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The trip could be for business, pleasure, a family occasion or an emergency situation, but if it is inevitable, what to do?
suddenly you need to travel during pregnancy? You are in a dilemma, not knowing whether it is advisable or not? Well, the golden rule is that, since every pregnancy is unique; consult your doctor before taking this decision. Only your doctor alone knows how much at risk you and your child and what a way to travel during pregnancy suit you the best.
When the doctor could say no to Travel:
It it is important to consider the risks associated with traveling during pregnancy, and you can better understand from your doctor. If he / she says you have some complications and asks not to travel, so please do not
Here are some situations in which your doctor may advise you to avoid traveling during the first weeks of pregnancy :.
a. history of preterm birth or Miscarriage:Sponsored
If you've had a miscarriage in the past or someone in your family experienced miscarriage, you must be very careful. You may not be able to prevent a preterm birth, because it is difficult to detect, but it can definitely provide a healthy and safe pregnancy
In addition to having a healthy diet and taking pre -. maternity wards, you should limit heavy exercise and stroke during pregnancy. You must meet as often as doctor for a physical examination and tests to see the status of the pregnancy. You need to rest, if you want a healthy baby. You also need to take preventive medications such as weekly shots of a type of progesterone hormone called hydroxyprogestrone caproate (Makena) during the second quarter.
also using vaginal progesterone gel during the second and third trimester of pregnancy can reduce the risk of preterm labor, especially in women with a short cervix. So it is important not to miss your weekly shots and visits to the doctor. So the trip is definitely on the list.
b. Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets or more):
twins and triplets are usually born so early it is important to talk with your doctor, the midwife on birth options. If you are due to have a multiple pregnancy it is important to pay particular attention. Generally twins and triplets are born before 38 weeks; more than half of all twin pregnancies go beyond 37 weeks. Nearly 75% of triplets are born before 35 years.
So, of course, the doctor will say not to travel in this delicate condition during the third quarter. Since you can enter at any time of the work and it is better to take precautionary measures to stay home and take rest.
c. High Blood Pressure:
If you develop high blood pressure or hypertension during pregnancy, it is important that you take precautions and sufficient rest. Since, high blood pressure can cause complications during childbirth. In general, high blood pressure occurs during conception or during pregnancy.
High blood pressure during pregnancy poses several risks such as decreased blood flow to the placenta. Thus the fetus is deprived of oxygen and nutrients needed for development. This is a reason behind low birth weight. High blood pressure can cause detachment of the placenta, or the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall. This is a serious condition because it can cause severe bleeding in the mother and deprive the fetus of oxygen. A little 'pressure can cause premature birth to avoid all the complications life threatening. If women develop preeclampsia and high in protein in the urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy then there is a high probability that you develop the cardiovascular disease later in life, even if the pressure back to normal after pregnancy.
Chronic Hypertension generally begins before pregnancy and lasts more than 12 weeks after giving birth. Gestational hypertension develops 20 weeks after pregnancy is diagnosed. It is temporary and disappears after childbirth. Sometimes both chronic and gestational hypertension can cause preeclampsia; it is a serious condition that can cause life threatening complications at birth. If you have headaches, blurred vision, abdominal pain on the right side, sudden weight gain and edema or swelling, or hands and feet it is a sure sign of preeclampsia and needs immediate medical attention.
And 'better take the rest and maintain a calm mind you are suffering from hypertension. Exclude all as rest and maintain good health should be the priority. Travel will tire out and can further complicate the situation.
d. Placental abnormalities:
If you are suffering from placental abruption, this means that the placenta detaches from the uterine wall suddenly posing danger to both mother and child. Even placenta previa, placenta or hollows able to block the mouth of the cervix; this is also a serious pregnancy complication which must be resolved.
