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While you go for your routine checkups, your doctor may recommend a test called cardiotocography. Any tests relating to cardio usually scare people. Well, do not panic! We are here to provide information on how and why it is recommended cardiotocography.
Cardiotocography is a test that measures the heartbeat of your baby and also contractions of the uterus. This test is recommended at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy. The decision of your delivery is made based on this test.
How and when your pregnancy progresses, it may want to monitor both you and your baby's health. This is to ensure that it gives birth to a healthy baby.
Is This test recommended for all women?
This test is not recommended for all pregnant women. This is done only in the following cases:
- If you feel that your child's movement has slowed or is not regular
- If your doctor thinks there is some obstruction in the blood. the flow to your baby due to some problem in the placenta.
- If the reports prove to have low levels of amniotic fluid.
- When you are carrying twins.
- If you have high blood pressure or high diabetes.
- If you have elevated temperature.
[Leggi: genetic testing during pregnancy ]
How is the test conducted Cardiotocography
This test is done externally, and thus is less painful ?. Usually, the test is carried out as follows:
- A belt is placed around the abdomen. Two plates are connected to this belt, which is in direct contact with the skin.
- A plate is useful to measure the baby's heartbeat and the other is used in the measurement of uterine contractions.
- a jelly can be applied to the skin to get stronger signals.
- Then a machine is placed on your abdomen to show the test signals.
- heartbeats of your baby will be measured in terms of sound from the machine button.
- A press report on heart rate can also be generated through this ordeal.
- this test can last from anywhere between 20 and 60 minutes.
- Occasionally, the signal can not be found. In this case, it conducted an internal test. The process is as follows: ..
- A flexible tube is inserted through the vagina and positioned on the scalp of the child
- This device records the heartbeat
- This test could cause a little 'annoyance, but it's not too painful
[Read: Test to take during pregnancy ].
What are the test results [?
When conducted a fetal cardiotocography, you can get two types of results. The result of this test can be either a reactive or may be a non-reactive.
1. a) reactive results:
When the test shows reactive, which can be interpreted that the rate changes baby's heartbeat as for movements of him.
- The heart rate displayed by the monitor can tell if the heart rate is normal, too high or too little.
- Based on this, the doctor will decide whether an immediate cesarean is necessary or not.
2. b) The results nonreactive :.
A nonreactive result can not always be defined as a negative
- It could be interpreted that your child has or sleep, and can not be then react.
- In this case, your doctor will ask you to make movements or walk so that the baby wakes up or react.
- After these steps, if the child does not respond, then the test can be carried out after an hour or so.
- If once again the results are not responding, and then an ultrasound scan is recommended by your doctor.
- If this problem shows test results, your doctor may make arrangements for a profit delivery.
[Leggi: ultrasound during pregnancy ]
How are the test results interpreted
If the heart rate of a baby is between 110 to 0 beats per minute, then it is regarded as ideal.
- This rate may increase when the baby moves.
- It 'a great way to check if the baby is getting proper oxygen or not.
- you can properly assess how the child is reacting to contractions.
Cardiotocography pregnant can prove to be really useful and save. you from complications
Do let us know if you have more information about CTG commenting below
. Reference: 1
- All you need to know about hemoglobin level during pregnancy
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