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You try wearing the perfect jeans and discover that it is not possible the button. Oh, the joy that flows through your being! Finally, the small bump is here. No matter how you peer into the mirror, you can never get your belly is doing enough of that cute pout. For many, that drop could just be invisible, but you can hear and see. No one knows your body like you do. You can be happy for the way in which they appear the breast; which could be another reason why it is attracted toward the mirror.
Although on the outside it seems to be a small bump, inside your body, ligaments and muscles are stretching painfully so that your growing baby will have enough room. Wear clothes that do not hinder this in any case. Things have eased a bit 'with your body to adapt to changes in recent weeks. Your energy will make a comeback, with nausea and vomiting get to the backstage. If you're still feeling nauseous and tired, just wait a bit 'more. It may be one of those women who need a bit 'of time to get out of the pregnancy symptoms. Every woman is unique and will have its own time for the changes to take place in her body.
changes in your Body:
Your uterus has filled up your pelvic region and is expanding in your abdomen. This will create a small bump on the belly, that you have been waiting to see. This is the ultimate proof of the growing baby in the comfort of your womb.
All those that attack the early pregnancy symptoms are withdrawal march last. Sooner or later you get rid of them. But then there are new, though less problematic ones that make their appearance this week.
Symptoms 14 weeks of pregnancy and Signs:Sponsored
- Abdominal pain due to expanding uterus. Although the body is prepared for the changes it undergoes during pregnancy and children, you have to suffer aches and pains as a part of the pregnancy. We should not even talk about the pain of labor yet. All is forgotten once you hear the baby crying. The ligaments surrounding the uterus do not expand so easily. Whole dilate will cause pain in your abdomen.
- The child is growing in the belly, how it might affect your eyes? But it does. If you are one of those women who wear contact lenses, then you would see that do not fit you right now. Pregnancy changes the shape of your eyes, and also reduces the production of tears. The easy way out is to go back to glasses if you have a prescription contact lenses or give in style if you wear contact lenses for cosmetic purposes.
- Where are the keys? It was the doctor's appointment yesterday or tomorrow? Because you're going to the doctor anyway? If these are the thoughts float through your mind, do not worry. They are not losing your mind, but you go through what is known in common terms like 'the fog pregnancy'. The condition may worsen during the third quarter, when the volume of brain cells is greatly reduced. The condition corrects itself after birth. For now, just take precautions, just as a person would forgetful. Do lists, put down the notes, and alarms and reminders.
- The hunger pangs torment now that the nausea has subsided. No more getting away from food or vomit at the sight of them. In fact you can start eating more than you were before being pregnant. The growth acceleration of your child, it is zooming away like car F1 race, makes you hungrier than ever. Maintain healthy fruit snacks stacked in the pantry and refrigerator so that you can munch on something healthy when hunger pangs attack.
- celebrate the return of your energy from your exercises, those that you have been procrastinating doing, because of extreme fatigue in the first quarter. Walking, swimming, or start yoga, which is very good for you and your baby.
- If you suddenly see a crown of glory on top of your head, do not be surprised. thicker and shinier hair is one of the positive symptoms of 14 weeks of pregnancy you may notice. If you are the beneficiary, you just leave it down and enjoy it while it lasts
changes in your child :.
your womb is protective feed the child, encouraging her to grow and develop at a fast pace. Although there may be a storm raging in your body due to hormonal changes, the child is alive and growing in peace in the environment environment.
Your child likes to put his thumb in his mouth and probably try to suck this week. This is an exercise to work the muscles that will help her to swallow and breathe after birth. Muscles are yet to be developed, but what's the harm in trying. This is the attitude that the child has!
She is able to make fists with the fingers that are showcasing the newly developed prints on them. The ridges are clearly visible even if they appeared only a week ago.
The bones of the body are beginning to harden now with calcium deposits. It will be necessary to increase the intake of calcium in this week because the next two months will be dedicated time for bone development.
is lifting up the chin, that does not need to rest on the chest more, since the neck has developed and grown in length. Soon the neck divide the head from the trunk, making the child look more prominent.
Her face can now do actions like grimacing, frowning or squinting in response to stimuli or just to exercise the facial muscles. It will go from one expression to others any time. The act will be repeated in his years outside your womb.
