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Worried if some harmless stuff like a fruit or an eclipse might have any bearing on his unborn child?
Just say the word 'pregnant' and you'll have women of all ages swooping down on you with the words of advice. Any declaration pronouncing will be supported by a declaration of non-fatal responsibilities, "I speak from experience," and so it will be in dilemma - to believe or not
Pregnancy Myths:
While some of them have been excluded completely, there are still some myths that have been doing the rounds for so many decades that we have simply learned to accept these as true without groped to find out the truth behind them. Here we present the top 23 myths about pregnancy and widely believed the truth:
Myth 1: Belly position determines the child's sex:
It is likely that whatever your aunt prediction or mother-in-law or any district woman will have fifty percent chance of coming true. Think about it. It has nothing to do with the belly positions. Every woman carries her baby differently, and everything depends on the body type and hip measurements. The sex of the child has certainly nothing to do with it.
Myth 2: certain types of food affect the child's complexion:
This is totally baseless. His near and dear women try to push you to drink coconut water too much with the good advice that will make you have a fair child. Some old timers even go so far as to tell you to stay out of iron supplements because they make your baby dark skin. First of all, the food has nothing to do with color. Secondly, stay out of iron supplements can lead to serious consequences for both mother and child. So this is a myth, you should completely disregard
Myth 3 :. You should eat for two:
No matter what he says, you do not need to eat for two. Yes, pregnancy does not increase your daily calorie needs, but only 300 calories. This means only a single chapati with ghee, or two servings of fruit, or two extra salad portions. Not the type of wagon food that is suggested to you just because you have another life growing inside you
Myth 4 :. Eating spicy foods will lead to Labor induction:
There's no way. Eat spicy will only lead to heartburn and gas. No induction of labor as is said time and again. But to reduce the discomfort from gas problems, which can also be painful for a pregnant woman in frail health, it is recommended to consume spicy stuff in moderation
Myth 5 :. More heartburn means more hair on the scalp of the baby!
the amount of hair on a newborn baby depends a lot on the genetic make-up and not based on what the mother suffers from heartburn during pregnancy. The increasing weight of the fetus, often leads to push the upper digestive tract towards the cardiac sphincter, which leads to the formation of acid. This is the reason for hyperacidity and not hair. Suffice it to say, many women with formidable heartburns have given birth to children without hair, and many women with heartburn indeed have had children with heavy hair on their heads
Myth 6 :. No Sex during Pregnancy:
While most doctors may advise you to stay out of sex during the first three months, they all agree that during the second and third trimester of pregnancy is practically safe. In addition, many women experience an increase in sexual desire due to an increase in hormone levels. Fetuses are protected by layers of tissue, and can not be damaged by relationships. So, unless your doctor has specifically told you to abstain from sex, please continue getting intimate with your partner
Myth 7 :. Eclipses can cause genetic defects:
cleft lips and palates are genetic abnormalities and are caused due to some genetic factors that predispose to it. They are most often seen in mixed marriages. Under no circumstances are related to one of the solar eclipse or moon
Myth 8 :. Causes spinal anesthesia Backaches:
While Spinal anesthesia can contribute in some way to back pain, they are mainly caused by the center of gravity shifted in pregnant women. All those weight a pregnant woman carries causes the spine to curve excessively leads to awkward positioning and back pain. Even women who give birth naturally suffer from debilitating back pain, and the only way to avoid that is to make spine strengthening exercises during and after pregnancy
Myth 9 :. Ghee for Easy labor and delivery:
well-meaning aunts will tell you to consume large amounts of clarified butter, ghee lubricates presumably because the birth canal, facilitating easier labor and delivery. This particular myth has no basis whatsoever and ghee in high quantities will only make you put on too much weight! The severity and duration of work is different with each woman, and consuming ghee does not facilitate in every way. Castor oil is often prescribed by doctors if the work is late, to bring on contractions, but ghee is just old wives 'tale'
Myth 10 :. Papaya causes Abortion:
The basis behind this myth is that immature or even semi-ripe papaya contains latex that can trigger uterine contractions. However, to cause miscarriage, a woman should consume papaya in humongous amount. Miscarriages often occur because of abnormalities in a fetus, making it impractical to continue. You can easily enjoy the fruit and favorite foods to your heart's content, but before Always confirm your diet with your doctor
Myth 11 :. determining the sex of the child, according to the sex position:
Many women may have heard about the 'idea' that the baby's sex can be determined by the adopted sexual position. Well, the truth is that it is not possible to determine the sex of the child from sexual positions, as they have no impact on your baby's sex determination
Myth 12 :. low or high may imply the sex of the baby carriage:
This is one of the most common myths associated with pregnancy-during this period, the woman's body undergoes many changes depending on the position of the fetus, muscle mass and the fat deposited around the abdomen showing the size and the shape of a pregnant woman. There is no possibility of making high is a girl and a boy is bringing down, which is a common myth found circulating among many women
Myth 13 :. morning sickness can determine the sex of your baby:
morning sickness does not determine the sex of the child. In essence, the morning sickness occurs due to a condition known as hyperemesis gravidarum. This condition is associated with a feeling of 'disease' usually empty stomach or after intake of some drugs without the consumption of food. Morning sickness is in no way related to the sex of the child
[Read: Chinese gender prediction method ].
