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As an expectant mom, there's no need to worry if you often feel dizzy during pregnancy. It is quite common during this stage of dizziness and fainting for a number of reasons. Even if it is of no serious concern, it can not be ignored. Most women experience dizziness during the first trimester of pregnancy, which lasts until delivery
Top 5 ways to deal with fainting and dizziness during pregnancy :.
What causes fainting during pregnancy? Here we have compiled the top five causes, with their remedies, care professional to help you understand the scenario and take care of you the same course during this crucial period.
1. High Blood Pressure:
The most common factor that causes fainting during pregnancy is the fluctuating level of blood pressure during the first four months of pregnancy. circulatory system of the woman expands rapidly during this period, making the blood pressure to drop. Although the blood vessels that run in your child you are open, tend to slow the return of blood in the veins, causing blood pressure to be less than usual. This further reduces the blood supply to the brain, causing dizziness for a short period of time
Understanding systolic and diastolic pressures :.
There are two types of pressure:
systolic pressure :. where the blood pressure during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart drops from 5 to 10 mm Hg
Diastolic pressure: in which the blood pressure after the contraction of the heart, while the rooms refill the heart with blood drops as much as 10 to 15 mm Hg
E 'vital for. to relax and stay calm. The blood pressure problems of ascent and descent are perfectly normal during pregnancy. His condition returns to pre-pregnancy levels, or in the last weeks of pregnancy or postpartum
Here are a few things you can do to deal with fluctuating blood pressure
Sit Down Immediately
When you start feeling dizziness, immediately sit down. If you are at rest, be placed on its side as opposed to the back, this increased blood flow to the heart and brain
put your head between your legs :.
Put your head between your knees to handle the fainting coming. If you have a pre-existing high blood pressure, you may need to control it with medication. Your doctor should be able to help you with that.
2. Low Blood Sugar-hypoglycemia
Another common reason that causes vertigo is the level of sugar in the blood that occurs in the body due to changes in your metabolism. Women who have varicose veins may be more susceptible to dizziness than others. blood sugar has many negative consequences for the development of your child. frequent hypoglycemia puts your child at risk for cognitive defects, high blood pressure, nerve malformations and later diabetes. So, it is important to keep your sugar levels satisfactory to prevent developmental problems in your baby. women have hypoglycemic infants with low birth weight, which causes many problems in the later stages. The level of blood sugar tends to drop when you delay or skip a meal, drink alcohol, do excessive exercise or overeating little.
Eat light snacks
fruits by transportation or crackers with you every once you trip helps to equalize the levels of blood sugar. Try to have frequent small meals throughout the day rather than having three large
sugar intake SOS :.
The moment you feel dizzy intake foods that have a lot of sugar such as fruit juice, chocolate or candy. This immediately retrieves the low level of blood sugar, which is one of the most common causes of dizziness.
3. Dizziness due to lying on Back:
Lying on the back allows the weight of the baby pressing on the vena cava (large veins that return oxygen-depleted blood to the right atrium of the heart). The hypertensive supine syndrome develops in the third quarter, so that when you lie down on your back the heart pumps less blood, and you tend to feel anxious and dizzy until the position changes. Your baby's weight compresses the blood vessels in your lower body when you lie on your back
Means :.
avoid sudden reflexes:
and 'best to avoid quick reflexes while changing the position from lying down to sitting or standing after the session. Also, they do not lie flat on the back during exercise or sleep. And 'quite well if your midwife or doctor asks you to do so, while the examination is
Hot weather and hot shower :.
avoid standing for a long time in hot weather or by taking hot showers because it can make you feel dizzy. You can also weak.
4. Anemia:
The anemia develops due to the lack of sufficient iron, folate and vitamin B12 in pregnant women. The fetus requires a supply of iron, which is obtained from mothers. If you are anemic, you will feel dizzy because your body does not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the brain and other body organs
Means :.
diet rich in iron
Consume a good amount of diet iron, folic acid and essential vitamins. Iron tablets often cause diarrhea, so it is best to consume iron-rich foods such as eggs, nuts, spinach, vegetables, wholemeal bread, meat and cereals.
Plenty Of Fluid:
Drink plenty of fluids as it helps to stay hydrated. Avoid caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee. Water, fruit juices, coconut water, lemon water are good options.
5. Hyperventilation:
causes hyperventilation rate increases than the normal amount required by your body breathing. This creates a gas called carbon monoxide that makes you feel dizzy. The rockets condition in the first quarter and mainly happens due to the lack of physical fitness, obesity, asthma, fever, infections, anxiety, pneumonia, drugs or COPD, which eventually make you lose your consciousness. There is nothing to worry about as it tends to go away on its own after birth. The hyperventilation usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes
Means :.
techniques to practice breathing
hyperventilation can be controlled with learning proper breathing techniques. Also, make sure you breathe deeply and slowly so that you do not hyperventilate like your brain is starved of oxygen
Take It Easy :.
Your family, friends and the midwife will always tell you to take things easy, and this is exactly what you need to do when you feel dizzy.
is highly recommended to consider the above tips in case of dizziness during pregnancy. It is also advisable to seek medical attention if the condition is severe and is accompanied by new symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, palpitations, sore throat or difficulty breathing.
take care of yourself. Feel loved and pampered by your family and friends. Good luck to all the to-be-mothers
Do not forget to share your experience of dizziness during early pregnancy with us in the comments section below
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