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So, is the last month of the second quarter; and your last quarter is about to begin. As the expiration date-inch tight, there are many things that go down in the 6th month! What? Well, read our post and learn about the different changes that your child and body go through when you are six months pregnant
6 Months Pregnancy Symptoms :.
The morning sickness and other symptoms to take a back seat, it is perhaps imagine a relaxed pregnancy, is not it? To be honest, you put your feet upstream, even if not to relax! here why:
- Edema:
Somewhere around the 6th month, we observe that your feet, ankles and hands appear swollen. Technically called edema; It occurs because the body retains fluid within the tissues to feed you and your child. Along with the increase of the pressure on the pelvis, edema leads to swollen ankles and hands. A bit 'of swelling is normal and a common symptom associated with pregnancy. Sometimes, you may notice swelling in the face or around the eyes-ideally, there is nothing to worry about. But, in rare circumstances, swelling (especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as high levels of protein in the urine and high blood pressure) is a sign of preeclampsia. It is a serious condition that can lead to blood pressure peaks. To prevent edema, remember to keep your feet when you sit down. Avoid standing for long periods and wearing tight clothes, including socks and tights. Doctors also advise patients to sleep on their side to help the kidneys eliminate waste efficiently
[Read: Tips to reduce swelling during pregnancy ]
- Indigestion:
Constipation It is an annoying symptom that some women experience through their pregnancy. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, there are several reasons why it occurs. For one, hormonal changes cause the muscles around the womb to relax, thus slowing digestion. As the pregnancy progresses, the growing uterus puts pressure on the bowel and causes indigestion. Prenatal vitamin pills also tighten stool leaving sensation of bloating and gas. It is a common symptom, but do not have to resign themselves to living with the problem-fear that leads to hemorrhoids. Simple steps such as regularly drinking hot water, eat plenty of fiber-rich foods, drink plenty of fluids and regular exercise help relieve indigestion and heartburn (another common symptom). Curd and other food rich in bacteria probiotics also help. And when none of these home remedies work, talk to your doctor who may prescribe stool softeners and laxatives
[Read: Home remedies for constipation in pregnancy ].
- increased appetite:
Although the baby's organs are now developed, they need to mature. The body has to provide enough nutrients to help the process. This is probably the reason why pregnant women experience an increased appetite throughout the second quarter. The month is not too different. You may find yourself perpetually hungry and craving for food. While there's nothing you can do to control your urge to eat, make sure you eat healthily. Junk food is plentiful but provides little nutrition for you and your child. Instead, indulge in foods such as cheese and whole muffins- that are satisfying as well as healthy. And before you reach out to eat when you are hungry, try drinking water you can interpret the thirst for hunger. Instead of eating three square meals, consider eating six small meals throughout the day
- Snoring :.
As the pregnancy progresses, snoring becomes a common symptom. The hormones of pregnancy are again to blame - that cause mucous membranes to swell. Weight gain also causes snoring as the tissues around the head and neck swell. While there is nothing to worry about, at times, snoring can be an indicator of gestational diabetes, which doctors can detect when blood tests and monthly urine. Try sticking a nasal strip, while going to bed or sleep on the side to allow for better air circulation. Keep your head in an elevated position also it helps
[Read: Symptoms of gestational diabetes during pregnancy ]
- Backache:
A Back pain is a symptom that is likely to stay with you until delivery and is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. The pregnancy hormone relaxin loosens the muscles around the pelvis and lower abdomen to prepare the body for delivery. The weight of the baby and the growing uterus push forward your stomach and cause the lower back to curve. Be sure to maintain proper posture while seated and put your feet up whenever possible. Women with the habit of crossing your legs also experience back pain during pregnancy, because the pelvic area is under great strain. An unusual increase in weight also leads to back pain; and so it does wearing high heels
. [Read: Exercises for back pain during pregnancy ]
changes Body:
At this point, the bump starts to show. You've also gained a lot of weight. The uterus usually increases by an inch or so above your belly. also pushes the abdomen causing your belly button to pop out. It continues to remain this way until a few weeks after giving birth, after which it returns to its original position. The growing uterus also put strong pressure on blood cells, leaving weak and dizzy times.
Common Concerns:
With each month, there are new panache symptoms and not all are pleasant! Some of the common concerns six months of pregnancy include:
- Insomnia:
Insomnia or insomnia often affects women during their third trimester, but for some it starts from the second half of the second quarter. There are many factors that contribute to the problem. For one, frequent visits to the bathroom disrupt your sleep. And if that were not enough, the baby kicking up a storm inside your stomach leaving you restless. Hormonal changes and heartburn also make it hard for you to catch a good night's sleep. In addition, it can never be comfortable to sleep with a football attached to the belly. But the insomnia management is easier than you think if you remember a few key things. For example, eating dinner at least two hours before bedtime and do not forget to eat slowly. It not only keeps the dreaded heartburn at bay, but it also helps you sleep better. Avoid caffeine and fizzy drinks as they keep you awake. Follow a ritual bedtime by reading a book, listening to soothing music, or take a hot bath. A comfortable bed and the right environment temperature even induce sleep
[Read: Tips to minimize insomnia during pregnancy ].
