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Are a mother-being and can not stop cravings for junk food? While it is normal to have cravings at this time, there is a flip side to give in to them!
food cravings is normal during pregnancy. With joint families to become a thing of the past, there is no watchtower experienced to supervise the irregular eating habits of a mom-to-be. cravings for junk food is the cause of concern - that pizza or a donut or any other junk-food is the name
Harmful effects of eating junk food during pregnancy :!
From the beginning of pregnancy to delivery, the baby and are undergoing constant change. Main ones are:
- weight
- sugar levels in the blood
- Your fluctuation of blood pressure
- swings mood
- food cravings!
The food you eat plays an important role in these changes. Read more to know what are the effects of junk food to eat during pregnancy on you and your unborn child child.
[Leggi: food cravings during pregnancy ]
1. Sale from mayonnaise and sauces:
Without a blob in more than mayonnaise sandwich does not taste so good! But then, it has a huge amount of salt, which is not suitable to a fluctuating blood pressure. It could also cause swollen feet due to fluid retention in your body.
2. Lack of whole grain:
Fiber is an essential nutrient for energy and also helps in regular bowel movements. The Sub, such as pizza or donuts did not all fiber - even if they claim to! So, there are more chances of you have bouts of constipation
[Read: Pizza during pregnancy ].
3. Break the fetal bag:
During pregnancy, putting pressure on bowel movements may break the fetal sac causing the termination of pregnancy
4 .. nutrient limited Quotient:
Junk food has limited vegetables or meat. The important part of any junk food is fattening, sticky cheese fewer nutrients. This affects the nutrient intake of the mother-to-be and her baby.
5. Sugars and fats:
Many mom-to-be have a strong desire to munch chocolates at unearthly hours. High-sugar foods are known to cause irritation and mood swings. This could intensify the blood pressure or even include gestational diabetes, as a chain reaction
[Read: Chinese Food during pregnancy ]
6. Mother to baby:
Eat all the fast food that is loaded with fat, sugar and salt, rest assured that goes directly to the child. obese were born with health disorders, and to develop health disorders associated in their growing years or later in life.
How to Stop Junk Food Cravings?
You are what you eat. So is your unborn child. To make sure that both of you get good nutrition, it is very important to avoid fast food during pregnancy. Here we present below some tips to deal with the cravings for junk food!
1. Clean the Larder:
Get rid of all the junk food in the house and warehouse with healthy snacks, preferably organic. Opt for grilled, rather than fried. Invest in an oven is a good idea, so that you can make tasty namkeen home without preservatives and additives
[Read: healthy snacks during pregnancy ].
2. Fruit Snack n 'Nuts:
I'm so much better than artificially prepared Munch bites you get from supermarkets. Have fruits and nuts keep on hand to feed the Crave in you. Always eat fruit when you cut them, because they lose their nutrients soon.
3. Photo Therapy:
Put up a nice, large image of a curvy you, before pregnancy. The more you eat today, the harder it is hard to get back to shape after giving birth ... there, that will surely make you strong enough to escape the temptation of junk food.
4. Make reasonable choices:
If you are really, really difficult to resist, then you can give a little '- but do not take the regular habit! Treat yourself to that pizza, opt for a single slice or. snack on a chocolate once in a while, but do not do all this at 2 every two days.
It 'important that you must keep track of what you want to eat. If you can not, do not enlist the help of a family member or a friend to keep you away from junk food.
What is your food cravings 2:00? Let us know
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