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Pregnancy It is a beautiful stage! However, it is likely to encounter fewer unforeseen complications, such as poles.
Hemorrhoids is a condition such that it acts as a huge disappointment, causing severe discomfort. We tend to feel pain, irritated and uncomfortable to sit in, even if you develop the batteries during breast period. While piles are rough, neglected and unmanageable, let's explore some important facts about hemorrhoids and the vital measures to address them during pregnancy.
What is Piles During Pregnancy?
Piles or hemorrhoids are small insects that grow in the rectum, at least 20-50 percent of pregnant women. They are nothing but a group of varicose veins that look very similar to a cluster of grapes or marbles that grow inside the rectum. There is no denying the fact that the piles tend to cause a lot of pain, itching and feeling neglected while you sit.
what causes piles during pregnancy?
There are strong reasons why the stakes tend to grow in the rectum during pregnancy. Below are the factors that cause the growth of piles or hemorrhoids:
Enlarged Uterus:
Your growing uterus tends to cause a lot of tension and pressure on your rectum. The strength often triggers the rectal wall of itching and swelling. This in turn causes varicose veins to turn into piles in the area
Blood Flow :.
Increased blood flow to the pelvic region, as the baby continues to grow inside of your uterus increases pressure caused.
This It is one of the main culprits. We tend to constipate a lot during pregnancy. This causes the stools to harden inside and irritate the rectal muscles during bowel passage. This in turn leads to the development of hemorrhoids
The symptoms of piles pregnant :.
More often, you will see some direct signals coming from there to underestimate piles that have grown up enough to cause discomfort. Below are the main symptoms that indicate poles
rectal bleeding:
You will see the blood flowing out while passing the bowels. This is a strong signal that poles have begun to hinder so the body routine.
Itching, Pain and discomfort:
There seems to understand a bunch of thorns affecting in your rectum, how and when you sit down. This is caused by hemorrhoids inside the rectum
measures to deal Piles during early pregnancy :.
Fortunately, you can reduce the pain, discomfort and bleeding caused by piles with the help of drugs. The doctor will prescribe the relevant topical ointment that can also be applied in the area. Here are some other important measures you can take to avoid the discomfort caused due to piles.
1. Fiber Diet:
Hemorrhoids are mostly caused due to constipation. Then, add a lot of fiber in your diet. Include foods that are high in fiber to ease bowel movement. so it prepares lower probability of poles to develop or reduce the effect of pain in the case of existing hemorrhoids.
2. Kegel exercises:
The famous Kegel exercises are not just for stress incontinence and smooth delivery. These exercises also prove effective in reducing the formation of hemorrhoids by increasing the blood circulation in the pelvic area.
3. Sleep Pattern:
If you are a victim of poles, try not to sleep on your back. Sleep on the side so that there is less pressure on the rectal area (this is the sleeping position prescribed during pregnancy). Ideally, lie down on your left several times a day.
4. Take short breaks:
E 'advisable that does not remain in the same sitting or standing for long periods of time. Alternate positions frequently. If you are a pregnant mother working, you may be stuck to the workstation for everything. .
Taking a walk, drink plenty of water while also extends facilitates the condition [Read: Periods during pregnancy ]
5. Ease Bowel Pressure:
If you are severely constipated, do not push too hard while passing bowels. Take a break and try again. Push too much at one time can be a bit 'pulse on the rectal veins and this can only complicate the condition.
6. Hygiene:
The hygiene is very important. As awkward as that sounds, try to keep the infected area clean. Use the prescribed ointment and keep the application in the area to relieve pain.
7. A hot bath:
Nothing can be as calming as a long hot bath. Try and enjoy a good bath when you have time. This helps you feel better and elevates the senses. Make sure the water is not hot, just warm.
8. Topical treatments:
In the case of severe hemorrhoids, you may want to resort to witch hazel and ice packs to soothe the area. Consult your doctor before doing so, if the infected area feels too painful to bear.
9. Cushion Comfort:
If sitting on a hard surface looks like hell, start using those donut-shaped pillows or cushions before sitting down . The soft surface may make you feel better while dealing with batteries
[Read: Pregnancy Pillow ].
10. Mineral oil:
Going by the time-tested recipe, taking a spoonful of mineral oil can help to reduce the pressure. However, anything and everything should be taken only after proper consultation with the doctor.
It 'easy to manage the piles or hemorrhoids as long as you take some effective measures. Most hemorrhoids tend to go away immediately after delivery and, therefore, understand that this is not a life long ordeal. Talk to your health care professional to get the best options while getting treated for piles during pregnancy.
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