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Bronchitis It is a painful and persistent condition that poses specific risks, especially in pregnant women. Since the effects of pregnancy temporarily weaken the immune system, this disease makes the body more sensitive to the condition. It creates breathing problems and inconvenience for the new mother and poses a potential risk to the fetus. MomJunction helps to understand bronchitis and how it can be treated.
What is bronchitis?
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the two larger airways that pass from the mouth to the lungs. This occurs due to viral infection status in the mucosa of the respiratory tract, which creates more mucus and prevents self-purification of the bronchi. Usually there are two types of bronchitis - acute and chronic - with different symptoms and characteristics.
Bacteria or viruses cause acute bronchitis, which is not very harmful and does not pass any microbes from mother to fetus. It is easily treatable by drinking to excess (non-caffeinated) fluids and electrolytes, and requires almost no medication. (1)
Chronic bronchitis is a severe form that can last from several months to years. The mucus is usually discolored, and you may notice blood in it. The infection is recurring, which can damage the lungs and cause a lot of major complications
[Read: viral infections during pregnancy ]
Causes Bronchitis during pregnancy:
1. Virus:
Bronchitis is caused by the same virus as a coronavirus, rhinovirus and parainfluenza virus, that cause cold and flu. The accumulation of mucus due to cold, flu or asthma can also lead to bronchitis. Since this is contagious, the infected person can pass around to others when sneezing or coughing.
2. Irritants breathing:
cigarette smoke, tobacco smoke, smog, chemicals, chemical fumes and dust particles can lead to bronchitis. Breathe fumes and smoke during pregnancy may aggravate the existing inflammation and lead to chronic bronchitis. It will also cause congenital effects and diseases of the lower respiratory tract in children (2).
3. Prolonged exposure:
Continuous exposure to inhalants such as grain dust, strong acids, ammonia, chlorine, etc., can cause bronchitis
symptoms bronchitis during pregnancy :.
The initial symptoms of bronchitis include:
- Shortness breathlessness
- Sore throat
- Dry cough
- gradual increase in temperature
- drowsiness, weakness, irritability and fatigue
- Loss appetite
These early symptoms of bronchitis are similar to the symptoms of the first phase of the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) (3). Symptoms can be treated at home. Acute bronchitis with a typical flow lasts 10-12 days, and if the symptoms do not subside within this time, manifests itself in a chronic form
[Read: dry cough during pregnancy ]
bronchitis during risks Pregnancy:
Serious complications are unlikely to develop in many women. The main risks include
difficulty breathing: Bronchitis results in ineffective oxygen intake in the lungs due to the inflammation of the bronchial walls. This deprives the body of oxygen, we breathe less than optimal levels required and reduces the necessary oxygen to the fetus
The drugs that harm fetal growth :. Certain cases of bronchitis may require treatment with antibiotics and other powerful drugs. But these are harmful to the growing fetus. Therefore, doctors recommend good rest and basic prudence to treat bronchitis. If these self-care measures fail, doctors may prescribe drugs whose effects can not be predicted
pneumonia -. In some cases, bronchitis occurs along with a low grade fever. When the temperature rises, the child's growth will be at high risk. You may be suffering from high fever especially in the case of pneumonia or when developing symptoms of the same. The need for powerful drugs for pneumonia may also pose a great risk for children.
In addition, if you are suffering from fever, you can not take enough fluids. It causes dehydration and leads to contractions that can cause preterm birth. Bronchitis associated with fever can also put the child at risk of serious complications such as spina bifida (4) and, in some cases, even death
. [Read: pneumonia during pregnancy ]
loss of appetite - Bronchitis will also affect appetite levels. When you eat less, your child will not get enough nutrients. And, consequently, it hinders the health and development of your child in overall growth
placental abruption -. Severe cases of bronchitis may require hospitalization. According to a research study, hospitalization due to respiratory disease is associated with placental abruption (5)
Home treatments for bronchitis :.
If the symptoms are mild, you can follow some home remedies that can help reduce the symptoms. They are not harmful to the fetus, unlike drugs.
- Consume plenty of fluids, especially hot drinks . Some good options that you can try are:
- Tea with honey, raspberries, lemon and
- warm milk with additives (at your option)
- herbal decoctions such as sage, thyme, oregano, and coltsfoot (mother and stepmother)
- Take plenty of rest to support the immune system as it helps to destroy the virus.
- Garlic and raw onions are also great anti-viral agents. You could swallow a mixture of garlic or onion mixed with raw honey, twice a day to relieve symptoms.
- You can warm up the chest and back, placing poultices . Help relieve chest congestion.
- humidifiers or steam showers manage breathing difficulties. You can loosen mucus and ease coughing.