Myth 14: The skin becomes dull during the period of your child's growth:
E 'a myth that is taking shots for several ages now that when women's skin becomes dull during pregnancy is due to the growing baby. This is not true. Your body does not experience changes such as the increase of blood flow in all the cells. Many women experience skin bright, popularly known as 'baby-glow' and some may not because of the nature of their body and hormonal imbalances. But there is no scientific data to support because some women do not get the 'baby-glow'. Instead of focusing on the dullness and glow, women should be careful to maintain a healthy diet with proper exercises, to improve their body strength
Myth 15 :. Do not sleep on Your Back:
During pregnancy, sleeping on your back can slow the blood circulation in your baby's body. But, to date there is no scientific evidence to support the fact that sleeping on your back could actually be harmful. The factors of comfort and discomfort differ from woman to woman. Sleeping on the left side is recommended as it increases the blood flow to your lower body and back to the heart
Myth 16 :. avoid raising your arms above your head while pregnant:
This is another myth - it is believed that the umbilical cord can get wrapped around the baby's neck, if you raise your arms above your head during the pregnancy period. However, there is no evidence to support the fact that raising the arms actually could cause the cord to get wrapped around your baby. So feel free to stretch, run the sun salutation and hang wet laundry too
Myth 17 :. Pregnant women should not take a bath:
This may seem extremely fun, but yes, there are myths like these that make rounds for quite some time. During pregnancy, given the hormonal changes that take place, the bathroom is even more important than at other times. Taking a bath does not harm the baby or the mother in any way. However, care should be taken to reduce any possible risks to make sure that your bath water is not too hot as the temperature rise can cause some problems
Myth 18 :. stress is bad for the fetus:
most of us believe that taking any form of stress during pregnancy is bad for the fetus. But recent research shows that taking moderate stress is good for the fetus. It accelerates the development of the child, and tones the nervous system fetus. The infants of mothers who have experienced a moderate level of stress have brains work faster than mothers without stress. In addition, the smallest have a greater mental and motor skills born to stress mothers experienced
Myth 19 :. you should not eat sweets:
Chocolate is a big exception. Studies show that pregnant women who have chocolate regularly have children who laugh more often and show less fear and smile. In addition, pregnant women who eat chocolate five or more times in a week during the third trimester have a 40% lower risk of experiencing high blood pressure
Myth 20 :. You should stay away from seafood:
Another false claim. Eat a lot of fish high in omega-3 gives you the most intelligent children. According to one study, children whose mothers had at least 12 ounces of fish a week had a higher IQ, communication skills, social and upper motor skills
Myth 21 :. expectant mothers feel happy pregnant:
Actually, it is not true. Pregnant women suffer from mood swings, like all the other women. About 20% of pregnant women will experience anxiety and depression. Fall into depression during pregnancy increases the chances of premature birth or low birth weight
Myth 22 :. You should stay away from your pet:
is not true. But, you should not change the bedding of your pet as it can cause the risk of toxoplasmosis infection. You can, however, pamper your pet and nothing
coast animalMyth 23 :. Volante increase Complications:
Not true. And 'again false. You may worry about the airport body scanners, X-ray machines and radiation of flying can affect pregnancy. But the type of radiation does not penetrate so much in the body. So, therefore, it is unlikely to affect the fetus. However, it is not advisable to fly during the third quarter, because there are chances that you may be delivered en route.
The majority of first time moms tend to fall prey to these silly myths, and could make attempts to address them, which can actually be dangerous for the baby.
you are probably raised after checking these myth busters pregnancy, but still, an old aunt would insist on drowning in milder. While you can meet these myths all the time, take all the advice of good intentions, with a pinch of salt and listen only to your doctor or gynaec.
Happy pregnancy!
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