His kidneys are producing urine and secrete into the amniotic fluid. She is drinking amniotic fluid to secrete more urine and will do so at a frequency of twice per hour. Fortunately, this is a harmless natural process that helps in the development of its excretory system. The urine passes the child at this stage is nothing like what we expel from our body.
The fuzz covering his skin is to keep your skin safe and her hot body. He can move his toes every time they need to move. The reflections of his muscles improve. It allows the exercise to build his small body, but can not yet feel the movement because of its small size.
The hair on his scalp and eyebrows are still quite prominent for you to see. The placenta provides all the nutrients needed for its development and growth. The rich network of blood vessels present in the placenta functions as life support system of your baby. Remember, again, that what you eat will affect your baby directly.
The placenta assists its growth by taking into amino acids by the system. Amino acids are essential to make up most of the proteins that helps the organs and muscles of the child develop.
The large vein of the umbilical cord provide nourishment and oxygen-rich blood to your baby. There are also two smaller arteries that are responsible for the transport of waste products and carbon dioxide from the infant's body to the placenta. The placenta will then treat the waste.
Your child needs antibodies to fight any kind of infection. The placenta to time supplies from the body all the antibodies that are required by your child fight infections.
has almost doubled its body weight in the last week. His body is developing at a faster pace than the head now. His arms have grown to a length that is in proportion to the rest of the body by the end of week 14. His legs are still lagging. Her limbs are almost ½ inch long.
The liver produces bile and spleen began its production of RBC (red blood cells). His intestines are producing meconium in very small quantities. The meconium is passed from his body after his birth.
If you go for an ultra sound scan this week, will be a pleasure to watch your girlfriend do his little tricks like putting your thumb in her mouth, clench his fists and open, spread his fingers , thrash and move his limbs in her uterus. It has the ability to grasp an object now. You might take her making facial expression or thumb sucking if you are lucky. The heartbeat is also clearly visible and audible, now, the rate is almost twice as yours that is normal for her
Size of your child :.
tighten fists and hold them in front of you. Now the baby is swimming inside your protective uterus is almost of that size; almost 3 ½ inches (8 ½ to 9 cm) from top to bottom length and weighs about 1.5 ounces or 40-45 gr. is not she growing at an astonishing speed? No wonder they are going through all the strange symptoms and hunger pangs at this stage
Care and suggestions for the 14th week of pregnancy :.
Includes more cheese, milk and dairy products, seeds, meat and nuts in your diet because they are rich source of protein, one of the most essential nutrients for your child now along with soccer.
to lighten the situation, you can only try window shopping for your child now. The market has so many special things for children, imagining that their use will itself lift your mood to the skies. As you have enough power now, you can afford to spend on some relaxing unnecessary activities, just for fun.
If you are a working woman, it is time you announce your pregnancy week 14. You can then enjoy all the attention or concessions may be obtained by colleagues understanding. It 'also important for you to plan your future as a working mom. Make sure that the working environment is not harmful to you or the child either physically or mentally.
If you travel frequently, make sure it is safe for you. Avoid shortcuts that can be erratic and cause unwanted trauma for the child.
Maintain your health with good sanitation and nutritious food. Eat food that will give a boost to your immunity. Although visiting your sick relative in the hospital is very nice gesture on your part, it should be a medium relative to when you are pregnant. No good will is worth a nasty infection for you when you are pregnant. Also keep away from your husband, if you have doubts about whether he can bring some infections. Prevention is better than cure.
continue with Kegel, as you need strong pelvic muscles all throughout your pregnancy. Find out if there are yoga training centers pregnant nearby. They could be very helpful to you. Although there are many available video tutorials, it is best to do the exercises under a very experienced coach during the 14th week of pregnancy.
Do not forget to spend some 'alone time communicating with your child. The experience can be one of the nicest you will ever experience in your entire life
[Rintraccialacrescitadelbambino: date of birth Calendar ].
Tips for dad-to-be:
Sit down for a serious discussion with your partner about the changes taking place in your life soon enough. There will be things such as maternity leave, baby names, and nursery for the baby when it arrives and many other important issues that should be solved. Do it whenever you have time.
If your partner decides to be a working mom, she should say, how can you be supportive of her. Also, be frank about their limits. Castles in the air do not need
Remember to carefully follow all the advice and will care for the changes to take place in your body when you are 14 weeks of pregnancy
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