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Are You are wondering whether to eat the ham during pregnancy is safe?
The food you eat plays a huge role in determining your overall health and wellbeing. During pregnancy, not only impact your health, but the health of your baby too. That is why it is important to stick to consume healthy foods during this time.
Some foods you usually eat can not necessarily be fit to be eaten during pregnancy. Ham has too make the list of foods to avoid during pregnancy? try out.
Risks Meat consumption during pregnancy:
Meat is a good source of protein, and is an important part of the diet too. However, the consumption of undercooked meat, including clams, raw oysters, sushi, unpasteurized eggs and even raw cookie dough or cake may result in different health risks. This is because these cooked foods tend to contain large amounts of bacteria, parasites and viruses, which can increase the risk of being affected by various health conditions, and perhaps you also have an adverse effect during pregnancy.
Other foods such as hot dogs and lunch meats tend to contain bacteria known as Listeria monocytogenes, which causes a condition called listeriosis. Listeriosis, if allowed to progress, it can also lead to serious health problems stillbirth, miscarriage and other. (1)
While the risk of being affected by this infection is relatively low, it is still a relative factor. Also, it is important to note that your body is relatively vulnerable during pregnancy, which is why it is best to stick to eating foods that have little or no risk of any health concerns associated with their consumption.
[read: to eat meat during pregnancy ]
And 'safe to eat ham during pregnancy
[?According to the NHS, pregnant women can consume cold meats such as salami and Parma ham safely during pregnancy with a very low risk of being struck by food poisoning or infections. However, it is important to note that while these infections can be mild to your body, can be serious for the baby. In fact, having listeriosis during pregnancy may increase the possibility of transferring the infection to her child, which could also lead to premature birth or neonatal death. (2)
In essence, the ham consumption during pregnancy may be risky
[Read: listeriosis during pregnancy ].
Ham eat during pregnancy - The healthy way:
Although it is best to avoid consuming the ham and other raw sausages during pregnancy, there are some ways to reduce the risk of being affected by the harmful effects associated with its consumption.
- The best way to eat safe during pregnancy is to wash everything you eat thoroughly, including fruit and vegetables.
- Make that all meats are fully cooked before consuming them-raw food, particularly meat, they are more likely to transmit live bacteria and viruses.
- Re-heat all foods until they are steaming hot before you consume them-with a thermometer to check the temperature of food is a good idea.
- Ideally, ham must be cooked to 0F and precooked ham must be cooked at 140F for to be healthy and safe for consumption among pregnant women. (3)
- While eating out in restaurants, avoid choosing foods that contain meats since they do not re-heat their deli meat.
- Ask for the cheeses to hard paste options as opposed to soft cheeses.
- Avoid choosing spreads meat and seafood refrigerated smoked sea that is refrigerated. Be sure to warm all right before serving, preferably until it is not hot.
- Choose ham cooked at home as opposed to store-bought versions. Be sure to cook thoroughly before eating.
I hope this article will answer your questions about eating ham consumption during pregnancy? Let us know your views in the comment box below
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