Vaginal bleeding or spotting during pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding or spotting during pregnancy -

Vaginal Bleeding Or Spotting During Pregnancy

Spotting and bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy is common. Almost 50% of pregnant women experience vaginal bleeding and the panic. Do you think this is a miscarriage symptom? Or is there any chance to have periods during pregnancy? Well, before you get scared, you know that vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy is not something you should worry about. It is indeed a good sign to show that you're pregnant.

The bleeding can range from light bleeding or spotting to massive hemorrhage. light stain during pregnancy is not a matter of concern, but the heavy bleeding may be an indication of a serious disorder. It 'important to know the possible causes and undergo a check-up to eradicate any complications.

The difference between detection and Bleeding:

If pink or brown discharge is observed similar to what is observed at the end of the menstrual period, spotting is. If you observe a discharge of bright red color, which is bleeding. The amount of blood that is known is another warning sign. Spotting during pregnancy can not soak a sanitary pad, but the bleeding is so.

What Causes spotting during pregnancy?

spot light at the beginning of pregnancy is usually not a serious condition. It can happen at the same time your menstrual period would be due and lasts one to two days. The other causes of bleeding in early pregnancy may be any one of following:


1. The implantation bleeding:

In the early stage of pregnancy, about 20 to 30% of women to occur because of the stain embryo implantation in the uterine wall. It occurs in the period of your menstrual period provided. It can be confusing if you exchange for a period of normal before you realize that you are pregnant. This is normal during pregnancy and should not be a cause for concern.

2. Sex:

During pregnancy, the blood flow increases to the cervical region. Therefore, it is quite normal to see light stain after intercourse. In addition, the region is tender and any kind of minor stress can cause stain. Sometimes benign growths occur on the cervix, known to be cervical polyps, which can also cause spotting after having sex.

3. Internal pelvic exam or Pap test:

Spotting after an internal pelvic exam or Pap test also holds the same reasons mentioned above. The cervical region will become tender because of increased blood flow and any impact to the region could cause stain.

4. Infections:

conditions that are unrelated to pregnancy can also cause spotting. vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection or sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis can cause inflammation or irritation of the cervix. The inflammation can lead to scrub up being broken by sex or other stress

[Read: The infections during pregnancy ]

5. Hemorrhage Subchorionic:

Chorion is the fetal membrane that encloses the placenta. Subchorionic hemorrhage is a condition in which bleeding occurs within the folds of the chorion and placenta. Usually it stops by itself and must not cause problems during pregnancy. Still, a timely diagnosis and treatment required is suggestible.

6. Approaching Jobs:

How your body is getting ready for work, you will pass your mucus plug, a state in which the cervix begins to dilate. It will be soaked with blood, which is also called 'bloody show'. Passing your mucus plug will not be a problem if you are already in 37 weeks of pregnancy. But, if there is heavy bleeding, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

What Cause bleeding during pregnancy?

vaginal bleeding may occur at any time during pregnancy. It is rarely a sign of a serious condition, since it can accompany many complications during pregnancy. But, sometimes it can be a sign of serious conditions too. Therefore, it is important to understand the possible causes and get a check-up done

bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Vaginal bleeding during the first trimester pregnancy can be caused by various factors. Approximately 20-30% of pregnancies will be affected with bleeding during this phase.

1. Ectopic Pregnancy:

In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, which is usually in the fallopian tube. Usually you will notice cramps and severe pain in the lower abdominal region accompanied by dizziness, weakness and nausea. It can be life threatening for the mother and requires immediate medical attention. Statistically, only 3% of pregnancies experiences

Ectopic pregnancy can happen if you have had a history of one of the following complications :.

Prior ectopic pregnancy, binding, or fallopian tube surgery, pelvic inflammatory condition, infertility for more than two years, smoking and having a birth control device placed in the uterus

. [Read: The ectopic pregnancy symptoms ]

2. Molar pregnancy:

molar pregnancy is a rare condition that occurs when the placenta it becomes a cystic mass to be a valid embryo. This is a type of tumor that occurs as a result of pregnancy hormones and is not life threatening at all. It happens within a few weeks after conception. In some cases, it may be abnormal and can spread throughout the body, the condition is diagnosed as gestational trophoblastic disease. You can observe vaginal bleeding within a few weeks after conception, if you happen to suffer from molar pregnancy.

3. Miscarriage:

A major concern with bleeding during the first trimester of pregnancy is that it can be a miscarriage as well. And 'common to occur during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If bleeding accompanies symptoms such as cramping, lower abdominal pain and the passage of the fabric through the vagina, then there is a greater likelihood of the child's abortion. About 50% of pregnant women suffering from symptoms with vaginal bleeding, aborting a child

[Read: How to deal with a Miscarriage ].

bleeding in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy:

The common cause of bleeding during late pregnancy because of placental problems. In addition, abnormal cervix or vagina can cause bleeding.

