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The seventh month marks the beginning of the third and final semester. From now until delivery, you may need to visit the doctor every two weeks. Read our post here and learn about the different changes that your baby and your body will go through seven months of pregnancy
seven months pregnant Symptoms :.
Now that you have started the home stretch, things get a little 'different. For example, somewhere around this month, you may experience a slight tightening of the muscles around the uterus. Some of the other common symptoms in the 7th month of pregnancy include:
- Braxton Hicks:
As the pregnancy progresses, it can be observed that the muscles around the uterus tighten. The condition will last anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute. Braxton Hicks, or 'false labor,' the contractions are a precursor of the true pain of labor and right. They are irregular, infrequent, and often painless. In fact, pregnant women, especially first time moms rarely notice them. No sure about the real reason for these spasms- muscle one is sometimes the hormones at work that send signals to the body to prepare for upcoming work. And sometimes, they occur because of a full bladder. Some women experience contractions after orgasm or sexual activity. The next time you have these contractions, try drinking water because dehydration also causes false labor. Changing position (Stand if you're sitting, or vice versa) also helps. Ideally, there is nothing to worry about Braxton Hicks contractions. But, contact your doctor immediately if you notice four or more contractions in an hour or if the contractions are accompanied by vaginal discharge
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- Increased Vaginal discharge:
Vaginal discharge is common and occurs due to various reasons (depending on the stage of pregnancy). In the earlier stages, help to prevent infections that travel from the vagina to the uterus. As the pregnancy progresses, your baby's head presses against the cervix causing a discharge. Sometimes, it may be heavy and be mistaken for urine. To avoid discomfort, wear a panty liner or a sanitary napkin, but not a tampon. Similarly, not douche the vaginal area as it disrupts the natural flora around the vagina which leads to an infection. vaginal wipes and washes should also be avoided. The drain must be clear and odorless; contact your doctor if the discharge is colored, smelly, or itchy. These are the symptoms of thrush- a common infection during
pregnancy[Read: ways to prevent vaginal thrush during pregnancy ].
- Leaky Breasts:
Some women may observe that their breasts leak a thick, creamy substance called colostrum. This is normal and no reason to worry. In fact, the body is preparing to feed the baby. While loses usually occurs in the third trimester, some women view them as early as the 5th month onwards. And some women continue to leak milk nearly two years after they stop eating. Breasts pads or nursing pads can help prevent an embarrassing situation.nine times out of ten, the breasts are leaking harmless. But, you may need to contact your doctor if you see the leaked milk bloodstained.
- Indigestion:
It is a symptom that begins from day one and continues until the last stages of labor. The hormones of pregnancy are at blame- that loosen the muscles throughout the gastrointestinal tract and digests food slowly. While you may feel discomfort, it is good for the baby because it allows a good absorption of nutrients. As the pregnancy progresses, the growing uterus puts enormous pressure on the stomach, causing digestive juices to splash back up leaving with a burning sensation. Remember to eat slowly, chewing each bite before swallowing. Eat six small meals instead of three meals also helps. Fiber-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, etc. are effective against indigestion. If constipation is a problem, talk with your doctor's prescription of laxatives and stool softener. As for home remedies, the kiwi is a good laxative juice
[Read: Home remedies for constipation in pregnancy ]
- Clumsiness:
It it is not easy to walk with a melon tied around the stomach 24 × 7. And there is also the difficulty of the growing weight management. pregnancy hormones slow the brain, making you susceptible to forgetfulness. Lack of sleep also contributes to the problem. If you worry about pregnancy induce these problems, remember to take a deep breath and relax. It is normal and not a cause for concern. What can you do, though, it is to note the important things that you are likely to forget. Also, remember to walk slowly to avoid falling
[Read: Forgetfulness during pregnancy ].
Body Changes:
As we discussed earlier, the body continues to gain enough weight. It is normal and, in fact, desirable. Burn fat at this stage also harms the child. Blood circulation also increased to provide enough nutrition for the baby. While the fetus continues to grow, your growing uterus pushes other organs, leaving you breathless and uncomfortable to times.
