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Are It is uncertain about the accuracy of such kits for pregnancy tests at home OTC? Are you looking for some information on pregnancy tests done at home using natural ingredients? If you found yourself nodding along, consider reading the post below.
Here we list some interesting homemade kit home pregnancy tests that are efficient, inexpensive and easy to do!
Why you should try out a pregnancy test done at home Kit?
Before start making a home pregnancy test kit, you should understand why it is good for you and how it can help. Here are some reasons that can make a homemade pregnancy test kit a good option for you:
- In many cases, the kits for pregnancy tests that are available on the market are quite expensive. Although not cost too much as a single piece, the overall cost can be very high. It will be especially true if you're the type of person who wants to take a pregnancy test every time you have sexual intercourse with your partner.
- Sometimes, it may be difficult for you to find a pregnancy test kit. The reasons can be many. It may not be around a chemist shop, or home pregnancy test kits may not be available for some reason, or what is available can be updated or malfunctions. Even if you do not get a chance to go out and get another pregnancy test kit, you can always use the ingredients that are readily available in house to do one.
- Depending the circumstances, you may not want to let people know that you are looking for a kit for the pregnancy test. Using a pregnancy test kit will offer you also have the luxury of privacy.
- If you are a believer of natural methods and you do not want to use packaged products, using a kit for the pregnancy test done at home will ensure that you are using only natural ingredients to find out if She is pregnant.
- most of the home pregnancy test kits that are available at the pharmacy require you to wait until morning to check the urine sample. When you are extremely anxious or excited, it can be difficult to wait that long. If you are using a kit for the pregnancy test done at home, however, you can use it at any time of day or night without worrying that it will alter the result and give an incorrect reading
[Read: When to take a pregnancy test ]
in the home pregnancy test kit: How to make and tips:
Here are some of the most commonly used and most of the kits for the effective pregnancy test that can easily do at home. All kits for pregnancy tests indicated below can be made using natural ingredients that you can easily find in your kitchen, or at the local store. They are not expensive and do not take a lot of time and preparation. The best part about most of these kits for pregnancy tests done at home is that you can do as per your convenience and use them as and when necessary. So without further ado, here are some kits for pregnancy tests done at home that will help you get started:
1. The dandelion method:
The lion's method is one of most popular ways used in the manufacture of a kit for pregnancy tests done at home. It is considered an accurate test that will give you an accurate reading of whether or not you're pregnant. Here's how you can Dandelion leaves to create your pregnancy test recipe homemade:
How To:
- Before We are ready to take the test, drink plenty of water so that the bladder is full. You should be able to feel the pressure in the bladder and an urge to urinate immediately, which means that the bladder is really full.
- cut some fresh dandelion leaves and any place in a container that is preferably made of plastic and which can be eliminated after the test, if you want to do it. The only thing you must ensure is that the leaves and the container must not come into direct contact with sunlight.
- Once ready, urinate in plastic container and dandelion leaves. Make sure that you urinate all over the leaves, so that they are completely immersed in the urine.
- Let the dandelion leaves to remain submerged for at least ten minutes. Once the ten minutes are up, carefully check the leaves to see if there is any appearance of red bumps on it. If you do see any red bumps on the leaves, it means that the result is positive and that has pregnant.
[Leggi: steps to be careful of a urine test for pregnancy ]
2. The Pine Sol Method:
Pregnancy homemade kit method for sol pine test is another popular method to check pregnancy results at home. It has been used by women for many years and continues to be a favorite among women who want to use natural materials to test their pregnancy. Pine sol is formed by the combination of various natural ingredients such as branches, needles, cones and other parts of the pine. Here's how you can use pine sol to make your kits for pregnancy tests done at home:
How To:
- How sol pine has very strong anti-bacterial properties, you will have to make sure to use a container that is not porous.
- Before starting the test, make sure you do the pine sol by properly mixing various ingredients such as pine needles, cones, branches and so on. Place them in a rigid container. Take a good look at the pine sol to see the exact color of the mix, as it will play an important role in the pregnancy test result of understanding. If you are not too sure that you will be able to tell the difference later, it may take a little 'of pine sol and keep it in part, outside of the container. After completing the pregnancy test, you can use this example to pine sol compare the result.