- Body Ache:
as the pregnancy progresses, you may observe that the muscular pains and leaves you tired and fatigued. Technically called the round ligament pain occurs because of your growing uterus. As you continue to expand, the ligaments that run from the pelvis to the abdomen are stretched and under tremendous pressure. It causes dull pain across the lower abdomen. The pain can last from several minutes to several hours. Ideally, there is nothing to worry about, but contact your doctor if body ache followed fever or frequent contractions
- Varicose veins :.
We 've known by now that the body has to push blood to the uterus longer provide enough nutrients for the growing baby. Some of the unwanted side effects of it include varicose veins- slightly swollen purple veins that appear on the lower half of the body. The veins that must push back the extra blood to the heart, causing bulge- varicose veins. They are also hereditary; so if your mother had them, chances are, you too! If you are prone to the problem, there is little we can do, but a few tips can help prevent them. For example, remember to put your feet up whenever possible and avoid sitting with your legs crossed. Regular exercise also helps to prevent varicose veins. Do not forget to wear comfortable clothing (especially underwear) and shoes. Gaining too much weight too soon also adds to the problem
[Read: nutritious fruit to eat during pregnancy ].
- tingling sensation in the hands and legs:
increased blood flow puts pressure on the hands and feet leaving you with a tingling sensation . It 's true for women who have a desk job or those who spend long hours at the computer. Stretch your hands often to relieve yourself of the pain. Avoid sleeping on the hand and remember to regularly tighten
the child during the 6th month of pregnancy :.
How is the child development at 6 months? The baby continues to grow rapidly this month- not only gain weight, but also the length. His skin turns pink because of the blood vessels that form under the skin. The lungs continue to mature even if there is not a lot of time before it is ready to breathe. It will be very active and respond to the sound. If you want to know how the child responds to your voice (or your partner), this is the time. The child continues to develop vernix caseosa- this is somewhat waxy coat that protects the skin from shriveling while floating in the middle of the amniotic fluid. By the end of this month, and toes your child's fingernails are extensive and visible through an ultrasound
[Read: 6th month of pregnancy Care ].
As long as you eat a balanced meal and avoid junk food, things should be okay on the front diet. The fetus needs folic acid, iron and calcium to grow into a healthy baby. While folic acid helps the body produce the necessary blood to provide additional nutrients, iron helps prevent anemia and carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body (and the child). Calcium makes the bone of your child strong. Folic acid and iron can be searched by green leafy vegetables and calcium from dairy products. fresh fruits and nuts supply of extra doses of vitamins and minerals needed by the body (1)
[Read: 6th month of pregnancy Diet ].
on your mind:
Planning for the imminent arrival of the child can keep your mind occupied this month. That is, if you have some energy left after the pain and discomfort they cause symptoms. It may even have started to keep a log for the things you need for the baby. With all the fancy gadgets and gadgets around now, you may be tempted to buy a couple of things that do not serve you. For example, the tee Pee pee why spend $ 10 on a set of clothes that need to be placed on the wee wee a baby while changing diapers!? You might also want to consider embarking on a brief tour before delivery and is considered safe trip during the second quarter
Advice for Dads-to-be :.
There is no doubt that pregnancy is overwhelming for you, but spare a thought for your partner as well. It has the same fears and doubts you have the baby. In fact, unlike you, who he does not share his concerns with anyone, because of taboos 'men-are-not-have-a-complaining'. But you can prepare for work and parenting telling you exactly how you can help. Let him know about the specific type of service you want during labor. This will help him make difficult medical decisions. She tells him what to do to make you feel special can seem strange (you are supposed to know that is what you might think), but unfortunately, the men are good at 'followed' INSTRUCTIONS- this is just hardwired into them!
[Read: When you need to book your first prenatal appointment ]
To Do List:
choosing a name for your baby can keep you occupied in the sixth month of pregnancy. You are looking to honor a relative (father, mother, grandparents) to call your baby after them? Or, you are looking for a fantasy and never-thought-of name? Before thinking of a conventional name, consider its implications for the baby- you do not want him to be the butt of a joke of all because of his name. There are also other practical considerations such as the planning of blood banking cord or the opening of a Child fixing future
at the doctor's office :.
In addition to the usual blood tests, you can also be tested for gestational diabetes. You will be asked to swallow a glucose water can, and then the blood will be drawn after exactly one hour. If the tests show high levels of sugar, your doctor may call for a second round of tests. This includes four different designs first diagnosis of gestational diabetes.
The experiences we have quoted above are based on some general experiences during the 6 months of pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different! So, they tell us how it was for you? Share your stories with us here, leave a comment below! Fellow moms would love to hear from you
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