The woman experiences heavy bleeding if you have both placental praevia or placental attachment. So it's not a wise idea to travel in this delicate condition and themselves subjected to more discomfort. placental disruptions represent a risk to both the fetus and the mother's health, so it is important to stay home and take rest and medication. So you need to focus on the treatment of these conditions.
and. Gestational diabetes:
If a woman develops diabetes during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Nearly 2-10% of pregnant women develop diabetes or high blood sugar.
In general the food we eat is broken down into glucose, the insulin produced by the pancreas helps to utilize glucose as fuel to run the normal body process. If the pancreas does not produce sufficient amounts of glucose or the cells in the body can not respond to insulin and glucose in the body is not used and automatically increases the levels of sugar in the blood. Hormonal changes in the body make the cells less sensitive to insulin, thus increasing the risk of gestational diabetes.
Even if you have not developed gestational diabetes and you have a family history of diabetes then you need to be very careful. Since diabetes during pregnancy can cause birth complications.So avoid traveling if you have gestational diabetes as it is necessary sufficient rest.
f. Incompetent cervix:
There is no definitive cause behind incompetent cervix. It can happen due to uterine or placental abnormalities, extensive cervical biopsy, exposure to the drug DES and the previous childbirth can weaken cervix.A weak cervix increases the risk of complications during childbirth further. It 'important to get immediate medical care and take medications if needed. It 'important to take bed rest if you have incompetent cervix.
Generally incompetent cervix is diagnosed by manual examination or vaginal ultrasound. Almost 20-25% of pregnancy is aborted due to incompetent cervix during the second quarter. If the cervical opening is more than 2.5 cm, and if the length of the cervix has reduced to 20 mm then the doctor will write out as incompetent cervix. The channeling of the cervix is also a sign of incompetent cervix. If you suffer from incompetent cervix will experience heavy discharge and heaviness in the pelvis. This happens when a dilated cervix feels the pressure exerted by the water bag.
A dilated cervix does not cause pain unless there is a break in the membrane which triggers the onset of labor. When the bag of water passes through the birth canal she leans out of the cervix. This was serious and is often undetected until premature birth or birth takes place. So it is best to avoid traveling in the third quarter to reduce the risk of preterm labor and premature birth. You can not actually prevent really, but can guarantee a safe pregnancy by taking adequate rest.
g. The history of bleeding during pregnancy:
Heavy vaginal bleeding may happen during pregnancy. Although spotting is normal in the first quarter, but it is not the same as vaginal bleeding caused due to complications of the placenta and intrauterine birth. If you are already experiencing bleeding during pregnancy will be prudent to drop the idea of a holiday and a long distance.
h. Pre-eclampsia or ectopic pregnancy:
historyIf you experience bleeding and discomfort due to preeclampsia and intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy is not safe to travel at all. When the embryo implants itself on the wall of the fallopian tube instead of the uterus or pelvic cavity or the womb, then there is an ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy can cause a rupture of the fallopian tube and can be life threatening for both the mother and the baby.Also if the mother is suffering from preeclampsia along with ectopic pregnancy, then it is a serious condition and total bed rest is recommended by the doctor to ensure safe delivery. If the woman has already suffered a miscarriage due to an ectopic pregnancy even then the journey is not a good idea.
In addition to these, there could be other reasons why your doctor may prohibit any trip during pregnancy. In the event that none of these complications exist, the doctor may allow to travel during pregnancy. Most of the travel permit physicians in the second quarter, but may request to avoid it in the first and third quarters
Some Dos and Don'ts for Travelling during pregnancy :.
Luckily for you, if you have a healthy pregnancy and are about to travel, follow these tips to ensure that you are better prepared.
- not pack your medical records containing the report last ultrasound, your prescription and prenatal records.
- DO consider getting travel insurance to make room for any complications.
- Do not hold the additional drugs.
- DO share contact information of the physician with the people traveling with you.
- DO ask your doctor about any vaccinations you need.
- NOT lift heavy luggage.
- Do not use any new medication purchased in a foreign nation.
