Picture: Shutterstock
It it is rather a fact that smoking is injurious to health. But did you know that second-hand smoke, also known as passive smoking or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is equally generous?
There is much less awareness about the fact that an innocent non-smoker is also vulnerable to smoking-related ailments, just as the smoker is guilty, if it is exposed depending on long-term smoking. Thus, the more smoke you inhale, the more risks you gather for your health.
What is Secondhand Smoke?
Secondhand the smoke is the smoke that you inhale from the burning cigarette near you or the smoke that is exhaled by the smoker himself. In this way, stand the same risk that a smoker suffers.
1. You will be shocked to know that this ETS contains hundreds of toxic chemicals, of which 50 of them are known to cause cancer.
2. ETS contains some of these harmful components that are carriers of toxins and carcinogens. Eg –
- Benzene
- Hydrogen Cyanide
- The carbon monoxide
- Formaldehyde
- vinyl chloride
- ammonia
Now that you know what it is ETS, lets look at some of the effects of passive smoking on both pregnant women and children here:
ETS effect on pregnant women:
is a matter of fact, it is recommended that women that conceiving a child should not smoke. But the same amount of risks are attached when an expectant mom inhales involuntary smoking. It can harm the mother and the unborn child in the following ways :.
- likely to have a stillborn child are more
- In addition, women are more likely to give birth to a child with birth defects inherent.
- Increased risk of baby developing asthma after growing.
- There are also chances that they can develop eczema of allergic rhinitis.
ETS effect on infants and children :.
When parents smoke in front of their babies, they should be aware of how they are damaging the young and innocent lives
1. It is important to note that children who have very sensitive lungs and organs get easily damaged by smoke. Can cause them the following problems:
- reduced lung function
- Increase the chances of contracting asthma
- could cause them to catch pneumonia or bronchitis. ..
- get affected by SIDS (sudden infant death Syndrome).
2. Also, when these kids grow up, they may be more vulnerable to certain life threatening diseases such as cancer, heart disease and cataracts
precaution against second hand smoke :.
there is zero tolerance for second-hand smoke and then the best way to stay away from smoking is to avoid smoking, as smokers.
Follow these rules to ensure sassy better health for your loves ones.
1. Make Your Free Environment:
Make sure the place where you can spend maximum time should be smoke-free Make strict rules not to smoke in the house or even your car
2 Encouraging No smoking ... :
If someone in your family is a smoker then help them stay away from smoking Although, do not smoke in the house, they always carry harmful chemicals smoke in their clothes, bags or other.. accessories
3 Prefer public places: ..
visit, shop and dine in places where it is forbidden to smoke even when you choose a restaurant or a shopping mall or a museum, the rules should be. same
4 Raise children smoke-free: ...
in their years of growth, you should make it imperative that smoking is bad also teach your children to stay away from smoking
Therefore, it is necessary to spread the word about the harmful effects of smoking, as well as the impact of secondhand smoke house.
If someone in your family a smoker, then please share this article with them. Moreover, we do not enlighten with other methods to avoid second hand smoke
References :. 1, 2
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