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By now you may have realized that being pregnant is unlike any other experience you may have had in your life. Not only the change of the body, but the mind and spirit also undergo a transformation. So how does it feel to be two months pregnant? As your baby look like in 2 months? Read more to find out more:
Symptoms of Pregnancy 2nd Month:
Your body undergoes many changes to accommodate a growing child, but none of them is obvious. In fact, you will experience all the changes that you experienced last month along with some new ones as well. Most of these symptoms are normal:
- Morning Sickness / Nausea:
Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) are common symptoms of pregnancy, affecting about 85% of women. The term morning sickness is, however, misleading, because symptoms persist throughout the day. They start around the first week and continuing through the month 2 ° or 3 ° of pregnancy. Even if nausea has zero impact on your health or the baby's health in the long run, it can affect your life. Some women are able to focus and forced to take time off work. Some women feel depressed, while some find the condition that affects their relationship with their partner. But the condition is also associated with positive outcomes. For example, studies show an association between nausea and vomiting and decreased cases of miscarriage. Talk to your doctor if the sickness is serious or if you do not feel like eating at all. Usually, the symptoms are related to your sense of smell- so avoid the food and smells that make you feel nauseous. Make sure you eat in time, because, hunger also makes you want to vomit. Sniff a lime or other citrus fruits. Ginger also prevents nausea and vomiting.
- Increase Mood Swings:
If She was two months pregnant and experiencing mood swings, you're not alone. pregnancy hormones often make women crazy. Sometimes, you can be full of brio and zest, and, at times, to lift a finger becomes a chore. On some days, she is cheerful and chirpy, but some are the grim beautiful quintessential. You can question your ability to be a parent or being overwhelmed by financial responsibilities. Nobody knows for sure why women act the way they do during pregnancy, but a lot has to do with the hormones estrogen and progesterone. They affect the level of brain chemicals that regulate mood. The best way to manage a mood change is to sleep-it-off. With plenty of rest and a proper diet, most of the mood swings should be under control. But contact your doctor immediately, if your thoughts lead to self-harm, or if they last for more than two weeks
- Increased urge to pee.
Your visits to the toilet are now more frequent than ever. frequent urination during early pregnancy is linked to hormones. After the plants is embryo in the uterus, the body produces the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which triggers an increase in urination. Unfortunately, the condition will last until the end of pregnancy (the reasons may vary though. It 'important to stay hydrated, so as not to cut the liquid. But reduce fluid intake before going to bed. Similarly, coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages increase the urge to pee
- Fuller breasts :.
do not be surprised if your bra suddenly seems a bit 'too tight. As the hormones estrogen and progesterone prepare the body for motherhood, leading to an accumulation of fat. also become tender and sensitive to touch. a good quality cotton bra should help ease the pain.
- desire for food.
hormonal changes coupled with a nutritional deficiency can lead to crazy food cravings by cigarette ash king-size sliders the list of food cravings can go from bizarre to the ridiculous. As long as it does not harm you, it is good to indulge in them. And if possible, think about healthy alternatives
changes Body :.
The symptoms that you experienced last month will continue this month as well. It is no exaggeration to say that hormones have almost taken the body. In addition progesterone and estrogen, also it produces a hormone hCG. Together, they ensure that your child survives the initial stages of pregnancy. While estrogen and progesterone help maintain pregnancy, hCG ensures that the body does not treat the baby as an intruder. In addition to the changes mentioned above, the body experiences some new symptoms such as vaginal and swelling losses. To avoid constipation drink plenty of water and eat high fiber content food.
Common Concerns:
During the nine months of pregnancy, you may experience various problems. While most of them are harmless, some may require immediate attention. Here is a list of common concerns during the second month:
- Varicose veins:
An increase in blood volume and high hormone levels often swell the veins during pregnancy. The dilated veins are red or blue in color and appear twisted. They are swollen and are visible above the skin. You may have a genetic predisposition to this condition if someone in the family has varicose veins. Ideally, varicose veins during pregnancy last up to three months after childbirth. But the problem gets worse with subsequent pregnancies. Varicose veins are often mistaken for varicose veins. They have a similar appearance, but in the later condition, the veins are smaller and are not as swollen. Some common symptoms of varicose veins are an aching pain that worsens after sitting or standing for long periods, bloating, darkening of the skin, etc. If you have varicose veins, avoid standing or sitting for long hours and getting regular exercises. Wearing compression stockings also helps relieve the pain. side of sleep when possible to take pressure off the legs and allow normal blood flow. Tell your doctor if any of these techniques work she may suggest further treatment (1).
