genetic testing during pregnancy - what is and what is its significance

genetic testing during pregnancy - what is and what is its significance -
Genetic Testing During Pregnancy [1945007?] Image: Getty

As a parent, you always want to ensure that the child is in good health. While your doctor will put you in contact with various tests before and during pregnancy, a test that is extremely critical it is genetic testing.

Abnormalities in genes can be inherited or caused by certain conditions. Usually, genetic testing is recommended when you plan to have a baby in the near future.

What is genetic testing?

Genetic test is a type of blood test. It is performed to find the presence of abnormal genes in both you and your partner, which can lead to certain health conditions or diseases in children

Genetic testing to identify genetic diseases :.

most genetic diseases are defined as recessive disorders [1]. This means that together you and your partner could pass an abnormal gene to your baby.


If the test shows that you or your partner have a genetic abnormality, but the parent of the other test is negative, then the genetic abnormality will not pass to the child.

However, if you and your partner tests positive, the baby has a 25 percent risk of contracting the disease

[Read: first trimester screening test ].

Time for genetic testing:

genetic testing is performed both before and during pregnancy to confirm the reports:

  1. it is a single blood test. The reports are delivered within two weeks. Usually the mother, will be tested. If the test is negative, your partner is not necessary to go for testing.
  2. In case, the mother, the positive test, then the doctor will insist your partner to go with the test. This will help to investigate the chances of your child getting genetic disease.
  3. The doctor will most likely recommend genetic testing when you are looking for the child. The best time for you to check with your doctor is to talk to them before the program to conceive.
  4. However, in the case where pregnancy is not planned, the screening is performed in the first months of pregnancy.

Importance of Screening before pregnancy:

you should try to be screened before conceiving. This will give you a complete idea of ​​what to expect even before the pregnancy is confirmed.

  1. If you and your partner are carriers of a genetic abnormality, you can think and plan accordingly, such as how to take control of the situation, if the child It has certain genetic condition.
  2. pre pregnancy genetic testing gives you a chance to pick up some special prenatal tests to find out the health of your baby or think about donating sperm, eggs or adoption.
Genetic Tests during pregnancy:

If the pregnancy is unplanned, or due to some reasons, you can not do the genetic testing before conceiving, it is very important that it does immediately after discovering the pregnancy.

  1. Doctors usually advise prenatal tests during pregnancy to find out the features of a genetic abnormality in the blood.
  2. if you and your partner tests positive, the doctor will conduct further tests. This will help to find out the extent of risk for the baby to have recessive disorders such as sickle cell anemia or cystic fibrosis.
  3. The doctor may perform specialized tests such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus-CVS.

ethnic and genetic anomaly:

Studies They have revealed that there is a profound connection between your family history, ethnic background and genetic abnormality. [2]

If you belong to a particular ethnic group, it is likely that you could be. carrier of a particular recessive genetic disorder

Some of these groups are more likely to contain a particular genetic disease genes include:

  • Eastern European Jews and European Caucasians are at increased risk of suffering from cystic fibrosis.
  • Jews of Eastern Europe are at risk of facing conditions such as familial dysautonomia, Canavan and Tay-Sachs
  • persons belonging to the Mediterranean or African-American descent, as Italians, Greeks Turks and face the risk of health conditions, such as thalassemia and sickle cell anemia. Even the people of Southeast Asia are at risk of suffering from thalassemia
  • French Canadians are more prone to suffer from cystic fibrosis and Tay-Sachs

Remember: ..

  • With the advancement of medical science, you can always expect the best solutions for the problems linked to genetic diseases and pregnancy.
  • These genetic test will help you take the right decision and the precautions and guide you properly to have a healthy baby.
  • While pregnancy is a time of joy, some aspects may tend to make you feel anxious and extremely depressed. Remember that whenever you are stressed, it affects your child directly.
  • Talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have, and believe in the power of modern treatment.

wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy and a wonderful parenting experience

do not forget to share your experiences with us


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