picture ?: Shutterstock
Exercising It is the ideal and most effective way to work your heart and body. It increases physical strength and endurance and increases the level of resistance in your body. it also helps to relieve the mind from stress and positively impacts on the mental and psychological health in you.
Jogging / running during pregnancy
expectant mothers these days do not have problems with running and jogging to stay fit and healthy during their days pregnancy. This is considered safe if done in moderation, following the necessary precautions, and only if you, being a mom-to-be, is already a keen runner / jogger before pregnancy.
For Women, who have not performed or separated before pregnancy, it is advisable not to take in such activities until the baby arrives. In the anti-stress course and fatigue you should be avoided and you should take care of yourself to ensure good health, growth and development of her unborn child
[Read: do and not to do during pregnancy ]
E ' Safe?Sponsored
Running and jog during pregnancy is acceptable, with the utmost caution, only if you were in these activities before conceiving. Wear good supportive shoes, warming up before you go for a run; drink plenty of water before, during and after the race to stay well hydrated are important pointers that expectant mothers should remember.
Want to start again on running and jogging? Then we have to tell you that it is not advisable. Since the new fitness regime after being pregnant can lead to an overheating of the body and, therefore, you and your child's health severely hamper. Such exercises are putting pressure on the knees and since pregnancy causes the body's joints to loosen, your body may become more susceptible to injury.
And 'better for you (if not resolved before) to resort to light exercise, Pre Natal yoga, etc. You should aim to strengthen the core abdominal and pelvic floor muscles to prepare your body for the work-related stress
Ideal Regime :.
The Do and don 'ts that should be kept in mind while performing during the period of pregnancy are:
1. 1 ST quarter:
overheating and over-stressing your body during the 1 st trimester of pregnancy can be potentially harmful to you and your child. So adhere to moderation.
a) E 'essential to monitor your heart rate and consume a lot of water in the meantime. It will help prevent fatigue, dehydration and ensure proper blood flow to the uterus.
b) worn shoes while running and jogging during the first trimester pregnancy should be selected carefully to give full support to the feet and body to maintain balance.
2. 2 ND Quarter:
As your belly grows, your center of gravity begins to move, change your sense of balance and making you more prone to falling and slipping. And 'therefore it advised to run on sidewalks and flat surfaces to avoid the possibility of getting unbalanced. However, if, God forbid, you fall, try to fall sideways or on hands and knees to avoid shock and trauma on the abdomen.
3. 3 rd Quarter:
is recommended to listen to your body's needs during the 3 rd quarter . You should never over emphasize your body, like your approaching its expiration date and should avoid fatigue and exhaustion. The very slow execution is advisable, and even better is to take up walking rather than running and jogging in the final trimester.
[Leggi: feet during pregnancy ]
alarming signs:
pregnant women under any circumstances overwork or discharge. Dyspnea and depletion leads to increased demand for oxygen in the body. In such a situation, the body uses oxygen that should travel for your child and it is vitally important for his / her livelihood.
As can be deduced from this article, run only if you are a stranger to it prior to pregnancy, and always take the necessary precautions when running away from home. In the event of symptoms experienced as vaginal bleeding / leakage, decreased fetal movement, swelling in the calf, dizziness, headache, difficulty breathing, muscle aches, etc., stop jogging and running and call your doctor for advice and treatment.
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