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You You probably know a little 'about contraception, and what measures are more effective than others. But, have you heard of an IUD, or intrauterine device? Are you thinking of using one and looking for some more information about IUDs?
If nodded along, you should read our post below. Here, we talk all intrauterine devices, how they work and their effectiveness are.
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What It is an IUD, or intrauterine device?
An intrauterine device (IUD) is a contraceptive of T-shaped plastic IUDs prevent pregnancy as these devices damage the sperm and make fertilization impossible eggs. An IUD is at times referred to as a coil.
A doctor inserts the IUD into the uterus through the vagina. The small device contains one or two strings that remain in the cervix. Medical practitioners use the wires to remove the device. Women can use the string to verify the correct positioning of the IUD [1].
The IUD insertion procedure:
- The total time for IUD insertion is quite short. Your doctor may use a local anesthetic on you, if necessary.
- The insertion takes place with the help of a plastic tube. The tube contains a piston, which helps to push the device into the uterus.
- Once the IUD is in place, the doctor takes the tube.
If you use an IUD, you need to check the position of the device each month, with the help of the string. It helps to ensure that there are no problems with its placement. You also need to have regular check-ups (annual or as recommended) with your doctor to make sure that there are no or minimal risks with using IUD [2].
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types of intrauterine devices :.
There are two types of IUDs
1. Copper IUD:
It is the most popular and effective IUD device :.
- Copper wires surrounding the end of the plastic device tail
- Copper forcing the fallopian tubes and uterus to produce a toxic fluid. The liquid contains copper ions, white blood cells, and many other enzymes, which are toxic to sperm.
- copper IUD can be inserted for ten years. And 'effective immediately.
- Brand name - Paragard [3]
2. hormonal IUD:
The spiral contains a form of progestin hormone called levonorgestrel
- hormonal IUDs prevent fertilization of the eggs .. the hormones harm sperm. Also prevent sperm from entering the uterus, making thickness of cervical mucus and making the lining of the uterus (endometrium) a hostile place for fertilized eggs [4]. Hormonal IUDs prevent endometrial thickening. Hormonal IUDs also help prevent or restrict ovulation.
- You can take a week or so for the hormonal IUD to become effective.
- Trademarks - Skyla (protection of pregnancy - up to 3 years), Mirena. (Protection of pregnancy - up to 5 years) [5]
- The failure rate of copper IUD with typical use is 0.8%, and the hormonal IUD is 0.2% [6]
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Complications IUD :.
There are some risks or complications associated with the use of IUDs devices. For the majority of cases, these are safe and effective methods of control IUD birth. But, as with any medical procedure, while using IUDs are some side effects that you may or may not occur [7]. Here are some pointers effective to help you remember:
- No method of birth control is one hundred percent effective. Therefore, with IUD, it remains a small chance that you could get pregnant.
- If you are using IUDs and still get pregnant, there is a high risk that that pregnancy may be ectopic. Ectopic pregnancy means that the implantation of the fertilized egg occurs outside the uterus (ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix or abdominal cavity). It is a very serious condition [8].
- Women who become pregnant while using an IUD, have up to a 50% chance of their pregnancies ending in abortions.
- in very rare cases, the insertion process can drill hole in the wall of the uterus (uterine perforation).
- in some cases, severe infections can result from the use IUD. IUD These infections can also cause infertility
Advantages and Disadvantages of IUD :.
There are many advantages to using IUD, and several disadvantages. Below, we examine both:
- Both IUDs are highly effective ways (over 99%) of birth control. Only less than one in 100 users become pregnant while using an IUD [9].
- Both hormonal and copper IUDs can be inserted for long periods of time. As a result, they are hassle free and cost-effective methods of birth control.
- The devices can be removed at any time by a doctor.
- The IUD removal restores the body to a state conducive to pregnancy.
- hormonal IUD does not cause weight gain problems, which is a side effect of using birth control pills [10].
- hormonal IUD can also help women by reducing their heavy menstrual flow and providing relief from menstrual cramps.
- You can use an IUD immediately after delivery and abortions (both elective and spontaneous). of copper IUD insertion immediately (within five days) of unprotected sex can help prevent unplanned pregnancies.
- You You can not insert an IUD yourself. The insertion process can be performed only by a physician.
- The use of IUD carries some risk of infection during the first weeks of insertion.
- IUDs do not protect against pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
- The spiral can move from its place or fall (expulsion). This can mean extra cost to you as your doctor will need to re-insert the device or work on the right positioning.
- copper IUD may increase menstrual flow and cramps and the incidence of spotting between monthly periods.
- IUDs work best for women with previous experience of at least one full-term pregnancy. If you have never been pregnant, they are more likely to experience pain, cramping and increased risk of ejection device.
- With the use of hormonal IUD, some women may experience the cessation of their menstrual cycle.
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a word of caution:
If you use an IUD, follow some precautionary measures to avoid complications. In case, you notice any of these signs, immediately inform your doctor about it.
- Severe abdominal or pelvic pain
- excessive vaginal bleeding
- Foul vaginal odor discharge
- Pregnancy
- Fever, chills
There are many birth control methods available in the market these days. Consult your doctor to find the best method of contraception for you. Talk to your doctor about all the possible risks and benefits of using an IUD. Have you had complications with the use IUDs? Tell us below
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