8 simple steps to do a urine test for accurate pregnancy

8 simple steps to do a urine test for accurate pregnancy -

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Getting pregnant is a delightful thing, that can only be experienced first hand! While many first children are unplanned, there can be a lot of thought and anxiety that is actually planning a child.

If you are one of those who are planning to add that little beyond nice for the family, control the state through a urine test may be a common solution. Most women use a home pregnancy test kit to do a urine test. This is a quick way to tell if you are pregnant.

However, not all the urine pregnancy tests done at home will accurate.

The urine test at home proves to be effective when done under ideal circumstances. While doctors suggest that this is the most effective way to get a quick result at home, there is a high probability of false positives or false negatives if not done correctly.

How does the urine test?

urine test that can be done at home using pregnancy kits is actually quite simple. The test works by detecting the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin, also called as hCG. This is a pregnancy hormone that is formed immediately after the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus wall. If the urine test detects hCG, the test result will be positive, indicating that it is pregnant.


Meanwhile, much depends on how the test is performed and the accuracy of the test kit, and done at home or in the clinic.

when to do urine pregnancy test at home?

This is especially the first question on your mind while planning a family. The timing of the test largely determines the accuracy of the result. Many women, in a race to know if they are pregnant, they end up taking the test in the morning after having sex. This is not correct, because in that short interval you end up giving incorrect results.

Considering that the hCG hormone kicks off soon after conception, you must go for a pregnancy test as soon as you forget the monthly period. While some experts say the test can be taken one day after missing the normal menstrual cycle, many recommend that you wait at least a week. The wait allows multiple levels of hCG to build up in the blood and urine, thus compromising the confirmed results.

Accurate Urine Test For Pregnancy Click here to see a larger version of this infographic

steps you can take a of accurate urine test for pregnancy :.

Here is a list of simple steps you need to follow while doing a urine test for pregnancy at home. These will ensure that the test is effective to determine pregnancy.

1. Check the expiry date:

If you plan to take a pregnancy test of urine at home, checking the expiry date it is an absolute must.

  • The latest of the best pregnancy kits will be the results.
  • Make sure that you buy the product preservation in mind the date of manufacture and expiry, the presentation of the box (check for open seal, wear, etc.), in order to choose the right one.
  • If you were given a month before pregnancy kit, please throw it away. It is always advisable to use the new piece.

2. Test in the morning :.

Going for a morning of pregnancy urine test (first thing in the morning) yields the most effective reading

  • This is because the urine is the most concentrated in morning with the highest levels of hCG.
  • Doing a pregnancy test in this timeline does not give false implications.
  • So whenever you're ready, take the test morning.

3. Read the instructions carefully:

It 's always best to go through the instructions on the reverse side before making the test

  • different brands have different characteristics, and you need to understand . what you are going to use.
  • Factors such as urine collection method, the length of time needed to let the living urine on the test stick and the symbols used to show the results could be different for each brand.

4. Familiarity with symbols:

You must know the symbols listed on the package to find out the best reading

  • If you can not decipher what. the symbols have while showing the results, do not panic.
  • Call the toll free number shown behind the pack or inside the leaf to clear your doubts.

5. Prepare mentally:

whether the clinic or at home, the test for pregnancy comes with mixed feelings . They are more likely to be nervous and nervous about the experience as a first timer.

  • mentally prepared well in advance before undergoing the test.
  • Talk to your husband and close friends can help get rid of unwanted fears of the result relevance.
  • Whatever the result is, to understand that pregnancy is a natural process.

6. Do methodically tests:

Although a urine test may look like a walk in the park, be sure to follow all the instructions T.

  • You can directly or urinate on the stick or take a urine sample in a plastic cup supplied and test a few drops gently on the stick.
  • when urinating directly, be sure to follow the instructions listed on the timeline.
  • The number of seconds varies for different brands, so be sure to follow the same waiting to see the final result.

7. Wait for the results:

After finishing the test, place the stick horizontally on a clean surface to develop the readings

  • The waiting time can be ideally. anywhere between 1 to 5 minutes, and it is waiting until the time is important.
  • While some tests are said to also take up to ten minutes to give the correct result, you should not panic during this time period.
  • While most women have a tendency to stare nervously waiting stick, remember that doing such a thing will not improve results.
  • Take a break and have a cup of tea while you wait. This will also reduce the anxiety building up.