4. Placenta previa:

This is the most common cause of bleeding during late pregnancy. In this condition, the placenta that normally connects the fetus in the uterus will partially cover the cervical opening. As a result, the bleeding occurs. Later in pregnancy, the cervix becomes thinner and expands to prepare for the job. At this stage, the traits and placenta ruptures causing severe bleeding. The risk factors for this condition include placenta previa before placenta previa, multiple pregnancy and cesarean delivery before

[Read: How to treat placenta previa ].

5. untimely detachment of the placenta:

This condition occurs in the second half of pregnancy or the third trimester. It is an early separation of the placenta from the uterus and leads to a collection of blood in the region between the placenta and uterus. It is accompanied by cramps, pain in the abdominal region, tenderness in the uterus and back pain. If the separation is too small, it is not fatal to the baby. But, they pose serious risks if the separation is great. The risk factors for the cause of vaginal bleeding include trauma, hypertension, tobacco use, cocaine and the first detachment of the placenta.

6. Uterine rupture:

In rare conditions there will be a uterus abnormal fractionation due to a scar from a previous caesarean section. It makes expel the fetus in the abdomen that can be very dangerous for both the child and the mother. Uterine rupture may occur before or during the working time. There are some other risk factors include trauma, multiple pregnancies, using an excessive amount of the drug oxytocin (strengthens contractions) and deliveries through clamps

[Read: uterine rupture during pregnancy ].

7. Fetal Vesssel break:

The blood vessels in the process of development of the fetus can pass through the birth canal opening. These are known to be subject to vasa and could be fatal for the baby, such as blood vessels can tear open and bleed severely. This condition is also accompanied by abnormal fetal heart rate. It is a very rare condition that occurs in 1 in 5000 pregnancies.


Pre-term Labour:

If the delivery time is between 20 weeks to 37 weeks, is considered a pre-term labor. It is accompanied by cramps, regular contractions, built-in pelvic pressure and back pain. A few days before the body is ready for work, it will pass your mucus plug where bleeding starts. This is defined as a bloody spectacle that requires immediate contact with your health care provider

Some other causes of bleeding during pregnancy include :.

  • Injuries to the vagina or cervix region
  • Cancer
  • Polyps
  • Varicose veins (abnormal veins with full twists)

[Read: How to avoid premature delivery ]

What he must know?

spot light is normal and nothing to worry about. Severe vaginal bleeding that soaks through the pad is a concern. Bleeding is not always a sign of miscarriage because some women still suffer from high bleeding give birth to healthy babies.

what should you do?

You can not judge the righteous cause vaginal bleeding, because many factors can cause the condition. The universal advice is you should not hesitate to consult your doctor.

Use a pad as it helps to keep a track of how much you are spotting or bleeding. Examine your blood type (if it's brown, red, pink or full of clots). Bring all your problems to the doctor and do not indulge in sex or use a tampon when you are bleeding during pregnancy.

The doctor will check the vagina and may suggest to go for an ultrasound. Vaginal and abdominal ultrasound are presented together to assess the reason. Your doctor may also perform some regular tests such as blood and urine. These tests should help check hormone levels of pregnancy. Also, check for any of the following symptoms. If you are experiencing them, they may be signs of miscarriage or other serious condition.

  • severe cramping and lower abdominal pain
    bleeding [heavy
  • Vaginal discharge that expels the fabric
  • Vertigo
  • high fever with 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or more

vaginal bleeding during pregnancy: self Care

If you bleed during the early stages of pregnancy, you should take it easy until the doctor controls and gives you instructions. At the time, just rest and relax. Do not take any heavy stress or indulge in strenuous exercises. Avoid sex, using a tampon and or contraception. Always keep your body cool by drinking plenty of water. Also, keep a check on the amount of pills you are using

If you experience heavy bleeding during late pregnancy, you should immediately consult your doctor

Diagnosis of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy: ..

there are many diagnostic tests your doctor can contact the assessing the cause of abnormal bleeding during pregnancy:

  • Pap smear test is conducted to rule out cervical cancer uterus. During this test, the tissue samples will be taken from the cervical region and tested for the presence of various infections such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.
  • A complete blood panel is done to rule out anemia (low red blood cell counts) that results from severe blood loss.
  • If there is something in the background medical patient raising speculation of a doctor, some blood tests are done to rule out any disorders of blood coagulation.
  • A blood sample will be conducted to evaluate possible abnormalities abnormalities of the thyroid, liver or kidney dysfunction.
  • a blood test to check the levels of progesterone and body temperature daily to ensure the effective date of ovulation.
  • A test for suspected polycystic ovarian hormone in the blood.
  • pelvic ultrasound is conducted to check the complete medical history and a pelvic exam.
  • sample test to exclude the uterus endometrial cancer.

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy Treatment:

The treatment depends on the actual cause of the bleeding. You may require medical tests and examinations

treatment for early (first quarter) Pregnancy Bleeding :.

Ectopic pregnancy:

The ultrasound detects an ectopic pregnancy. Your doctor may prescribe medication or you or you take in the operating room.

You may be given medication methotrexate (Trexall or Rheumatrex), which destroys tissue development.

