Image: iStock
Coconut water is an isotonic drink energizing, fresh and clear that helps the body replenish lost fluids. Also known as Nariyal Loaves and Elaneer in India, it is known for its versatility and many nutritional benefits. This raises the question whether it is safe during pregnancy? MomJunction tells you if it is.
And 'safe to consume coconut water during pregnancy?
Yes, it is safe to drink coconut water, but in moderation, because it contains natural vitamins and minerals. Having coconut water in the first quarter helps reduce the consequent dehydration due to morning sickness (1). It 'also good for heartburn and constipation, the common symptoms of pregnancy.
[Leggi: 7 Drinks Health for pregnant women ]
You can drink at any time of coconut water, but the best time is early morning. And 'more healthy then as electrolytes and nutrients can be easily absorbed when your stomach is empty.
The nutritional benefits found in a cup of coconut water include:
- Calories - 46
- Sodium - 252mg
- Potassium - 0 mg
- Carbohydrates - 8.9grams
- Dietary fiber - 2.6grams
- Sugars - 6.26 grams
- football - 6%
12 health benefits of coconut water during pregnancy:
you can take advantage of its benefits only when you consume the 'fresh water as fermentation begins when left open and exposed to air.
1. Natural Diuretic:
During pregnancy, the uric acid levels should be normal in the body system. Coconut water is a diuretic and increases the urge to urinate because of the presence of potassium, magnesium, and minerals. They help in flushing away toxins and urinary compensation. And, accordingly, it improves the functioning of the kidneys and prevents kidney stones and infections. It also prevents urinary tract infections, thus lowering the odds of preterm birth
[Read: Lemon water during pregnancy ].
2. It offers essential electrolytes:
The need for electrolytes increases during pregnancy because conditions such as morning sickness, nausea and diarrhea dehydrate the body. Coconut water all five essential electrolytes: minerals, sodium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, which relieve the body and provide energy (2). These electrolytes transmit electrical charges in your body and help in muscle functioning. They also help to keep the body's pH levels and control blood pressure levels. And 'it is known to possess cooling properties, which Ward off conditions such as biliary fever and vomiting.
3. It relieves heartburn and Constipation:
Hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to several problems such as heartburn, constipation and indigestion. The rich content of dietary fiber in coconut water strengthens the digestive system, improves digestion, regulates the pH levels, and prevents constipation. Ayurveda considers coconut water race was a great laxative. It improves metabolism and detoxifies the body. Coconut water is a natural acid neutralizer, and thus prevents heartburn.
4. Treat Infections:
Coconut water has vitamins, rich in essential minerals and antioxidants, which increase levels of the immune system, providing resistance against infection. It contains lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid responsible for the production of a potent anti-monolaurin, Michelle-Lee Young writes in the book 'Two trees and twelve fruits that will change your life forever'. is a disease-fighting lauric acid that kills harmful bacteria and infections such as influenza, HIV, and maintains the good bacteria (3)
[Read: watermelon during pregnancy ]
5. Improves heart health:
Low level electrolytes spikes in blood pressure. Drinking coconut water increases the level of potassium, magnesium and lauric acid, which helps in regulating blood pressure. It improves the good cholesterol and fights bad cholesterol. Vitamins, essential proteins, and electrolytes in the levels of sugar in the coconut water control, blood pressure levels, and improve circulation. A glass of coconut water every day is particularly useful in the final quarter when you are preparing the working voltage that can increase blood pressure.
6. Maintain a healthy weight:
The coconut water is fat-free and low in calories. Such as pregnancy adds extra weight to your body, coconut water prevents the accumulation of fat, eliminating the bad cholesterol. It is a great substitute for sugar drinks and helps both the mother and the growing fetus to be healthy and fit
[Read: How to maintain healthy weight during pregnancy ].
7. Natural Drink:
coconut water is a natural drink tasty. It has no artificial flavors or harmful components. And 'safe for you and your growing fetus since none of its components affects your health.
8. It excites After training:
The coconut water is a natural isotonic beverage that delivers power when you are suffering from dehydration, fatigue and exhaustion. It 'a great revitalizing. If you exercise regularly to keep fit and to strengthen the pelvic muscles, you can opt for the coconut water as an energy drink (4). . Hydration also improves the skin's elasticity, thus limiting the stretch marks that develop during pregnancy
[Read: Dehydration during pregnancy ]
9. Low Content sugar:
excessive intake of sugar can lead to a rise in general levels of sugar in the blood. Coconut water has less sugar compared to other energy and sports drinks. It will not add any weight of pregnancy, and a diet low in simple sugars will lower the risk of gestational diabetes.