Common Concerns:
Although rare, premature birth can be a real threat at this stage. Children delivered this month have a good chance of survival, but will still need extra care in a neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU. This is because the baby's organs (particularly the lungs) are yet to mature to be able to function without the support. Depending on the week, the baby was born, he'll be classified as premature or severely premature. For example, babies born before 36 weeks are called premature, and those who are born before 28 weeks are called premature seriously. Some of the early warning signs of premature labor include severe bleeding accompanied with or without abdominal pain. Bleeding in this phase may indicate placenta previa, a condition in which the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix or placental abruption, a condition in which the placenta separates from the uterus. Instead of guessing, it makes sense to contact your doctor immediately if you notice the following symptoms:
- severe bleeding
- Four or more contraction within an hour
- severe abdominal pain
- puffiness in the face and hands
- An acute back pain or dizziness
- continuous and severe vomiting
[Read: Pregnancy Care 7th month ]
baby during the 7th month of pregnancy:
to seven months, your baby weighs about 1.5 pounds and measures about 16 inches from head to toe. You can feel and react to the sound. Unlike before, now it has a series of sleep pattern. His hands and fingers are developed and can be moved. In fact, he can suck his thumb- is good because it helps to strengthen the muscles of the jaw. And when he is not sucking his thumb, the child is probably busy kicking and stretching. By the end of the month, the eyelids can open allowing it to blink or turn away from bright light. The hair on the head is now more often than before. He continues to gain fat, especially around the arms and legs. The fat helps him to survive the temperature change outside the womb. But the child is not yet ready to be born
Diet :.
Your diet should include foods that not only the nutrient supply substances to the child, but also offer relief from some of the unwanted pregnancy symptoms. For example, include a lot of fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fiber to help you cope with hemorrhoids. Doctors recommend that your diet should include at least five servings of fruits and vegetables. Protein is another essential ingredient that helps the child to grow. Fish, lean meat, and eggs are good sources of meat. As for vegetarians, consider the ricotta cheese, nuts and lentils, because they are loaded with proteins. Contrary to popular opinion, seafood is good for pregnant women and lactating women but remember to avoid mercury-rich fish such as swordfish, king mackerel, etc.
regarding the fat, not more than 10% of daily caloric intake of a pregnant woman should come from saturated fat (less than 10% polyunsaturated fats). doctor suggest that monounsaturated fats (peanut oil, olive oil, sesame oil) is the best
[Read: 7 Month Pregnancy Diet ].
in mind:
For those of you who live in countries where the determination of the sex of the fetus is allowed, pregnancy seven months may be the time in which it is known, it is a male or a female. It ''s probably time for your partner and discuss circumcision (if the child is a boy). While some religions require that, for others, it is a matter of personal choice. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that circumcising benefits outweigh the risks associated with the practice. But the benefits are marginal and not significant enough. If you're doing, doctors recommend that you do it early to avoid complications (1)
Among other things that can keep you occupied, including thoughts of banking cord blood. Again, it is a personal choice that parents need to consider after weighing in their family history (health). The cord blood contains stem cells capable of reproducing themselves and also become another type of cell. These can be injected into patients undergoing chemotherapy or those suffering from leukemia to replenish the blood with healthy cells. But the cost of these banking cells is prohibitive, especially when the stem cells can be searched through bone marrow transplantation (2).
working mothers and those who plan to work after childbirth can think of child care. Now is the time to look for day care centers around your location. They are not cheap; so of course, you'd want to weigh the benefits before deciding on child care
. [Read: The risk of preterm labor ]
Advice for Dads-to-be:
at this point, the doctor would have said the baby at 7 months able to recognize the voices. No need to wait until he was born to connect with his son - sing a song or read a story aloud. Tell him that you love him very much and can not wait for him to arrive. And if you're shy to do this, simply rub the children tummy- your partner inside the womb can recognize your touch. In addition, it makes your wife happy as well. Some of the other things that you could do this month are:
- help her with the chores:
And 'more tired now than ever and has need help with chores like cooking and cleaning. If you can not cook to save his life, at least one bid to clean up after that did the cooking. You can also take the initiative to put in order. With all his energy drained after cooking or the management of itself, your partner may have little time to clean the house. If your skills are not polished on this front, try to hire a maid
- Be patient :.
Patience is what you need in abundance during pregnancy, especially during the last quarter. The hormones are making your partner forgetful, awkward and irritated. You might have forgotten to add salt to food, or vegetables may seem slightly undercooked. Instead of murmuring and complaining, add whatever you think is lacking or just eat without making a fuss. And if she is in a mood for a good laugh, try to bring a little 'humor in the situation (remember her mood swings though)
- to ask the type of aid needs .:
This is especially true for women who are house-proud and expect things to be done systematically. If she wants the house to be cleaned in a special way, follow his instructions. It may seem strange, but there will definitely be a method to his madness
- Loving your time together.
Of course, his friends and family are planning a baby shower, but how to have 'special shower'. It should not be too large. It should not be for the baby as well. A simple dinner with some roses or perfume is enough to make her feel appreciated. Speaking of baby showers, check with his friends and gently release tips if you think she will be uneasy about something that they are planning
[Read: rich in protein foods during Pregnancy ]
at the doctor's office:
This month, the doctor will examine you to determine the child's growth. It will control your weight, blood pressure, fetal heart rate, the size and shape of your uterus, and urine tests to look for signs of a bacterial infection. If you have been diagnosed Rh-negative, you'll be given a shot of an anti-D product.
So these are the general experiences of a woman in the seventh month of pregnancy. Were your 7-month pregnant experience different? Share your stories with us here
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