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You always complained about your husband snoring at night. But suddenly, the roles were reversed! And 'you who is keeping your partner awake. Pregnancy can do this at a wedding!
But can snoring during pregnancy lead to any complications? Or is it just a forced marriage to worry?
What causes snoring during Pregnancy?
Many women, who have never snored in their lives, find their partners complain of insomnia nights. This is especially true during the third quarter.
So why pregnant women snoring?
1. Nasal Congestion:Sponsored
Pregnancy hormones are well known! They can take a toll on your body. These same hormones lead to swelling of the mucous membranes, which in turn lead to nasal congestion and snoring
[Read: nasal congestion during pregnancy ].
2. Weight gain:
Obesity is directly linked to snoring. During pregnancy, women tend to pile on the pounds. This brings extra weight to tissues more items in the neck, which can lead to snoring.
is snoring during pregnancy A cause for concern?
People often joke about snoring. But the pregnancy snoring can be a sign of something more serious tone. Here are some serious health problems associated with heavy snoring during pregnancy:
1. Sleep Apnea:
Snoring can cause short periods of sleep apnea, when you simply stop breathe. It can lead to deprivation of oxygen in the body and harm the baby.
2. Preeclampsia:
Snoring It can also lead to preeclampsia. A serious health problem, preeclampsia can lead to premature delivery. And in the worst case, even prove fatal.
3. Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR):
Studies show that snoring during pregnancy are more likely to suffer from intrauterine growth restriction cases. IUGR can lead to low birth weight in infants. IUGR children also show developmental delays. Regular ultrasound scans can help you monitor your child's growth and help capture IUGR in time
[Read: intrauterine growth retardation ]
4. Gestational diabetes:
Pregnancy Snoring is also an indicator of gestational diabetes. So make sure you do the glucose tolerance test to exclude this particular problem of pregnancy.
5. Low birth weight:
Some researchers say that snoring can lead to inflammation in the placenta, which in turn can cause low birth weight in infants
[Read: Low Birth Weight ]
when you should see your doctor?
If you more than usual snoring, you should talk to your doctor. But if you come across any of the following symptoms, rush to the emergency room, as they can be a sign of preeclampsia.
- daytime sleepiness
- Headaches that refuses to go away
- swollen legs
preeclampsia it is an emergency situation. In most cases, the diagnosis of preeclampsia will send you directly to the operating room to deliver your baby - no matter how early it is. This may be the only chance to save your life and give your child a chance to survive. Many of the above symptoms can be harmless. But do not take the risk
Snoring Remedies During Pregnancy :!
Chances are; your night cacophony is nothing to worry about. But if you want to help your partner better sleep, you can try the following tips:
1. Invest In Nasal Strip:
readily available in pharmacies, nasal strips are a way for drug-free get freedom from snoring. Just stick it on his way to bed!
2. Get a humidifier:
As mentioned before, the majority of pregnant women snore due to nasal congestion. So, buy a warm-mist humidifier. Use it in the bedroom during sleep to get some relief from snoring.
3. Try sleeping on your side:
This is something you should do anyway! Try sleeping on your side, on the left is better. It will improve the circulation in your body and help you sleep better too.
4. Try Altitude:
Try to sleep with the head slightly elevated. Just take two pillows instead of one. It will also allow the free air flow and give it your best husband sleep
[Read: Pregnancy Pillow ].
5. Watch what you eat:
Yes, you need to gain weight during pregnancy. But do not let go! Remember, pregnancy weight is hard to miss. Not only that, those extra pounds could be the reason you are snoring. So watch what you eat and keep your weight under control.
6. Stay Away From:
alcohol, tobacco and sleeping pills! First, they are not good for your growing baby. Second, you can make your first floor throat and cause snoring
[Read: Drinking alcohol during pregnancy ].
7. Buy earplugs:
Sleep deprivation is not a joke. So, buy your partner some earplugs and let him sleep.
8. Head to the sofa:
If nothing works and they need your husband to sleep seems bigger than his patience, his head to the sofa. Or ask her husband to move the base of the couch if you want to sleep at night.
The good news is that there will be snoring forever. Once the baby is here, snoring is more likely to fade. But sleepless nights? Well, I am here to stay for a while '! Do not be surprised to find your partner to talk with nostalgia of those beautiful full snoring nights "!
Snoring is destroying your marriage? How are you dealing with it? Tell us in the comments section below
reference Images :. 1, 2
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