Air Travel - How to ensure the safety:
for women with complications above, air travel is probably the safest way to travel. It keeps the body stationary, it does not involve abrupt stop and jerks and takes less time than other methods. Here are some rational advice for those who plan to travel by plane during pregnancy program:
a. Before take-off:
Pack All necessary medications and even some ORS sachets and antacids; wear comfortable shoes roomy to accommodate any swelling and wear loose clothing.
b. Upon check-in:
Request an aisle seat (to make run to the bathroom every 10 minutes easier) and a place near the exit (the extra room gives you more leg space); ask to be searched manually or via wand in place of the scanning machine.
c. In The Air: ..
- Wear your seat belt constantly
- Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration
- Do ankle and leg stretches during long flights to avoid the risk of swelling of the feet and, more seriously, clotting due to high pressure in the cabin.
- If possible, go around after every hour.
- the most important thing, do not hesitate to ask for help if you feel nauseous, dizzy and disoriented.
Air travel may be uncomfortable for women in their third trimester, as many airlines have special arrangements for them. In addition, you might feel a bit 'uncomfortable move.
The most important thing is to remember not to put the unborn child at any unnecessary risk. Read, listen to music, think calming thoughts and catch up on some 'sleep. If at all you feel the need, visit a doctor to landing
Travel - How to feel comfortable Over the Miles :.
there car is another option that fits most women during pregnancy, especially if traveling over short distances. Car racing protects travelers from the long check-in time typically involved in air transport. There is no risk of high-altitude sickness as opposed to air travel. car travel is also more convenient as you can take intermittent stops and also go back (or stop at a convenient place) if something goes wrong. Here are some things to keep in mind while traveling by car during pregnancy
a. Preparing for the Unit:
If you need to drive into the city or to another destination, always keep a copy of your prenatal records in the car. Carry a working cell phone and, preferably, turn on the GPS (if possible) to simplify the monitoring
[Read: And 'safe to travel by car during pregnancy ].
b. On The Road:
Once on the road, here are a few must-do notes:
- always keep your seatbelt hooked under the belly
- If . I'm the one driving the car, move the seat as far back as possible
- Move the seat all the way back if you are the passenger.
- drink plenty of fluids, especially if you travel during pregnancy, on a hot day and keep munching something to prevent nausea.
- Stop occasionally and stretch your ankles and feet.
- Keeping a small pillow between your back and the seat to prevent back pain later.
If there is even a small accident, check if you have bleeding or contractions, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
c. At destination:
After a long trip, try to get a little 'rest before anything else. Rehydrate the body and have a light snack. Avoid another long trip without having ample rest. Although car travel is safe but there is always the possibility of sudden jerks and stops. If the roads are bad, they are sure to have an uncomfortable time. Intra-city travel in cars usually do not face any major problems with nausea and can easily be done with a little 'more attention
Travel Sea - cruise with your belly :.
So, choose to take a cruise during pregnancy? And 'totally fine as long as you do not suffer more from sore normal sea. If you feel comfortable and confident, by all means, take the long-planned cruise and enjoy! Some tips for planning and follow in the course of a sea voyage during pregnancy:
a. Before you go:
- Pack extra doses of all drugs be enough for the entire trip
- Keep your prenatal records and prepare a diet chart of things that can and can not eat kitchen of the ship.
- Check the whole program of the cruise, including the time between the port stops. Check and verify the security measures on board the ship.
, refer to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Office to verify that the ship has cleared all inspections, whether in the United States. Or check with any other respective preventive control offices in the country you have chosen for the cruise.
b. Cruise:
- not stay on deck for too long to avoid sunburn and overheating
- Stay hydrated
- Eating nutritious food
- You have a lot of space to walk - take walks 30 minutes a day
c .. things to avoid: ..
- avoid eating seafood as it contains mercury methyl that may hinder the development of the fetal brain
- avoid slippery places where you can slip and fall
- avoid having local food stops at the harbor.
- avoid swimming in public pools to avoid the risk of infection, opt for a private pool or hot tub instead.
- to avoid all kinds of water sports and adventure sports.
d. At the end:.
