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You are now 3 rd week of pregnancy, which means that it is more than 14 days from the 1 st day of the menstrual cycle of the previous month. At this point the ovulation and fertilization of the egg or has taken place or is about to happen soon enough. The end of the 2 ND week and early 3 rd week is a high fertile period for women. If you are not one of those lucky couples for whom pregnancy happened naturally; this would be the time to groped luck.
wrong timing and wrong sexual positions can drive the stork away. This is the moment when the lucky sperm among the approximately 250 million manage to fertilize the egg in the fallopian tube. Your true pregnancy after conception lasts only 38 weeks, and 3 weeks pregnant would be the real beginning of pregnancy
changes in your body :.
There are no obvious symptoms, signs or changes in your body. In fact, no one even knows she is pregnant in the 3 rd week. But there are many changes that take place within your body to felicitate the proper development of your child. At this stage you will go through ovulation, fertilization, germ period and the phase of pregnancy implantation
[Rintraccialacrescitadelbambino: date of birth Calendar ]
What happens during ovulation?
In 3 weeks pregnant, unknown to you, your uterus is enthusiastically preparing for the baby. After the oogenesis process, the egg is finally matured raptures away from the ovary. As the egg is powerless to be motionless, it is dragged into the fallopian tube by the fimbria which is a fringe of tissue that covers the end of the fallopian tubes. The ovary and fallopian tubes are not directly connected; hence the fimbriae play an important role in the transport of the egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tube.
During ovulation, the fimbriae gently touch the ovary in a sweeping motion, causing the egg to move. The egg is then transported from the broad movement of the fimbriae in the fallopian tube. It 'amazing that only a fimbria known as ovarian fimbria reaches the ovary, which is very important in bringing the egg to the fallopian tubes. If this thin wire line can not do its job, you will not be able to conceive.
On the other hand, the uterus prepares to nourish and protect the fertilized egg. The endometrium, also commonly known as the uterine wall thickens to felicitate the embryo embedding in it. The whole process is accompanied by a large increase in FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) that is released by the pituitary gland.
What's even more surprising is the fact that, even if you don 't believe this is happening in your body every month, if you are trying to conceive or not. But the only difference is that if the egg is fertilized the process continues to felicitate pregnancy, if not change your body in preparation for the menstrual period
Although this happens very quietly, unnoticed by anyone, the ovum fertilization by a sperm is one of the most magical events that take place in your life. This is the time when the baby comes to life. The bulb, which is the larger region of your fallopian tubes, where it is the union of egg and your partner's sperm takes place.
From the point of view of cell, fertilization of the egg by sperm could be a very chaotic event that takes place inside your body. The egg with a duration of just 24 hours waiting motionless in ampoule for the sperm to arrive.
When ejaculation occurs, millions of sperm travel through the vagina to reach the fallopian tubes. Only a couple of hundred of them reach their destination, while others lose the race. Among them, the lucky few reach the egg in the fallopian tube and surround with the hope to get a chance at life. This moment will determine whether born as a loving child or die as a single cell.
The egg which is waiting for fertilization does not make the process any easier for the sperm. It is covered with gelatin as layer to be broken by tiny sperm. The fiercely competing sperm trying to break into the head before releasing an enzyme from their acrosomes.
The enzyme then eventually break the egg membrane, and only one sperm can penetrate the cell membrane and, although there will be others vying for that honor. When a sperm enters the egg finally officially pregnant. It 'amazing to know that the fertilization process takes almost 18 hours to complete
The Germinal period :.
A germinal period is the time between the fusion of two cells of gametes and embryo implantation in the uterus. For almost a day, there is no change taking place in fertilized egg in your body. And 'only after nearly 30 hours of fertilization, the zygote divides first through mitosis to become a double-celled organism. In addition, both the cells divide changes into four single-celled organisms and the process continues with further divisions. The division and multiplication process continues rapidly around the germinal period. This process will finally lead to the development of the child in your womb, which initially was only a single-celled organism.
For about 72 hours the zygote reproduces rapidly to achieve a multi-cell stage. This phase is usually referred to as Morula. Following this, comes four days of rapid cell division, and a mass of cells is formed, which will be known as the blastocyst . At this stage the child will embed itself in the comfort uterus.
Implantation In Utero:
After fertilization, the zygote embarks on his journey to safely reach your uterus. Without their movement is driven by hair-like structures known as cilia that line the fallopian tubes.
The zygote takes almost a day to travel from the fallopian tube toward the uterus, but not yet implanted in the uterus. At this stage, the child has a 40% chance of developing into an embryo, since almost 60% of conceptions fail when the zygote is unable to properly implant itself in the uterus. It is not known about this at all, since it will be followed by another menstrual period as usual.
Sometimes the fertilized egg in the fallopian tube is blocked and does not reach the uterus. This will result in a life-threatening condition for the woman known as ectopic or tubal pregnancy.