- Drink plenty of water so that the bladder is full. You should be able to feel the pressure in the bladder and an urge to urinate immediately, which means that the bladder is really full.
- Once ready, urinate on the pine sol and make you urinate everywhere. The sol pine should get completely immersed in urine.
- Now wait for ten minutes and let the pine sol remain soaked in urine. After the ten minutes are up, take a look at Sol pine which is located within the container and submerged in urine. If you think that the color of pine sol changes now, it means that you're pregnant. If you are not sure, check out the Pine Sol as it is kept out of the beginning of the test container. Will clearly give you an idea of whether or not there is a change in the natural color of the pine sol
. [Read: false HOME Positive Pregnancy Test Results ]
3. The Bleach method:
By using the bleach method to verify whether or not you are pregnant is also a very popular way to make a pregnancy test kits homemade. Bleach is readily available in most homes, and can also be easily found in many local stores. Here's how you can do a pregnancy test done at home with bleach:
How To:
- Make sure you located in a space that is not too stuffy or runny, like the bleach fumes, when inhaled, it can make you feel dizzy or nauseous.
- Take a container that is large enough to mix the urine and bleach. Before starting the test, drink plenty of water so that the bladder is full. You should be able to feel the pressure in the bladder and an urge to urinate immediately, which means that the bladder is really full.
- Once ready, urinate into the container and add bleach to it as well. Be sure to mix the urine and bleach correctly so that there are no lumps formed. After mixing the bleach and urine, take a good look and see if you notice a layer of foam or some foamy substance in the container. If you notice a little 'foam, it means that you are pregnant
. [Read: better ways to detect pregnancy ]
4. The method of toothpaste:
Toothpaste is an element that is found in every home, no matter where you live! As is easily available, it is one of the most popular choices ingredients to make a home pregnancy test kit. The other handy thing is that no matter what kind of toothpaste you use, as long as it is white, you can use for your pregnancy test kit homemade. Here's how you can do a pregnancy test done at home with toothpaste at home:
How To:
- In a container that is large enough to mix the toothpaste and your urine sample, add a spoonful of toothpaste.
- Before you are ready to take the test, drink plenty of water so that the bladder is full. You should be able to feel the pressure in the bladder and an urge to urinate immediately, which means that the bladder is really full.
- Once ready, urinating in a small container and then take a little 'of this urine sample and add it to the container in which you have the toothpaste.
- Check the box to see if the toothpaste becomes blue or frothy. If it does, it means that you're pregnant.
- The only disadvantage that may be encountered when attempting this particular method of making a kit for home pregnancy test is that there is no proper instruction on how much urine champion you should take. In addition, there is a proper instruction on how long to wait before checking the toothpaste to see if it changes color or no
[Read: symptoms of the common pregnancy after a missed period ]
5. The method of vinegar:
vinegar is another common kitchen ingredient that can be easily found in most homes, and in case you do not have to hand, you can also collect it at your nearest grocery store. The easy availability of vinegar is also a reason it's such a popular ingredient in in pregnancy test kits homemade methods. Here's how you can use vinegar to make the pregnancy test done at home with vinegar:
How To:
- before you get ready to take the test, drink plenty of water so that the bladder is full. You should be able to feel the pressure in the bladder and an urge to urinate immediately, which means that the bladder is really full.
- For this particular method of kits for pregnancy tests done at home, you will have to use a container that is made of plastic. Also, be sure to use only white vinegar for this test and not those that are brown in color, as it can affect the outcome of the pregnancy test results unless the vinegar is white.
- when ready, urinating in a small container from which you can then take some urine sample.
- Add a small amount of vinegar in a plastic container, such as a plastic cup. Now take a urine sample from a little container that previously urinated. Add this to the plastic cup in which was added the vinegar and give it a good mix.
- During mixing, if you notice the presence of bubbles in the container, do not worry because it is perfectly fine. Now take a look at the color of vinegar. If the vinegar has changed color, it means that you are pregnant
[Read: Positive pregnancy test but no symptoms ].