10. It accelerates the growth of the fetus:
Coconut water provides all the nutrients for the mother, essential to maintain and improve his health. And, consequently, it improves the health, growth, and proper feeding the baby not yet born.
11. It improves the levels of amniotic fluid:
Drinking Coconut water improves health and the overall environment of your growing fetus. Coconut water taken in particular in the third quarter increased amniotic fluid levels and increases blood volume and circulation (5)
[Read: how much water to drink during pregnancy ] .
There are side effects of coconut water during pregnancy?
there is no evidence that proves the coconut water has adverse effects on pregnancy. Like any other fruit or vegetable, it also seems to be safe. But there are two things you can keep in mind :.
- Coconut milk contains sodium, which may not be the right choice for pregnant women with pre-eclampsia
- of mature coconut water can cause constipation.
The coconut water can a pregnant woman have?
- moderation is always the key when it comes to making healthy diet. You can drink up to a glass of coconut water a day.
- Consume water immediately after the opening, like a fresh contains rich nutrients. Use a clean straw or pour into a glass and drink.
- It 's always good to prefer the natural coconut water than canned or bottled.
- not consume coconut water, if you react to it or do not like its taste.
How to select the coconut Right?
to enjoy the various benefits of coconut water, you should know to select properly. These tips can help you buy fresh and tender coconut.
A fresh coconut is light and sweet and will not contain coconut pulp, white, fleshy, tender substance. A mature or stale one will have a sour taste
Selection :. Choose medium sized colored dice, clean and green as they contain large amounts of water. Do not choose the coconuts that have hard shells brown and gray spots as they indicate the ripe nuts
Water :. Stir the coconut firmly against your ear to see if it has water. Select those that produce good sound sloshing. A fresh coconut contains nearly a cup of water
If you want to store coconuts at home, keep them in a cool place
[Read: grapefruit during pregnancy ]
mild coconut water during pregnancy:
you may also come across some myths and it is very important for you to get those facts clear. I'm here :.
Myth 1 - coconut water has magical properties
Coconut water contains many nutrients, which is why it is recommended for pregnant women
Done: pregnant women need all the essential minerals and nutrients in adequate amounts. It is an age-old myth that coconut water will help to meet all nutritional requirements. But, there is no single food that has all the nutrients. Only a combination can provide the necessary nutrients in the right amounts. Drinking coconut water alone does not provide all the nutrients. Therefore, it should be integrated with other food products, fruit and vegetables
Myth 2 -. Coconut water improves the child's hair
Your child will be born with thick hair on the scalp when you drink coconut water during pregnancy
Done :. there is no relationship between the consumption of coconut water and the growth of hair on the baby's scalp. It is a benefit blown out of proportion
Myth 3 -. Coconut water makes the skin healthy baby and just
Drinking coconut water during pregnancy will give a clear and fair complexion for your child.
Done: Mere consumption of coconut water will not make the skin of your child fair and transparent. skin and your baby's health depends on many factors, including hereditary, nutrition, health of the parents, and more
Eating coconut during pregnancy :.
The consumption of coconut meat is also considered beneficial during pregnancy.
The meat coconut benefits during pregnancy:
Image: Shutterstock
1. Generation of breast milk:
regular consumption of coconut meat during pregnancy increases the supply of breast milk after birth. Your child will receive the nutritious breast milk and rich. Furthermore, coconut oil helps in breast milk generation
[Read: coconut oil during pregnancy ].
It 'also good during lactation since it contains lauric and capric acids. These acids have antiviral effects, antibacterial and pesticides, which protect the baby from illness.
2. Improves blood circulation:
The blood volume doubles during pregnancy, causing swelling of the feet and legs. Poor blood circulation aggravates the condition. The coconut consumption improves blood circulation and prevents swelling and leg pain.
3. Improved digestion:
The consumption of meat and coconut water prevents constipation as acts of tender coconut meat as an excellent laxative (6). It is one of the best coconut consumption performance in any form during pregnancy.
4. better sleep.
Having coconut combined with poppy seeds and ghee will improve your sleep cycle
5. It increases metabolism:
When the coconut is mixed with spices, it is useful to stimulate metabolic activity in pregnant women
coconut milk during pregnancy :.