- Heartburn And Indigestion:
heartburn and indigestion are a common problem during pregnancy. A full stomach, sour taste in the mouth, or a burning sensation in the chest and throat are some symptoms. Hormones are to blame for this. Large amounts of progesterone and estrogen produced in the body causing muscle tissues throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to relax. So, the food moves slowly through the system, causing indigestion (heartburn is a symptom of indigestion), and swelling. No doubt, they are uncomfortable, but are beneficial to the child. Slow allows a better absorption of both nutrients in the blood, which in turn reaches the baby through the placenta. Heartburn occurs even when the ring of muscles that separate the gastrointestinal tract by relaxing the stomach, leaving the food and digestive acids to back up into the esophagus from the stomach. These acids irritate the esophageal lining, causing heartburn. Some types of heartburns-common trigger foods among them are spicy foods, fried and fatty foods, processed meats, chocolate and coffee. To avoid acid reflux, keep these foods triggers your diet. Chew properly and eat slowly- so this air does not enter the stomach and the stomach does not have to work hard to digest food. Instead of eating three meals a day, split into six mini-meals to be eaten at all day.
- Bleeding:
Spotting or vaginal bleeding may occur during pregnancy for various reasons. The bleeding occurs in early pregnancy when the embryo implants in the uterine wall. In subsequent stages, these may be caused by hormones. normal secretions are usually clear, but sometimes tinged with blood, mucus and as odorless. Contact your doctor if you experience severe bleeding (with or without abdominal cramps), or if the discharge is thick and strange smells. These signals may indicate an infection or serve as a warning to a serious problem such as a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy
the baby during pregnancy 2nd month :.
Your baby is now the size of a blueberry and probably looks like an alien. In fact, it seems a tube- curled up with a tube end forming the head, and the other its bottom. Between these two extremes lies the spinal cord that is beginning to form. And so does the placenta. Believe it or not, it has grown 10,000 times compared to what it was at conception. His head is quite large with a prominent forehead. Ears, nose, eyes and eyelids (still closed) begin to form. The tissues that form the heart will start beating and can be heard during the 6th week of ultrasound. The limbs begin to form, even if they seem more blades. Genitals also form, although it can not be seen. In fact, by the end of the month, 2, grows about 2 inches and all the major organs have begun to develop
Diet :.
you need to consume a balanced diet with enough nutrients to allow the development of a healthy fetus. They also help to cope with changes in her body. Contrary to what was believed, there is no need to eat for two. Lots of fruits and vegetables, plenty of fluids, an adequate amount of cereal and a bit 'of lean meat is what you need. essential vitamins during pregnancy include folic acid, calcium, vitamin D, zinc, iron, and iodine. Folic acid reduces birth defects and is particularly important during the first weeks of pregnancy. Broccoli, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits (especially oranges) are rich sources of folic acid. Calcium helps build bones and teeth of your baby. Milk and other dairy products are the best sources of calcium. Even if the doctor would prescribe prenatal vitamin supplements, can not be a substitute for healthy diet
in mind :.
Now that you are in your second month of pregnancy, you can only hope that things would be settled. But it is certainly not the case of pregnant women. Your mood can alternate emotions and feeling optimistic to become overwhelmed and anxious to tackle the parenting. They are probably due to sudden hormonal changes. A certain amount of worry and anxiety for parents imminent and sudden financial needs is normal and even useful. Here are some common thoughts that are likely to disturb the beginning of pregnancy.
And 'safe to have sex during early pregnancy?
Yes, if you're in the mood for it! With all the fatigue, nausea and other symptoms of pregnancy, sex is likely to be the last thing on your mind. But some women make love to find nice, why should not worry about pills or condoms. Similarly, your partner may or may not be in the mood. If it is not, its probably because he is petrified of damaging the baby. Your baby is protected and well -. miscarriage at this stage is mostly due to chromosomal abnormalities and have nothing to do with what you do or do not do it
Will I be a good parent
[1945013?] It 's normal to worry about parent. In fact, it is a good sign, because it shows you care for your child and is likely to take seriously their responsibilitiespointed to dad-to-be.
If you have settled to the news of the pregnancy of your partner (which is not likely to happen soon), your next task is to get things ready for the baby and the mom-to-be. You'll have to get the guard, even if it is not settled by the news, because it into action is the best remedy for worry. Here is a list of things to do this month:
- Make sure your companion eats and sleeps well
- Research on insurance. . plan and other details
- stock your pantry with foods that are now dependent on (or be prepared for the ride of food)
To-Do- list:
the majority of couples who announce their pregnancies in that period, after the first results confirming a normal pregnancy ultrasound. To tell or not, is the decision of the parents-to-be. While some prefer to wait until the end of the first quarter, the others rush off to share the news. Sometimes, when the symptoms are evident, it is difficult to keep the news secret
at the doctor's office :.
If it is the first follow-up visit, chances are that it will last a couple of hours. You'll have a complete physical examination, and blood samples will be collected for a series of tests (that determine blood type, Rh factor, iron deficiency, sexually transmitted diseases, genetic defects, etc.) The nurse will also urine samples to look for diabetes, RBC and WBC count and bacteria. You will be asked to fill out a long questionnaire with details on the history of health problems and drug addiction in your family if necessary (past and present). And if this is your second visit, it is likely to be brief. The doctor can, however, control your weight and blood pressure, collect urine samples (for protein, sugar, etc.), search for signs of edema, and discuss things to do this month.
has your experience been any different? Share your stories with us.
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I really appriciate this article because it had great information about 2nd month of pregnancy symptoms. It would be great if you share an information about 6th month pregnancy symptoms