- nasal irrigation may help. You could make the saline solution with warm water (8 ounces), salt (half a teaspoon), and baking soda (half a teaspoon). Leaning over a sink with the head at a 45 degree angle and nostrils in front of the sink. Pour the solution into one nostril while breathing through the mouth. The fluid flowing through the nasal cavity comes out through the other nostril. E ', then it rinses away the mucus and helps you feel less stuffy. Repeat this 3-4 times a day
When you meet the doctor
However, some situations may require immediate medical attention, such as:.?
- A persistent cough accompanied by chest pain
- coughing up blood
- Mucus followed by purulent sputum (6)
- dyspnea (shortness of breath)
- Fever of 101 degrees +
your doctor will carefully examine both the mother and the child's condition before deciding to offer any treatment. If it's a severe case, you will experience the lung function and the extent of damage
The diagnosis of bronchitis :.
The initial diagnosis includes a thorough physical examination of the pregnant woman on the basis of clinical symptoms. The doctor examines the larynx to notice the reddish hue, ribs, and swelling, occurring during inhalation and exhalation. It also examines the tonsils, which would give a painful response to palpations of lymph nodes. Auscultation (listening to breathing) indicates the frequency and depth of accumulation of mucus in the airways.
Laboratory tests make a more accurate diagnosis and a general blood test helps determine the signs of inflammation, higher amount of Hb (hemoglobin) and HT levels (hematocrit), and sputum production. A Gram stain of sputum is carried out to check the sensitivity to antibiotics to determine the right treatment.
In rare, severe cases, a chest radiograph is performed to verify the degree of bronchitis. However, they are mostly avoided to prevent the risk of radiation to the fetus.
A differential examination is performed to check for other signs of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and whooping cough, which may have similar symptoms.
treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy:
After diagnosis, if your doctor suspects your bronchitis is caused by a bacterial infection, she may prescribe medications. It must proceed with caution, as a lot of antibiotics are safe for use during pregnancy.
Under antibiotics are considered safe while you are pregnant:
- Amoxicillin
- Ampicillin
- Erythromycin
- Clindamycin
- Penicillin
- Nitrofurantoin
You should not take certain antibiotics such as tetracycline, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim as they cause some risks for the child. The tetracycline class of antibiotics cause discoloration of the teeth of your child and sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim are known to increase the risk of birth defects in infants.
Antibiotics are not the only ones with bronchitis treatments can also result from a virus, in this case, the condition resolves in a few days. But if the symptoms continue to remain for days, you should consult your doctor for the best prescription to manage the symptoms
[Read: 5 antibiotics safe during pregnancy ].
quarter-wise treatment :.
in each quarter, providing immediate treatment for early symptoms is effective in eliminating bronchitis without affecting the mother and the child
in the first quarter, doctor gives a anti-inflammatory therapy, such as the drug Bioparox (7) that provides a localized effect and destroys the infection to maintain the secure fetus. Usually, a group of penicillin antibiotics is preferred in this quarter.
In the second quarter , cephalosporins (8) are prescribed and are safe for the baby. Expectorants such as bromhexine, ambroxol, halixol, and mukaltin are also given to relieve cough and swelling.
In the third quarter, on the basis of intrauterine infection, your doctor will prescribe medications along with intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. The treatment for preterm labor and threatened miscarriage occurs based on the characteristics of the disease
preventive measures for bronchitis during pregnancy :.
Even if you can not stay away from contracting bronchitis, a little 'measures help to minimize its presence.
- Quit smoking and avoid exposure to secondhand smoke.
- Keep away from people who have bronchitis. If you notice someone around you it is suffering from cold or flu, use a face mask.
- Wash your hands often and use an alcohol-based disinfectant. It reduces the risk of viral infection.
- limit exposure to all irritants such as chemical fumes and household cleaners, as they exacerbate the lining of the bronchi, and puts you at risk of viruses. infection
[Read: 4 Hygiene tips to follow during pregnancy ]
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. I am sure albuterol inhalers bronchitis during pregnancy?
albuterol inhalers interact with other stimulant drugs. They can, therefore, cause complications in women with underlying heart disease due to increased blood pressure and heart rate. They are not prescribed for pregnant women because they show teratogenic effects on the child.
2. They are the safe steroids for bronchitis during pregnancy?
In severe cases of bronchitis, the doctor may prescribe steroid medications. Even if they sound fear during pregnancy, they are commonly used by physicians for the treatment of various pre-existing medical conditions.
3. Can excessive coughing affect the baby during pregnancy?
As the cough may be physiologically stressful, the mother's body releases the hormone cortisol. This hormone could achieve growth of the fetus through the placenta and adversely affect it. Damage is seen more in women who suffer from a lot of stress. The newborn could show birth defects and brain, have a low birth weight, etc.
If you know other home remedies for bronchitis during pregnancy, to play the part in the comments section. safe and healthy living
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