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Pregnancy calls in the celebrations, as well as a plethora of irritations, minor infections and disorders. While on the one hand you are excited for the baby on the other hand, it is fraught with apprehension because of complaints everyday. Most disorders are due to your changing needs of the body and the devastating hormones to fit your growing child.
One of the most common complaints among pregnant women is the yeast infection. This infection is caused in the vagina and can be very annoying.
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What is yeast infection?
Yeast infection is also called vaginitis or vaginal monilial candidiasis.
- It It is caused by the fungus called Candida albicans.
- There is usually a small amount of yeast present in the vagina and intestinal tract.
- The yeast is infected when there is an overgrowth of rapid multiplication of. mushrooms, hindering the normal routine body pregnant
[Read: infections during pregnancy ]
Causes of yeast infection during pregnancy:
a yeast infection is usually caused during pregnancy, due to the following factors:
- high amount of estrogen secreted during pregnancy It is said to cause the vagina for glycogen production. This makes it more convenient for the yeast to grow and infest. Estrogens also pushes the speed of growth, which allows the yeast to adhere to the vaginal walls.
- Drugs Antibiotics are another cause for yeast infection. While killing the other bacteria that have been prescribed for, these drugs make it even more vulnerable to the yeast to start growing.
- moisture buildup in your vaginal area due to wet underwear or impure can also catalyze the growth spurt.
- heightened sexual activity can trigger an onset of yeast infection sudden
[Read: bacterial infection during pregnancy ].
symptoms of a yeast infection during pregnancy:
you are prone to be afflicted by a yeast infection with symptoms until they begin treatment. Below are some of the main symptoms of a yeast infection in vagina:
- Itchiness.
- Soreness.
- Burning and redness.
- Swelling.
- odorless vaginal discharge that is white, cream or cottage cheese-y in appearance.
- The pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.
- Burning sensation during urination.
- swelling and redness vulva.
[Read: bladder infection during pregnancy ]
Treatment for yeast infection during pregnancy:
once you experience the above symptoms, you should consult your doctor immediately so that the necessary treatment can be started.
- The doctor will check for vaginal discharge and test it to confirm the yeast infection.
- once confirmed, you will be given creams and suppositories along with medication.
- You must use the prescribed cream or suppository in your vaginal area as a topical treatment for the recommended number of days.
- Ideally, use these creams at bedtime. The most creams and suppositories containing clotrimazole which is effective to get rid of infection faster.
Do Do not use over the counter medications or creams during pregnancy. It is an absolute must that you follow your doctor's instructions and take the drug only prescribed
[Read: List of pregnant safe antibiotics ].
yeast infection and the unborn child:
yeast infection does not harm the fetus
- There is a rare chance your child can becoming infected while passing through. the birth canal during labor.
- Even then, the child will develop the throat infection which is known as thrush. This condition is treatable and is not harmful to the baby.
- Yeast infections do not cause miscarriage or preterm labor. The infection does not go down to your baby through the umbilical cord
measures on how to prevent yeast infections during pregnancy :.
prevention is better than cure. Make sure to hygiene practices and following safety measures can help prevent the possibility of a yeast infection. It is true, your body is prone to excess estrogen that can trigger the infection. But keeping alert will help you avoid even the slightest possibility
Below are some health measures that can be applied during pregnancy to avoid the yeast to grow :.
- wear clean cotton underwear that is not too tight to form the sweat and moisture near the vaginal area.
- Keep yourself dry after activities such as swimming and get off at the pool. Have a shower and drying helps.
- sleep at night without underwear relaxes not only your body, but will also just pass the air through the genitals.
- E 'useful to avoid indulging toiletries like scented soaps and detergents, bubble baths and gentle spray. These things raise the possibility of yeast infections.
- Wipe front to back when it comes to the genital area. The possibility of a build infection goes down.
- Healthy diet, fitness and good habits must be followed while fights with the infection. Make sure you eat rich sources of fiber food, rather than unhealthy options during the recovery period and during pregnancy.
- Yeast infections may remain for a longer time or go away soon alone. Keep dry hygiene helps for the entire duration of pregnancy
precise instructions to follow in case of yeast infection :.
You need to make sure that under the rules are followed while dealing with yeast infection during pregnancy:
- not be used because drugs oral without prescription as there could be negative effects of doing the same
- not involved in a relationship or any sexual activity until your body directs light fully infection
- not to apply any kind of creams that are available over the counter in the vaginal area. Yeast infections require specific creams that alone must be used.
- Do not share towels with anyone else in the house.
- always maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. This goes a long way in the fight against all types of infections.
- not touch his genitals with his bare hands while dealing with yeast infection. The fingers become active bearers, sparking a cyclical appearance of growth.
- Do not rub the itchy area as this only worsens the condition. Apply the prescribed suppositories, when and how to relieve yourself from the discomfort
Remember :.
- Feel free to discuss any other concerns you may have regarding yeast infections to your doctor.
- sometimes yeast infections may be secondary to another serious complication is the root cause. This could be another sexually transmitted disease that went unnoticed because of the yeast condition.
- It 'important to get any type of infection checked up thoroughly during pregnancy, both you and your child.
If you have experienced the same during pregnancy, they do share the same in the comments below with other mothers
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