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During pregnancy, women usually crave for their favorite food or go through the ritual of morning sickness. Few expectant mothers will be curious to buy clothes for their baby yet to be born. So an obvious question for most to be the mind of the mothers would be about the baby's sex.
You are anxious to know if it's a boy or a girl? The only accurate way to find out the sex of your baby is actually visiting the doctor. You can also indulge in some fun guessing games to know the sex of your baby
Here are some of the ways on how to find child sex during pregnancy :.
- A prenatal tests such as amniocentesis note
- A sonogram
4 The known methods of gender prediction during pregnancy:
The most accurate and authentic way to determine the sex of your baby is through medical tests and an ultrasound. Here are some of the most effective medical methods on how to predict baby gender during pregnancy. These methods can be considered only after consulting your doctor:
1. Ultrasound:
Ultrasounds They are the most common method used by physicians. Here are some of the advantages of undertaking an ultrasound:
- The machine allows the physician to assess how the baby is developing in addition to measuring the size of the child
- Some measures and date to enable the physician to determine the age of the child.
- ultrasound also helps the physician to recognize the lips or the penis.
- .
- This is the most effective when conducted after the 18th week of pregnancy
[read: ultrasound during pregnancy ]
2. Genetic Testing :
genetic testing is another way to test full of determining the sex of the baby accurately. Here are some of the finer details that you should be aware of:
- This test is usually performed during the nascent stages of pregnancy. Usually in the first quarter when the child has not yet fully formed in womb.
- It It should be noted that this particular method is not only conducted to determine the sex of the baby, but also to know if there are problems with the child's development. Therefore, to find out the baby's sex is an added advantage.
- The majority of parents do not really know the baby's sex as they want it to be a surprise. In this case, this test can be done to find out if your baby is healthy
[Read: Genetic testing ].
3. In Vitro Fertilization:
In Vitro Fertilization is also another way to determine the kind of prediction child during pregnancy. Here are some of the details that you should be aware of when subjected to this particular test :.
- This started in 1967 and makes full use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
- through the PGD technique, embryos which they are produced through in vitro fertilization can be used to verify the sex chromosomes, various disorders that the child may be susceptible to as well as to discover genetic variants.
- PGD test involves taking a cell from the embryo, extracted from a group of about eight cells. DNA is extracted from the analysis and if it matches the gender group you want, it will be only then implanted in the womb.
- The PGD test has a 100% success rate, in particular where the sex chromosomes are affected. Therefore, you can be sure to get accurate results that could help you plan ahead.
- Indeed, it is interesting to note that there were registers for parents who want a little girl rather than a boy, with numbers standing at 0% and 70%, respectively.
- one of the main advantages of opting for PGD is to ensure that parents with genetic diseases are less likely to pass on the same to their child yet to be born.
- PGD is also a preferred option because it can help prevent the passage of diseases that are specific to their gender, which are transferred to the chromosome X or Y. The procedure can be extremely expensive if you are on a tight budget and struggling with finances too.
[ Read: Baby Born With An Extra Chromosome]
4. Microsoft Method:
This method has not really gained popularity because it is relatively new. However, here are some important things to note about this method of gender prediction pregnancy:
- This method helps sort sperm from X or Y chromosomes like these chromosomes ultimately , to determine the sex of the child.
- , the process is normally carried out with the help of a dye which is then absorbed by the sperm.
- sperm determines the sex of the baby at the end.
- a machine called the cytometer will determine the brightness, separating X and Y chromosomes
- sperm with the desired chromosome will then be used to fertilize the egg and implanted
Consequences of sex determination during pregnancy :.
In some countries, such as India, it is forbidden for parents to even broach the subject you want to know the sex of their child due to some cultural reasons . Medically and culturally, here are some of the main consequences of gender determination:
- The doctor or technician skills, if falsified, can provide wrong information about the sex of the baby, leaving unprepared later .
- Ultrasound can not always be 100% accurate or true. Since there are a number of possibilities to consider - the baby could be facing the wrong way, the legs can be crossed or genitals may not be visible
- Some hospitals have a policy you deny. the opportunity to discover the sex of her baby, because it could lead to disappointment and even family pressure to have the pregnancy terminated if it is not the desired sex.
- Determination of the sex of the child could help you plan ahead before the baby arrives, leaving disappointed if the reports were false.
Knowing the sex of a child can be very exciting for some parents, while some may be left disappointed by the results. However, use your discretion when it comes to making a bold step like this. Also, keep in mind that you are under no obligation to find out the baby's sex.
We hope that we were able to provide sound information on which the determination is generally concerned. Do you know other gender prediction method pregnant? Share with us by commenting below
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A safe baby gender calculator is all I have ever wanted as I am currently pregnant of 3 weeks and I want to know the gender. Even though this is illegal in most of the countries but still people are curious to know it.