By the end of 3 rd week or about 5-6 days after fertilization, the blastocyst implants firmly in the thickened walls of your uterus. Finally the dangerous journey is at an end and your child is safe in the padded breast comfort zone. Although all of these steps also plays without you knowing you are pregnant, no obvious signs or symptoms; you should know that this is a very important time in your child's life. Once the delicate journey from the fallopian tube into the uterus is completed, the blastocyst begins to develop rapidly as now obtains all the necessary nutrients from your blood supply
birth control :.
If you are on birth control pills or are planning to follow an emergency contraception method, then you should know that they work before blastocyst implants itself in the uterus. Once implantation has taken place, birth control pills have no effect on the growth of the child
cortical reaction :.
The cortical reaction is the natural process of the body that ensures that only one sperm will fertilize the egg. Once the sperm enters the cell membrane, the egg immediately emits electrical signals which cause tiny sacs known as cortical granules release their contents in the area surrounding the egg.
These contents released swell and push the sperm failed away from the egg and sperm avoided via die within the next 48 hours
hormonal changes in your body.
even if your child is in the process of zygote, will be smart enough to send a signal of its existence to the pituitary gland in the brain.
After receiving the signal from the egg fertilized, the pituitary gland responds by shutting down the menstrual cycle and the production of a new hormone called hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). The hCG prevents the involution and regression of the corpus luteum. With the secretion of hCG, the corpus luteum remains intact and produces high levels of estrogen and progesterone. Corpus luteum plays an important role early and late stages of pregnancy.
There is increased production of progesterone which is very important for the safe progress of pregnancy. In the case where there is no pregnancy, this would be the time when progesterone levels begin to decline which will cause the endometrium to degenerate and flush out the menstruation.
Progesterone is responsible for the growth and development of your baby in utero. In week 3, the blastocyst will depend on hormones as it is not yet able to make their own hormones
Signs and symptoms facility :.
Although most women realize they are pregnant when they miss their monthly menstrual cycle, some women who are on a lookout will experience some special signs plant. Watch out for the plant symptoms in 3 rd week of pregnancy, but do not let your hopes and expectations to run, as they are very similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Disappointment can lead to worry, anxiety and stress that is going to affect fertility. May be planting signs
- 30% of women experience identifying the form of little bleeding which appears light-colored
- The pain or cramps in the lower back
- bloating, headaches and mood swings
- frequent urination
- tenderness in the breast
[Read: 4th symptoms pregnancy week ] [
now that you are aware of three weeks of pregnancy symptoms and signs, now you can get in the changes that occur within the body of a newborn
changes child:
After the two cells of gametes merge in the fallopian tube, the result of a single cell is known as diploid zygote. Lo here! Your child just reached the first goal ever in its development.
There are two more weeks left before the zygote (the child) it will be referred to as an embryo, but the zygote has the entire required DNA derived from both partners. As the sperm and egg each contain 23 chromosomes, the resulting diploid cell contains a total of 46 chromosomes.
This is all the genetic information needed by the cells that contribute to the development of the new individual. Most of the child's characteristics are already determined and it is only time before they are fully evolved. The zygote does not do anything for a day, but then it is ready to split in two. Now the child reaches the stage-2 cells in its development. Technically, this is the first step in your child's life.
The two cells further divide to reach the 4-cell stage and by the end of day 3, the child would have reached the stage in 16 cells. Your baby in 3 rd week of pregnancy is just hollow ball of cells that continue to divide and grow
Care and suggestions :.
As you are still aware of the little life in bloom inside the womb nourishment, there's not much you can do in the 3rd week of pregnancy.
Without your knowledge, the first day the child has to be fed with nutrients, water, oxygen, all the necessary hormones, essential vitamins and minerals in your uterus, so that I can have a healthy growth.
Before you start getting the nursery ready for your child, work on getting the first room (your womb) that is going to live, safe for her. The uterus can be affected by the food you eat, the work we do and the lifestyle you follow. The general lifestyle you choose and how you take care of yourself will have great effect on your growing baby
[Read: first month of pregnancy Diet ].
If you are planning on motherhood, then you can take care of both your physical and mental health, following a healthy lifestyle.
- Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.
- moderately exercise.
- not indulge in activities that can cause stress or injury to your abdomen.
- Quit bad habits like smoking, taking over the counter medications and excessive alcohol consumption
- Take control of your anxiety and stress
- to be positive parenting and life in general
even if the baby is well protected in your womb, is not entirely protected from the dangers of the external environment. It forms the connection between the baby and the outside world. Along with nutrients, all that is experienced physically, mentally and emotionally enters your womb.
Everything and anything that you do during the 38 weeks after conception will play a huge role in the physical, intellectual, neurological and emotional child. Do not forget that these effects are going to be permanent.
If you do the right things, you will feel proud looking strong and healthy child grow into a healthy adult. Good luck with your pregnancy! I hope that you have a clear idea of three weeks of pregnancy symptoms and what are the changes of the body suffer. Let us know more about your experiences in the comments section below! Good luck !!
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