What is Brow Presentation and what are its complications

What is Brow Presentation and what are its complications -
Brow Presentation

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Pregnancy It is the most memorable experience in one's life, but it also brings discomfort and confusion.

When you are pregnant, it is obvious enough to develop concern for many things. Delivery and the position of the fetus in the womb is one of them.

One of these rare type of birth condition of a child's forehead presentation. Figure out what it is and learn about the various factors related to it.

What Brow Presentation?

The position of your baby during delivery is an important factor as it helps to decide what kind of delivery you suffer. A birth presentation in front asks the following situations:

  • During the birth, the largest area of ​​the baby's head will try to pass through the pelvis. If your child is facing a birth presentation forehead, neck and head will be a bit 'long.
  • In cases where the brow presentation begins early during labor, the baby could still bend their heads before the time of the birth.
  • About half of the cases on which the front reaching to the pushing stage. In case the baby starts getting stressed, your doctor may recommend caesarean.
  • presentation Brow birth is not connected if not experienced during the first pregnancy.
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what leads to the Brow Presentation

During pregnancy, your body witness many changes ?. It is difficult to assume anything. Here are some of the likely reasons why presentation forehead or eyebrows face presentation takes place :.

  1. shape or size of the abnormal area
  2. If the pelvis is small which may represent obstacles for normal delivery.
  3. premature birth or low birth weight baby.
  4. excess fluid in the womb.
  5. Another cause may be multiple pregnancies.
  6. If the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck
  7. If the child is larger than the normal size

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diagnosis of brow presentation:

it 's very difficult to detect the presentation of the forehead until the work is well established. Obstetrician and close observation of great experience can help you learn the best location:

  • ultrasound or digital exam is considered mandatory to closely monitor
  • vaginal On. examination, only the facial features can be heard.
  • If the head rotates less, vaginal delivery becomes impossible and cesarean section is the only way out.

7 likely Complications:

Risks They are often connected to the front presentation. Some of the complications have been mentioned below:

  1. The work can not be general and can take longer
  2. witnesses prolonged labor of fetal risk in terms of swelling in the front of the fetus . skull.
  3. immediate or prompt attention is highly recommended in case of stopped job.
  4. abnormal fetal heart rate.
  5. chances of spinal cord injury.
  6. Clamps should be approached with caution as it can cause facial trauma
  7. trauma can lead to brain hemorrhage

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important points to remember:

Pregnancy It is a very important phase in the life of a woman. You never know when you may encounter complications and various other issues related to it.

  1. Once in the vicinity of the delivery date, make sure you visit the doctor on a regular basis.
  2. it is advisable to take the help of health expert from the beginning of pregnancy.
  3. Brow presentation is related to various types of complications. In case arises any abnormal difficulties, do not wait for vaginal delivery
  4. You can choose Caesarean section, in order to prevent facial or fetal trauma

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make sure you take all preventive measures to avoid any kind of discomfort. Take the right kind of diet and adequate rest. With all the positive thoughts in mind, get ready for a healthy delivery.

Have a safe and happy pregnancy! I hope you found the information. You can share your valuable experience in the comments section below

. Reference: 1

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