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Vitamin C is a water soluble nutrient that the body can not store. Therefore, you need a fresh supply every day during pregnancy to improve the growth and development of the fetus. In addition, it helps to stay healthy as it is the best friend of the immune system. The right amount of vitamin C is safe for a healthy pregnancy, but it is wise not to include mega-doses. MomJunction helps explain why vitamin C is important during pregnancy, how much to take, its risk factors, shortages and more.
How Much Vitamin C Do you need during pregnancy?
The amount of recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 85 milligrams (mg) for pregnant women who are 19 years and above; and 80mg for women of 18 and below.
As for the Food and Nutrition Board of the Insititute of Medicine and the National Academy of Sciences, the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (IU) of the United States is 2,000 mg per day for women aged 19 and above; . And 1,800mg for women 18 and below (1)
[Read: oranges during pregnancy ]
Why do you need vitamin C When you Pregnant?Sponsored
During pregnant, you must have vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) in the right quantities in the body. And 'essential for:
- mother's health waiting
- fetal development
- removal of any cosmetic defects of the mother and child
- the antioxidant properties vitamin C fights infection and protects the body from toxins and damage (2).
- helps in tissue repair, wound healing, bone growth and repair and have healthy skin (3).
- and 'key in making collagen , a structural protein that is a component of cartilage, bones, tendons and skin (4).
- helps the body absorb iron from food (mostly plant sources). Iron keeps the levels of normal hemoglobin and protects you from anemia. Iron-rich foods with a glass of orange juice helps better absorption (5) of the ore.
- Vitamin C prevents bleeding gums , thus reducing subcutaneous hemorrhage (6).
- Vitamin C helps you agreement with varicose veins as it stops the accumulation of cholesterol and removes toxic substances (7).
- Ascorbic acid aids in proper fetal development . It helps in the formation of the child's tissues, strengthens the blood vessels of the placenta, thus providing more oxygen to the fetus way, and reduces the risk of placental abruption (8).
- It It is also a great remedy for constipation and is useful for bowel movements easier (9).
- Improve skin elasticity , then decrease the stretch marks, and disappear after pregnancy (10).
- According to the book 100 best foods for pregnancy , vitamin C benefits nails and hair of both the mother and fetus
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Food Sources of vitamin C:
The primary sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, but also green leafy vegetables and several fruits and vegetables contain the vitamin. Fresh foods are the best sources of heat as it can destroy the vitamin. Cereals and fruit juices are also fortified with this vitamin
of vitamin C foods can be divided into various categories :.
Fruit - It is found in citrus fruits like orange, lemon and mandarin, and even apples, apricots, persimmons, peaches and berries such as strawberries, sea buckthorn and blackcurrant. Can be taken fresh or in the form of juice or compote
vegetables -. Tomatoes, beets, peppers, fresh potatoes are good sources. Cabbage, especially in fermented form, is a source of vitamin C
Green leaves - .. sorrel and parsley are excellent sources
animal sources -. Both the meat and the fish have enough amount of ascorbic acid to help meet your daily requirement
Briar (thorny bush) - can be done and taken into tea form. It tastes good when mixed with honey
listed below are some of the best sources of vitamin C and the amount :.
- 6 ounces - 62 orange juice at 93mg
- 6 oz of grapefruit juice - 62 to 70mg
- 1 kiwi - 91mg
- bell pepper 1/2 cup (raw, chopped) - 95mg
- 1 medium-size orange - 70mg
- 1 cup of whole strawberries - 85mg
- 1/2 medium sized grapefruit - 38mg
- 1/2 cup of broccoli (cooked) - 51mg
- 1 medium size tomato - 16mg
- 1 medium-sized potato (baked) - 17mg
- 1 cup of spinach (raw) - 8 mg
- 1 cup of cabbage or kale - 70mg
- 1 cup of broccoli or cauliflower - 45mg [germogli1945028]
- 1 cup of Brussels (cooked) - 96mg
- 1 cup of raspberries - 30 mg
[Read: to eat during pregnancy Fruit ]
deficiency of vitamin C during pregnancy :.
The lack of vitamin C will lead to more complications both for the mother and the child
- The deficiency of vitamin C prevents the brain of the fetus' from optimal development. According to a study conducted at the University of Copenhagen, pregnant women should make sure to include vitamin C in their diet from the beginning, because they take it after the damage is done to the child's brain will not help. The study found that the brain damage fetal pregnancy may happen sooner.
