Is it safe to get a chemical peel during pregnancy

Is it safe to get a chemical peel during pregnancy -
Chemical Peel During Pregnancy

picture ?: Shutterstock

Everybody She wants to look beautiful and attractive. Looking good is a great way to boost your confidence. It helps you to face the world with poise and conviction.

But when you are pregnant, things are a bit 'different. It's not just about you anymore. It 'also about your unborn baby.

chemical peels are a popular choice of beauty care for many women. It 'a great way to experience the instant skin rejuvenation. It can also help to reduce blemishes, wrinkles and sun damage. Chemical peels can also remove pre-cancerous skin growths (1)! You can use chemical peels on the face and also on the rest of the body. But they are suitable when you are pregnant?

If you are considering getting a chemical peel during pregnancy, wait! According to the Oregon Health and Science University, chemical peels are not suitable for pregnant women (2)!

Why are chemical peels not safe during pregnancy?

Apart from the fact that one can make you look like a million dollars, chemical peels can cause a number of unpleasant side effects. Some strong chemical peels can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, enter the bloodstream and harm the baby in your womb too!


Here are some harmful effects of a chemical peel:

1. It can worsen pigmentation:

During pregnancy, it is common to experience skin pigmentation (3). You can thank all those ramped hormones for your skin problems. A chemical peel can make the condition worse and cause the pigments to become even darker

[read: And 'safe to whiten your face during pregnancy ].

2. Not effective in many cases:

One of the main reasons to stay away from chemical peels during pregnancy and lactation is that the skins simply do not work wonders on your skin thanks to all hormones in your body! The skins can provide temporary relief from problems like pigmentation and acne, but these problems are the result of pregnancy hormones, are reoccur fairly quickly (4). Here are some good money down the drain!

3. It can cause Miscarriage :.

Some chemical peels require general anesthesia, which is not safe during pregnancy and can also cause a miscarriage (5)

4. can trigger Herpes:

Some Women may also experience an outbreak of viral infections, such as herpes after opting for a chemical peel (6)

. [Read: Herpes during pregnancy ]

5. Other risks:

Some other risks synonymous with the use of chemical peels include:

  • Temporary redness of the skin.
  • scars.
  • In a rare case, it can adversely affect the heart, liver and kidneys.

Thus, chemical peels look like a complete no-no for a pregnant woman! Do not lose heart. Some chemical peels are safe for use during pregnancy

chemical peeling types :!

chemical peels are available in a variety of forms. Some are strong and safe during pregnancy, while you can give the others a try.

1. Secure chemical peels during pregnancy:

light chemical peels are safe during pregnancy. These acids include alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acids, lactic and fruit. You can opt for these peels easily and give your skin a new look. The acid in these peels remain active for no more than five minutes and does not cause any harm to you or your precious baby.

2. Chemical peels to avoid during pregnancy:

deep peels like phenol peels are strictly off limits to pregnant women. You should also avoid peels containing salicylic acid. These strong chemicals can permeate the skin and negatively affect your unborn baby. The procedure for applying these peels require anesthesia and several months for recovery. If you need a deep peel, opt for the procedure only after the first birthday of your child

[Read: I'm sure Face during pregnancy ].

If you can, hold off going for a chemical peel until childbirth. Even if you opt for a light peeling, do not forget to discuss it with your doctor first.

Have you tried a chemical peel during pregnancy? Did you have any side effects? Do not share your experience with us

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4 Responses to "Is it safe to get a chemical peel during pregnancy"

  1. Medium depth peels extend to the upper reticular dermis and can be used to treat the same conditions as superficial chemical peel. Understandably, the downtime and discomfort may be longer than superficial chemical peels.

    chemical peels Abu Dhabi

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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