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So you're getting ready for D-day! Childbirth can be stressful and sometimes scary too, and it is best to have as much knowledge as you can about its different aspects
If you have any questions at all about post-partum hemorrhage, here is the short answer. - It is a complication that occurs after childbirth.
For more help, we explained about this condition in this post.
What It is postpartum hemorrhage?
postpartum hemorrhage is a term used to define bleeding or blood loss after childbirth. It is estimated that about 5% of women who give birth are affected by this condition, and there are several risk factors involved that can determine the probability of a woman suffering from hemorrhage.
- Typically, a spontaneous vaginal delivery accounts for about 500 ml of blood loss.
- If the blood loss through 500 ml, the condition can be defined as post-partum hemorrhage.
- This usually occurs in the first 24 hours after birth, and is one of the most common causes of maternal death and morbidity.
What It causes postpartum hemorrhage?
There are some factors that put to an increased risk of being struck by hemorrhage- postpartum
- multiple pregnancies.
- Loss of uterine tone.
- Trauma during childbirth (tears in the tissues).
- thrombin (failure of blood clotting).
- retention of tissue from the placenta or the fetus.
- prolonged labor.
- the use of general anesthesia.
- Having a big baby.
- Labor be increased by hormone pitocin.
- episiotomy (an assisted mode of delivery).
- uterine rupture.
- inverted uterus (rare).
- severe preeclampsia.
- placental abruption
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as can be managed
depending on the reason behind the bleeding may be adopted various measures for the management of post haemorrhage -partum, some of which include :.
- A uterine massage
- the use of certain drugs (hemabate, Methergin, pitocin, etc.).
- surgery including ligation of ateries hypogastric and uterine arteries.
- The surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy).
- oxygen supplementation.
- Ensure that the bladder is empty
- Trendelenberg position (feet above the heart)
A simple measurement: ..
most hospitals and birth centers prefer to give the new mom injection of pitocin routine, which helps prevent bleeding. However, a simple trick to help prevent bleeding following childbirth in a natural way is to have the mother feed the baby immediately after birth. This causes natural secretion of the hormone oxytocin, which helps as well the placenta naturally and prevents postpartum hemorrhage.
In severe cases in which none of these approaches work, may require a blood transfusion, followed by hysterectomy to remove the uterus
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Recovery following a postpartum hemorrhage:
usually receive fluids IV and some medication to help your stay uterus contract, and will be carefully monitored for any mineral bleeding.
- At this phase, you may feel dizzy and weak, and it is advisable that you take complete bed rest.
- The recovery period depends on the amount of blood that you have lost, and your history of anemia.
- 'll need to consume nutritious foods and your doctor may also prescribe acid supplements, vitamins and iron folic acid.
- you can also be monitored to check how your body is coping with the loss of blood.
- abnormally high pulse or low blood pressure can help the caregiver understand his best condition
[Read:. postpartum; ]
The studies found that the management of the third stage of labor can drastically reduce the risk of post haemorrhage -partum. Early cord clamping and cutting, gentle line pull and uterotonic administration immediately after delivery of the baby can help improve maternal health and also help to prevent post-partum hemorrhage.
following the instructions of the caregiver is extremely important if you are suffering from post-partum hemorrhage. You will need to take complete bed rest and allow the body to heal quickly
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References:.! 1, 2
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