- will also cause bleeding gums , which disturb the capillaries (small blood vessels) under the skin. If this condition persists, it can cause scurvy .
- The deficiency of vitamin C can also cause rough, dry skin, and slow healing of cuts, bruises and brittle. Hair
[read: bleeding gums during pregnancy ]
You need vitamin C supplements during pregnancy
It 'pretty easy ? to achieve the daily requirement of vitamin C from food. Therefore, women pregnant most have not need supplements. A glass of orange juice (especially calcium-fortified) during breakfast helps you to get the amount needed.
Research shows that supplementation of vitamin C helps to prevent premature rupture of choriomaniotic membranes (PROM) (11).
it is advisable to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements containing vitamin C as they can risk a premature birth
Side effects of excess vitamin C :.
- The vitamin C intake should not exceed the recommended daily dose, especially during pregnancy. It can lead to the following complications when taken in excess amounts.
- the continuous consumption of vitamin C greater than two grams per day may aggravate the condition of gout and of developing kidney stones (12).
- women who are highly dependent on a high dosage of vitamin C can show its deficiency symptoms when you abruptly stop taking vitamin C is recommended to reduce the amounts to little recently.
- high doses of Vitamin C will lead to abdominal cramps, nausea, fatigue, bowel block, insomnia, headache, diarrhea, flushing and rashes.
- advanced side effects include inflammation of the esophagus, Parkinson's disease, complications of red blood cells, pain at the injection site, the thickened blood vessels around the heart, skin irritation, problems digestive tract and urinary tract complications.
- It can increase the risk of high blood pressure, and diabetic women will experience a peak in their levels of blood sugar.
- Some reports say that the excessive intake of vitamin supplements C prevents scurvy, a disorder associated with vitamin C deficiency (13). But once again, according to the American Pregnancy Association, too much vitamin C taken during pregnancy can cause scurvy newborn (baby will be born with a deficiency of vitamin C). When you take more, the kidneys will expel the excess amount of vitamin C, causing the resistance or intolerance thus to it in your child.
diuresis (increased urine production) and the excess fluid intake helps rule out some of the conditions above.
1. You can take vitamin C and cough drops cold medicine during pregnancy?
The doctors say that it is perfectly okay to take Vitamin C cough drops (as salt of Defense) or cold medicine during pregnancy. And 'how to integrate the body with an essential nutrient that your body and your baby needs. You should avoid taking extra doses, and consult your doctor before taking them.
2. Can vitamin C affect pregnancy test?
Eat foods rich in vitamin C or taking their supplements is not known to influence pregnancy test, which tests for the hormone hCG. It 'sa myth that mega doses may lead to miscarriage because it is not scientifically proven. Furthermore, there is no evidence as regards the interference of vitamin C with levels of hCG.
3. Vitamin C causes abortion?
taking too much vitamin C can cause miscarriage, which instigates some women to use this vitamin for abortion. Some believe that vitamin C stimulates menstrual cycle, resulting in a miscarriage. But no evidence demonstrating its abortifacient nature.
4. Can I take Blackmores supplement vitamin C during pregnancy?
Blackmores supplement combines the benefits of vitamin C, zinc and magnesium to support the immune system and general well-being. However, you should consult your doctor before you take when you are pregnant.
5. How is vitamin C and bioflavonoids connected?
Both are powerful antioxidants that keep your eyes and body healthy. citrus fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamin C, are also good sources of bioflavonoids. They have a free effect and work efficiently together. The researchers believe that the benefits credited to vitamin C alone might actually be a combined effect of both Vitamin C and bioflavonoids
6. And 'safe to take spherical Lypo Celin or vitamin C during pregnancy?
These vitamin C medications contain essential nutrients for both mother and child. However, you should consult your doctor before planning to take them.
7. Vitamin C creams treat pregnancy mask?
creams vitamin C are antioxidants and are safe during pregnancy when applied topically. Melasma, pregnancy mask also known, is a common complaint among most of the pregnant women. Vitamin C creams and serums are the best treatment options.
I hope this article helps you understand the benefits of vitamin C during pregnancy. If you know nothing of this essential vitamin, take part in the comments section below
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