Surgery is an option for those whose bodies are not likely to receive methotrexate treatment. In addition, if you choose to take the medication therapy, you can go for the surgical option. Laparoscopic surgery makes small incisions in the abdominal region through the fallopian tube and removes the ectopic pregnancy. The fallopian tube may also be damaged in this process since the ectopic pregnancy already creates damage to the pipe

Threatened Miscarriage :.

If you are bleeding because of threatened miscarriage, your doctor may instruct you to undertake some activities. You might suggest to take a rest at home until the full pain and lowers bleeding. You should avoid sexual intercourse for at least three weeks. Also, do not use tampons or shower

incomplete abortion :.

If this is the case, the doctor performs a procedure to remove the fetal tissue in the uterus. This procedure called dilation and curettage (D & C) prevents further complications such as infection or bleeding

missed abortion :.

If your bleeding is due to a missed abortion, the doctor may suggest or to a shelter or home treatment. This decision will be taken only after discussing the benefits and risks of both choices. The size and age of the fetus are important when you go into action

Complete abortion :.

In this case, the full introduction of the fetus and surrounding tissue are removed. You will be sent home only when the ultrasound shows no residual tissue

molar pregnancy :.

In this case, an immediate D & C is done. This procedure is followed by analysis of blood hCG level to check for any remaining cancer

Treatment for the end (second and third trimester) Pregnancy Bleeding :.

In the case of vaginal bleeding during late pregnancy, you will get a complete monitoring for signs of shock and blood loss. Possible receive blood transfusions and IV fluids. In addition, there will be a fetal monitoring signs of suffering. The treatment can depend on the cause and the age of the fetus

placental Previa :.

If this condition is the cause of bleeding, then doctors always prefer to deliver the baby by caesarean. If you suffer from severe bleeding, you should go for immediate delivery. If you have contractions, you will receive an IV to stop or reduce them. If the pregnancy is less than 36 weeks, and the bleeding is severe, your doctor monitor the value of the blood and the baby's heart rate. You will receive a medicine to make the lungs of the child matures. When it reaches exact 36 weeks, the doctor will again check the condition of the baby's lungs and consequently there will be a delivery.

If Plancental Previa, all deliveries will be cesarean because bleeding can cause a high risk to the fetus. In rare cases, when the placenta does not cover the neck, then you can go for a normal delivery. Through a cesarean delivery, you lose about 3 liters of blood from the body

placental abruption.

In this case, vaginal delivery is preferable to cesarean delivery. If there is severe bleeding, you will have a cesarean delivery. If the pregnancy is over 36 weeks, you will receive IV drug for contractions to have a safe vaginal delivery. If the pregnancy is less than 36 weeks, and the bleeding is not serious, it will be hospitalized and monitored for blood test and heart rate of the child. In addition, you will receive a drug to make the lungs of her child matures. Once they are ripe, you will have a caesarean section

uterine rupture :.

If the tests result in a uterine rupture, you will have an immediate cesarean delivery. The surgeon can remove your uterus. But, if you want to have more children, the surgeon will go for the repair of the uterus. In addition, they require many blood transfusions since there will be a strong blood loss during surgery

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy - Follow-Up :.

After the appropriate treatment, if you still notice any complications that may include abdominal pain, bleeding or fever, you should get yourself re-examined immediately.

  • You can receive a bed rest with a strict warning not to put anything in the vaginal region.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse, do not use tampons until it stops bleeding.
  • You should meet with your gynecologist within two days of treatment.
  • If you receive a treatment for ectopic pregnancy and still notice pain or weakness, you should see your doctor immediately.
  • If you have a molar pregnancy, you would require a regular b hCG levels follow-up to check for any tumors

[Read: Reasons for bed rest during pregnancy ].

vaginal bleeding during pregnancy - Prevention:

a great way to avoid complications during pregnancy is to maintain a good relationship with your doctor and go for routine checkups. Note that this is important when you had already experienced complications in previous pregnancies.

The second way to ensure a safe pregnancy is to control the risk factors. It should completely torn down cocaine and tobacco. If you are hypertensive, try to keep it under control by taking the complaint to the doctor

A final word :.

Any bleeding during pregnancy, no matter when they happen, you need to immediately call your health care provider, just to confirm nothing is wrong. You should be prepared to give the answers in detail about the quantity, color and bleeding period to help your health care provider to determine the cause.

If you have a miscarriage as a result of any of the above reasons, this does not mean that you are infertile. And know that you are not alone who suffer a similar tragedy. Most women experience miscarriage, at least once during their reproductive life. Abortions can cause an emotional void, but that is not the end of the world. You can get pregnant even after a miscarriage. A counseling session with the obstetrician or gynecologist is the best way to deal with pregnancy. All you need is a positive attitude and courage!

Most of the time, a little 'sighting poses no health risk to you and your little one, though, bleeding can sometimes indicate a problem with the pregnancy. If you are pregnant, you must be aware about the bleeding. If you experience irregular period or bleeding during pregnancy, contact your doctor immediately.

Hopefully it clear your doubts regarding vaginal discharge and bleeding during pregnancy. Take care of yourself! Have a healthy and happy pregnancy

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