On disembarking, visit your doctor for all that is disturbed during the trip
And 'safe to travel during pregnancy
Like most? Doctors suggest, train travel is the best bet you if you are pregnant. There are no sudden or jerky turns, stopping and starting of the train is sweet and not jarring. If you are in a sleeping car, you have plenty of leg room and even a place to lie down. There are plenty of people around to help if needed, and train travel does not trigger nausea, even in the first quarter! Some things to keep in mind for rail transport are:
a. Before leaving:
- book a ticket on the train with fewer stops
- Pack a pillow or a pillow to support your back
- Try reserving .. a bottom bunk more easily to rest.
- to the platform, looking for help to get your luggage on board.
- If you are traveling by car chair, inform the TTE of your condition and ask to be given a place near the toilet.
- Avoid traveling alone, if possible.
- not try to get on a moving train!
- rest your legs, feet and back as possible
- Avoid buying food from vendors, purchase fresh fruit instead
- do not get off at the station stops .. ; try not to move between two coaches, or use the bathroom, while the train is moving.
- Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
- Flex your legs and walk them every so often to prevent swelling in the legs and feet.
- Allow others to get off first to avoid the rush.
- Ask a porter to take your luggage.
- wary of slippery steps, while landing.
b. On the way: ..
- rest your legs, feet and back as far as possible
- Avoid buying food from vendors, purchase fresh fruit instead
- Do not get off the train stops; try not to move between two coaches, or use the bathroom, while the train is moving.
- Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
- Flex your legs and walk them every so often to prevent swelling in the legs and feet.
- Allow others to get off first to avoid the rush.
- Ask a porter to take your luggage.
- wary of slippery steps, while landing.
c. While off: ..
- Allow others to get off first to avoid the rush
- Ask a porter to take your luggage
- wary of slippery steps, while the landing.
More tips for traveling while pregnant:
Those who are traveling to the developing countries should be vaccinated against typhoid. However, some vaccines are harmful to the fetus developing. Some vaccines are safe, because they have not been tested on pregnant women. In general all the live viral vaccines such as mumps and measles should be totally avoided during pregnancy. Some vaccines for yellow fever can be administered under medical supervision after the first quarter. But it is not safe to travel in developing countries during pregnancy, especially if the immune system is not very strong. Store all reserved for pregnancy travel.
If you are aged above 35 years and you happen to be first time pregnant, it is best to avoid traveling.
And 'better not to travel to tropical countries during pregnancy because pregnant women can come into contact with the malarial infection as a result of the bite from a mosquito. Since malaria increases the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage and premature birth. Even anti-malarial drugs such as doxycycline are potentially harmful to the child. So, avoid traveling in areas prone malaria.
restricted movement inside the bus, car, plane or in any other way to travel during pregnancy can cause deep vein thrombosis. (DVT) or blood clots in the deep veins of the legs. These clots can move and can stay in other parts of the body such as the lungs.
The risk of DVT increases if you are obese, had DVT in the past or have a family history of DVT. Deep vein thrombosis is very common and becomes more acute with long-distance travel. If this travel plan is very important and can not be avoided, it is best to wear below-knee elastic compression stockings, discuss your travel plans with your doctor and write a list of things to do and not do, and strictly follow. Take frequent exercises for the legs, if you are traveling by air then walk inside the aircraft to ensure proper blood circulation. Also avoid dehydration, but avoid caffeine and alcohol altogether.
Travel during a healthy pregnancy is not a problem at all, if you take everything possible precautions.The second trimester is the safest time to travel if your doctor gives you permission to travel. But above all, remember that no trip or journey, for any reason, is worth more than the safety of your unborn child. So, follow your doctor's instructions, while planning a trip. In case of doubt or when the travel program can be postponed, always program after the baby has arrived.
in order to have a safe and happy pregnancy. Do not forget to have fun during pregnancy, despite all the problems is the best time for all women, and will cherish these sweet and loving memories of pregnancy as a result of
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