Image: Shutterstock
The birth of a child is one of the purest and satisfying moments in the life of a woman. For a couple, it is the culmination of their love and life; It completes the family. Not surprisingly, most moms dream of giving birth to a healthy baby without having complications during pregnancy and labor! A C-section procedure is the last thing on their minds.
Here, we will see how a caesarean section affects the child. MomJunction has compiled some information on the C-section of pregnancy, and its pros and cons.
Why do some mothers Opt In C-Section:
During a vaginal delivery, the contractions and pain between the vagina and perineum can make an extremely distressing vaginal delivery. You can work around this pain through a cesarean section. In addition, you can schedule your child's date of delivery, tailored to be close to your birthday, or your spouse, or the birthday of your mother ... you get the picture. In addition, there are many additional benefits, such as:
- The chances of heavy bleeding after childbirth is decreased,
- Less pain from stitches and bruises all over perineum after delivery.
- In a vaginal delivery, there is a high risk of prolapse (a condition in which the uterus slips into the vagina). A C-section procedure mitigates this risk.
is a C-security section for mothers?
Today, many mothers try to ignore the pain of labor and other issues they face during pregnancy. So, choose a Caesarean for a vaginal birth. But C-section births have their share of problems for both mothers and children. And 'imperative that you have a detailed knowledge of the risks involved before opting for a procedure of C-section
Here go some difficulties that mothers face during a cesarean section :.
1. Pain:
During a vaginal delivery, the pain is almost unbearable, but this is only during the time that you give birth to her child. After that, hardly she feels any pain. But in the case of C-section, the pain will remain even after the operation is complete. The time required to recover in the latter case is also higher, and the pain and pain from injury may continue for several weeks.
2. Infection:
Before admitted to the operating room, you will be injected with antibiotics and there are chances of infections, including:
- The infection from your wound,
- inflammation of the uterus,
- urinary infection tract.
3. Blood clotting:
Whenever you undergo any surgery, there is always a chance that it could lead to some blood clot. This can have a huge risk of your mortality. If you face any discomfort, talk to your doctor immediately.
4. Anesthesia:
doctor conducts cesarean surgeries after administration of anesthesia. The region around the belly becomes numb, and the surgery decreases pain. But even here, there are so many issues:
- Damage nervous system: this is a rarity, and lasts for up to a week. Permanent damage is unheard of, even if
- A severe headache: .. Some mothers experience a persistent headache
complications of a C- section:
Although there are many serious complications of a C-section procedure, there are some situations that may arise due to this mode of delivery:
- could be necessary to gain admission to an intensive care unit, the chances of which are low, with about nine women in 1000 who need to support intensive care after a cesarean section.
- Some mothers have to undergo a hysterectomy or to remove the uterus. Around eight in 1000 women usually undergo the procedure.
- The possibility of additional surgery is typically less, and the rate of lay around five women in 1000.
- to abrasion bladders and bowels, but it is very rare
risks associated with your baby :.
The birth of your baby by C-section poses many problems and is not a better option than a vaginal delivery. A Caesarean can lead to many health problems in newborns, some of which include:
1. Respiratory problems:
A C-section can lead to breathing problems. Mothers suffer contractions to prepare the baby's lungs as breathing at birth. The contractions prevent oxygenated blood from passing through the placenta, and heart rate slows. To overcome this loss of oxygen, the child produces a level of catecholamines in her body. This increase in catecholamine levels prepares baby's lungs for breathing. But without these contractions, as in the case of a C-section, your child has difficulty breathing.
2. Asthma Risk:
In some countries like the Netherlands and Norway, studies have confirmed that children undergo a Caesarean section are prone to asthma in the future. A particular bacteria found in the intestines of these children 'then leads to allergies and asthma.
3. Breast-delayed breast:
breast-feeding is delayed a major problem with a cesarean delivery. The drugs used in this type of surgery delay the onset of lactation. The drugs also tamper with infant behavior and its ability to breastfeed successfully.
is the children born through a C-section smarter?
The studies showed that caesarean has an unpleasant effect on the baby's brain development. The child's ability to concentrate is affected negatively. A Caesarean section hinders the child's spatial attention, which plays a huge role in the child's ability to prioritize and focus on a single subject or topic you find interesting. A name UCP2 protein, which plays a huge role in the development of the brain and controls neuronal demarcation, is generated in the hippocampus of the child. The generation of proteins is in a normal delivery than in the cesarean delivery
A word of caution :.
If you still want to go for a caesarean section or complications force you to choose C -section, here are some tips to help give birth to a healthy baby:
- After the baby was born and both of you are free from danger, ask doctors to release one of your arms so that you can place on the child's chest. The feeling is sublime.
- You can consult the specialist nursing to understand the feeding patterns.
- Do not worry about the delivery. Stress will make it harder for you and is not suitable for the birth of a healthy baby.
Have you undergo a Caesarean section? Did you face any complications? Share your story here! Leave a comment below.
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