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The General course of a pregnancy is 40 weeks. Ideally, you should be experiencing the pains of work once you cross the mark of 40 weeks. This is when the child should be ready to take birth.
In many cases of pregnancy, however, the bites are working late. The contractions do not occur on the due date or even one or two days later. In these cases, the contractions must be induced.
What is a sweep to pregnant membrane?
A membrane sweep is the methodology as simple and common that is used by doctors and midwives to induce labor.
Since it is a common procedure and elementary that is often used in pregnancy, you should know all about it to avoid any anxiety or doubt.
How is a sweep membrane Done?Sponsored
The Process membrane sweeping for induction of labor is also known as the stretch and sweep process.
- The membrane scanning method involves the midwife or doctor inserts a finger into the vagina and feel the cervix. A sweeping movement is then made by taking finger just inside the cervix.
- This is done in order to separate the amniotic sac from the cervix which helps in the release of prostaglandins. These hormones can induce labor contractions and lead to childbirth
- The membrane sweep is also called bare membrane
[Read: How to induce labor ] ..
When a sweep on request membrane?
a membrane sweep is prescribed under certain conditions to avoid complications of a great general.
- When pregnancy extends in the second week forty one membrane sweep is suggested to induce labor.
- Generally in pregnant women for the first time, the membrane sweep is performed in the first week forty itself.
- In women who have had children before, the limit is stretched on for forty two weeks.
- membrane sweep is the least invasive method of induction of labor.
unnecessary extension of pregnancy can affect the health of you and your baby. Placenta may not be able to provide the required amount of food and oxygen instead of child forty two weeks. Therefore, a membrane sweep becomes necessary
[Read: stages of childbirth ].
pros and cons of a sweep membrane:
A membrane sweep, although the first labor induction technique offered to pregnant women late, has its advantages and disadvantages
Pro :.
- E 'a natural procedure to induce contractions that does not use any medication.
- a sweep membrane usually does not involve any additional action during working hours.
- the chances of having a caesarean are reduced.
- The detachment process of the membranes can be easily performed by a midwife. This means that you can continue with your plans to have the baby at home
Cons :.
- A Procedure membrane sweep is not always effective. You may have to undergo a scan a few times before getting the contractions.
- This is a natural process, but a fairly uncomfortable. Sometimes the cervix can be located in the deep and hard to wipe.
- This process should not be used in cases where a normal vaginal delivery is advised against.
- A membrane sweep runs the risk of causing the rupture of the water bag. This can cause serious infections for your child, especially if you do not get sore at time job after it happens
. [Read: Pineapple to induce labor ]
- A membrane sweep it increases the chances of your work to come within forty-eight hours. However, this can not be guaranteed.
- The doctors and midwives offer a sweep membrane, even in cases in which stops the growth of the baby and the baby to be delivered.
- It 'a way to induce normal delivery instead of a cesarean delivery.
If you feel uncomfortable with the idea of a membrane sweep, or have some medical problems that prevent you from going in for this procedure, you can always go for an alternative process. However, these processes are usually more invasive of a sweep.
Hopefully this article was helpful for you. Tell us your experiences and opinions. We would love to hear from you
. Reference: 1
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