Image: Shutterstock
The coconut milk is a thick liquid and milky obtained by grinding grated coconut flesh. It 'also an essential ingredient in many foods, especially in Southeast Asian dishes. Coconut can be consumed in any form due to its amazing health benefits. Coconut milk helps fuel the body boost. E 'completely safe to drink if you are not allergic to it
Benefits of coconut milk during pregnancy :.
1. Enhance immunity:
coconut milk contains lauric acid, which has antibacterial and antiviral fat, useful for pregnant women. This type of fat helps to improve the immune system, according to the book 'coconut oil and immune system' by Sherri Neal. The long chain fatty acids straighten the blood vessels and reduce blockages in the heart, thereby improving heart condition.
2. Other benefits include:
- contains good amounts of iron, which can treat anemia
- Improves digestive problems
- offers relaxation for muscles and nervous system [
- Check blood sugar and blood pressure levels
- Relieves joint pain and pain scratches
- makes your body fit and helps lose weight
How to prepare fresh coconut milk?
it is advisable to do at home coconut milk rather than opt for one packaged.
- Grate a whole coconut and add one and half cups of hot water.
- Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.
- Once the mixture is cooled, drain to get the milk.
Coconut taken directly from fresh coconuts will contain about 450 calories and 50gm fat. A cup of coconut milk (about 240gm) has the following nutritional values:
- Calories - 550
- Grassi - 50.2gm (all types of fat)
- Cholesterol - 0
- sodium - 40gm
- Carbohydrates - 14gm (in milk 250gm)
- Proteins - 6gm
- vitamin C - 11%
- Iron - 22%
- football -? 4%
is in good canned coconut milk during pregnancy
coconut milk canned is sure to have during pregnancy, but you should make sure that the can is not corroded , rusty, expired or stored at unsafe temperatures.
coconut milk contains significant amounts of saturated fat, that is, 3gm in a spoon. Taking in too much saturated fat increases both good and bad cholesterol levels in the body. In the case of canned milk, you should be aware of the level of consumption as it should not exceed the daily requirement
In addition to the above, other reasons why you can not choose in coconut milk box are :.
1. Bisphenol - A (BPA):
is a chemical usually used in the coating of cans used for packaged foods. This BPA can gradually leach into acidic, fatty or salty foods such as coconut milk, vegetables, tomatoes, and soups. One study says that there is a relationship between high levels of BPA in dams and neurobehavioral problems in children (7).
2. Guar gum:
Guar gum is a food additive in canned coconut milk. It is a galactomannan, a polysaccharide and is primarily a ground endosperm of the guar bean. There have been complaints like severe abdominal cramps, indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea such as beans are hard to digest. In a clinical trial, patients who have had intestinal problems experienced improved when they stopped using canned coconut milk in their diet.
3. Fructose malabsorption:
This is a digestive disorder characterized by impairment of fructose (a simple sugar found in fruits, vegetables and honey) the transport through the small intestine . Increased levels of fructose in the intestine causing bacterial growth. And, therefore, it reduces the absorption of water in the intestine. Pregnant women with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are strongly affected with fructose malabsorption.
According, coconut milk contains sugar, including fructose. Therefore, should be avoided by those who are affected by IBD and IBS disorders
Frequently asked questions :.
1. It is safe buko juice for pregnant women?
A. Buko juice or coconut juice is a mixture of coconut water, tender coconut meat, and milk. It is a very refreshing and healthy drink, popular in the Philippines. All you need to do is extract the coconut water, scrape the meat and either put them in a jug. Add milk, sugar and lots of ice cubes. Allow the mixture to melt and then serve. Since the drink is a combination of coconut water, the meat and milk, can be safely consumed by pregnant women.
I hope to have all the information about coconut water during pregnancy. If you have something more to share, write us in the comment section below
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Coconut water is very useful for people who shed lots of sweat in the gym. It is a very natural way to rehydrate your body. Thanks for sharing the information about coconut water.
Mantis Hugo
Goji Berry Juice
Very well written, I also agree with you that coconut water is very beneficial for everyone. There are very few ingredients which give you so many benefits and coconut water is one of them. The benefits of coconut water are numerous but the most important benefit is that by this you can stay hydrated which is very important thing. There are also other benefits and if you want to know what the other benefits are, visit this site.