diseases such as Grave's disease, the immune system attacks the cells of your body, destroying them. Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism during pregnancy. This makes an antibody with the immune system known as thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins. This acts like a thyroid-stimulating hormone, releasing more than the normal amount of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones. This condition is however rare. During the second half of pregnancy, temporary hyperthyroidism can be observed
This dysfunction can be caused by :.
Grave's disease:
it is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the thyroid, causing the production of T4 (thyroxine) . Thyroxine is a hormone that is produced by the thyroid
Toxic adenomas :.
nodules begin to develop in the thyroid gland and begin to secrete thyroid hormones, thereby disturbing the chemical balance of the body
subacute thyroiditis:
inflammation of the thyroid causes the gland to leak out excess hormones. pituitary gland malfunctions or the growth of cancerous cells in the thyroid region leads to excess secretion.
symptoms Hyperthyroidism:
You can easily detect the disease acutely observing the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, which are the following:
- The increase of the levels of thyroid hormones
- increase in the size of thyroid
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Increased heart rate
- heat tolerance
- The appetite changes
- Vertigo
- increased sweating
- Poor eye sight
- Increased sugar levels in the blood
- abdominal discomfort
Effects of hyperthyroidism:
hyperthyroidism not controlled, undiagnosed during pregnancy various malfunctions shows you as well as the fetus.
Here is a list of some of the more common ones:
- Congestive heart failure
- severe elevation in blood pressure during your last month of pregnancy
- Miscarriage
- premature delivery
- down birth weight
If you have any past history of suffering from Grave's disease, there are possibilities to TSI be available antibodies in the blood, even if the thyroid levels are standard. TSI antibodies produced by the mother waits can travel through the placenta and passes into the bloodstream of the child, and stimulate fetal thyroid.
However, if you are on anti-thyroid drugs, the chances of hyperthyroidism in your child are gradually decreased as these drugs disturbs your placenta. thyroid problem during pregnancy leads to hyperthyroidism in the newborn which inturn can lead to an increase in heart rate as a result of which leads to heart failure, weak early closure in the skull, poor weight gain, respiratory problems, etc.
diagnosis of hyperthyroidism :.
the larger base for the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is examining the symptoms and doing blood tests to measure levels of T3 and T4 in the blood
There are three main tests that are performed. These are:
1. TSH Test
In the case of symptoms indicating hyperthyroidism, the first test usually performed is proof Ultrasensitive TSH. The levels below normal TSH are indicative of hyperthyroidism. However, decrease in TSH levels in the blood also occur in pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.
2. T3 and T4 Test :.
If the levels of T3 and T4 in the blood are high, it corroborates the diagnosis
3. IST test:
If you have a history of Graves' disease, this test is performed to detect the possible existence of antiseptic STI
treatment. hyperthyroidism:
treatment of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is limited as the safety of the fetus's growth is a must. Sometimes there is a need to put on medications to slow the heart rate. However, if the TSH is low, but yourT4 is normal, it does not need to be treated.
What you need to remember?
Major hyperthyroidism is best treated with anti-thyroid drugs, which lowers your thyroid hormone production.
- There are many likely to cause side effects in people who suction anti-thyroid drugs.
- antithyroid drugs should be stopped immediately if you begin to suffer from abdominal pain, fatigue, changes in appetite, sore throat, fever or yellowing of the skin or rashes.
- You may also experience itching and skin rashes and low white blood cell count in your blood stream. If you need higher doses of anti-thyroid medications to keep your hyperthyroidism under control, you should not breast-feed the baby
Hypothyroidism during pregnancy :.
Decreased levels of thyroid hormones in the blood it causes hypothyroidism. And 'it caused by inadequate functioning of the gland itself. Other causes include the removal of the thyroid, radiation treatment, drugs, pituitary disease, etc. of endemic goiter and iodine deficiency are found to be the main reason for hypothyroidism.
Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland responsible during pregnancy, is a chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland. In this disease, the immune system attacks the thyroid gland, thus interfering with the production of thyroid hormone causing inflammation
symptoms of hypothyroidism :.
Hypothyroidism is a common condition and can be detected if the symptoms are mild. . Often the symptoms of hypothyroidism are mistaken as symptoms of depression
The common symptoms noted in the majority of individuals are as follows:
- puffy and swollen face
- skin tightening
- extreme fatigue
- slow pulse
- cold intolerance
- weight gain
- Cramps
- abdominal discomfort
- Lack of concentration
- TSH level increased and decreased T4 level generally indicates hypothyroidism
Effects of hypothyroidism : .
hypothyroidism usually makes you inactive and you end up sleeping too much for long periods of time
The effects of hypothyroidism are the same as hyperthyroidism including :.
- Anaemia
- Miscarriage [1945030] low birth weight
- Stillbirth
uncontrolled hypothyroidism may lead to improper development of the brain growth and the child of how thyroid hormones are harmful to the fetal brain and nervous system.
diagnosis of hypothyroidism :.
and 'very important to take a review of the signs and symptoms and measure the TSH and T4 levels in the blood
The treatment of hypothyroidism
the treatment of hypothyroidism is usually done with thyroxine, which is a similar to the T4 medication. Women with existing hypothyroidism are required to take the doses of iodine to extend the level of thyroxine. You should always keep a check on the thyroid levels
postpartum thyroiditis :.
E 'was noted that postpartum thyroiditis follows pregnancy. It is usually either hyper- or hypothyroidism, or both sequentially. Postpartum thyroiditis affects nearly every woman within a year after delivery. The condition usually begins with hyperthyroidism. Later, the thyroid or returns to normal or develops hypothyroidism.
For those associated with hypothyroidism, and postpartum thyroiditis, there are more likely to develop permanent hypothyroidism. This requires a permanent treatment
symptoms of postpartum thyroiditis :.
Following are the most common symptoms:
- The typical symptoms of postpartum thyroiditis include fatigue, irritability and nervousness.
- Hormonal changes can occur due to what stage of hyperthyroidism can go unnoticed.
- If a woman tests positive for thyroid antibodies did not increase the chances of developing symptoms associated with postpartum depression.
- Other symptoms include anxiety, tremors, insomnia and other symptoms similar to those of hyperthyroidism.
- These signs and symptoms usually occur one to four months after giving birth and last for about one to three months.
- This is followed by underactive thyroid gland ie hypothyroidism, including symptoms such as lack of energy, dry skin and symptoms similar to hypothyroidism.
- Women diagnosed with postpartum thyroiditis develop symptoms of either hyper- or hypothyroidism. but not both
diagnosis of postpartum thyroiditis:
This condition, goes mostly unnoticed by the physician. Utmost care has to be taken into consideration the symptoms of both hyper and hypothyroidism. This requires the repetition of the TSH test.
For a safe and happy pregnancy without thyroid, you can keep a check on your thyroid levels. Consult your doctor if you observe any of these symptoms so you can nip the problem in the bud.
We wish you a healthy, happy, safe pregnancy!
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