6. The method Sugar:
Sugar is an ingredient that will be easy to find in any home and any kitchen, no matter where you are, and even if you run out of it, you can always go out and get it from your local store. As is easily available and is almost always in action, sugar is also one of the most popular ingredients that are used to make a home pregnancy test kit. Here's how you can make your very own kit for pregnancy tests done at home using this otherwise simple ingredient everyday:
How To:
- When you want to use sugar as the pregnancy test kit made at home, the only thing you must remember is that you can use to test only in the morning. The urine that is passed in the morning is more concentrated compared with urine will pass subsequently throughout the day. As a result, using the morning urine for the method of kits sugar for the pregnancy test done at home will give you the best result.
- Before you are ready to take the test, drink a lot of water so that the bladder is full. You should be able to feel the pressure in the bladder and an urge to urinate immediately, which means that the bladder is really full.
- Take a bowl in which you will easily be able to mix the sugar and urine. Now add two to three tablespoons of sugar in the bowl.
- Once you can feel the pressure in the bladder, urinating directly into the bowl. Notice how the sugar reacts when added urine on it. If you notice that sugar has started to melt, it means that you are not pregnant and that the test was found to be negative. On the other hand, if you notice that sugar has started to form clots inside the container, means that the test result is positive and you are pregnant
[Read: Simple ways to confirm pregnancy without doing a test ]
7. The method of soap:
Soap is yet another ingredient that you will easily find in the house and practically everywhere you are. It 'also very comfortable to use soap as an ingredient for the pregnancy test kit homemade as you can just break a piece of soap you use on a daily basis and use it for testing. The best part of using the soap for this test is the fact that you can use virtually any type of soap, and the color, the smell or the type does not matter. All you need is a piece of soap, and you can make your own kit for easy home pregnancy test. Here's how you can do:
How To:
- Before you are ready to take the test, drink a lot of water so that the bladder is full. You should be able to feel the pressure in the bladder and an urge to urinate immediately, which means that the bladder is really full.
- Take your soap and break a piece by itself. Make sure it's not too small as it will make it difficult to use. Keep it large enough so that you can easily hold in your hand and can also see the result, once you run the test.
- Take a bowl in which you will easily be able to mix the sugar and urine. Now add two to three tablespoons of sugar in the bowl.
- Once you can feel the pressure in the bladder, urinating directly into the bowl. Notice how the sugar reacts when added urine on it. If you notice that sugar has started to melt, it means that you are not pregnant and that the test was found to be negative. On the other hand, if you notice that sugar has started to form clots inside the container, means that the test result is positive and you are pregnant
[Read: How to know when you are ovulating ]
8. The method of mustard powder:
mustard powder is a very common ingredient in some cuisines from around the world, and if you have at home, you can try and use it as the main ingredient in pregnancy test kits homemade. Today mustard powder is also available in a lot of grocery stores, and if you want you can try and buy some 'in advance to be used later for testing. The mustard powder pregnancy test if you missed the date on which it should have your monthly period to have begun. Remember that there is always the possibility that your menstrual period could be delayed a couple of days here and there, so you may have to wait a few days before attempting the test. Once you are sure that you have lost your date of menstruation, and you have recently had sexual intercourse, you can definitely try the test. After you got your mustard powder bid, here's how you can use to do a pregnancy test done at home that works:
How To:
- boil a large amount of water so that it will be enough to add to a bath. After filling the bathtub with a good amount of hot water that will be enough for you to get in, add the mustard in fresh powder.
- Next, gently get in the tub and soak your body in mustard powder and mix hot water for about 15 to 20 minutes. Once the time is up, drain the water and take a shower with plain water.
- If you start bleeding the next two or three days, it means that you are not pregnant. In case you do not start the menstrual cycle in the coming two or three days, it probably means you're pregnant.
While all of the pregnancy test kit home made above have been used by many women and appear to be very popular, remember that there is no guarantee that the results are accurate. To be sure, it is best to consult your doctor and get a blood test that will give you the most accurate results related to their pregnancy.
Moms, have any of you tried these home remedies for pregnancy test to see if you were pregnant? If yes, do not share your experiences with us. Leave a comment below
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