8. The final result Control :.

Once the waiting time has elapsed, check the results

  • While symbols vary with the brands, the second line appearing on stick is a sign of a positive result.
  • If you see even a faint line that appears next to the first, consider that as a positive sign. This indicates that the test had picked up traces of hCG in the urine

things to do after the results :.

reading the results can a moment that changes your life for you. However, this is only the beginning. Make sure you know what to do next after doing the urine test

Here are some things you should keep in mind :.

1. In case of success:

If the result of the urine pregnancy test is positive, make an appointment with your doctor. The specialist may also recommend a blood test to confirm the results of the urine test. In most cases, the results of a urine test are taken to make sure accurate shot.

2. In case of failure:

If you have missed your period and still shows a negative result, wait a bit 'of time and re-take the test. False negatives are sometimes possible. These can happen when you have miscalculated the date of ovulation, or did the test earlier than recommended. If the second test also coming out negative, make an appointment with your doctor and find out the reasons thereof. There may be other causes for the missed period other than pregnancy

reasons of a false positive :.

Although false positives are very rare after a urine test, are quite possible. A false positive result is nothing but the trial proving that she is pregnant, when in fact they are not. This happens for some important reasons that can not be overlooked.

Here are some of the reasons for false positive results of a urine test. However, remember that there may be many other reasons that can affect every woman differently. The most important thing for you to ensure while you are trying to conceive is to stay stress-free. Even if the test comes out negative, we recommend that you look like a little break, have a word with the doctor and the new plan.

1. Chemical Pregnancy:

also known as an early miscarriage, it is an unfortunate scenario where you could get pregnant but he would have lost soon after implantation (settling fertilized egg in the uterus). About 25% of all pregnancies in the United States are tested false positive due to chemical pregnancy. 'Very important for you not to lose hope if this happens. This makes way for the possibility that you can get pregnant sooner or later.

2. Missed Reaction Time:

This is another factor that makes you read the wrong result. Reading the results after the recommended time has elapsed can send wrong signals. Your rod has exceeded the actual reaction time and there is every chance that you will be reading a false positive.

3. Other drugs:

If you are undergoing any other medical treatments, such as fertility, involving an hCG trigger shot, make sure there was enough time for the shot to metabolize and clear the system. Usually fertility experts suggest that you should wait about 14 days to eliminate the impact of hCG tests before taking a pregnancy test. This reduces the possibility of false positive results to occur.

4. Evaporation Line:

This is a tricky line that comes on the stick in a different color. It seems very similar to that of the line which should appear to indicate pregnancy. Do not confuse this to be a sign of a positive result. The line marked with the kit says a certain color and the same must be sought. Different brands use different color bands

reasons of a false negative :.

If there is a result that indicates a false negative time and again, do not be stressed. False negatives are very common. If you did a urine test more than once to show the same results, we suggest you have a word with your doctor about it.

There are many reasons for false negatives to happen. Some of them are listed below:

1. Test Too Early:

If you undertake a pregnancy test in a pure rush of anxiety, be prepared for a false negative. You have to follow precisely the time to do the test. The ovulation period is different for everyone. So the chances of getting a false negative, while still pregnant are high. Make sure you test for pregnancy, taking into account the times indicated above.

2. Low sensitivity of the strip:

Despite picking up the last of pregnancy kits, there are all the possibilities of your strip to be less sensitive, while the detection of the level of hCG. This is a manufacturing defect. If you are not convinced of the negative result, try to take the test with a different brand of home pregnancy kit.

3. Diluted urines:

This is the real reason why you should take your urine test early in the morning. In the case of tests conducted at other times of the day, the content of dilute urine gets inefficient for the kit to work as it should. Moreover, there is every possibility that the urine may be diluted in the early morning. If this happens, try taking the test the next day. Chances are that the result will be different.

getting pregnant is the most exciting thing for a woman. While there are mixed moments of stress, anxiety, joy and despair involved, be aware that conceiving a child is the work of nature. Be optimistic and preparation is always better when you are taking a urine test to determine pregnancy.

Be sure to share your feelings with your spouse so that they are much more reinforced to know the outcome. Your doctor should be able to answer all your questions and fears. Do not hesitate to consult on the same

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