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There no wonder edamame is a high protein food that is extremely healthy and beneficial. But then, you can include in your pregnancy diet? It would be safe for consumption during pregnancy or edamame does lead to further complications? This post erase those doubts. Read on to know more.
What is Edamame?
Edamame refers to the fully mature soybeans. The collection of edamame occurs when the beans are still to reach their full maturity. Edamame is widely consumed in Japan. Recently, Edamame has also become a popular snack food in many other parts of the world. Since edamame is less mature soybean, there are some differences in the nutritional content of foods. But both are healthy sources of protein and other essential nutrients.
Nutritional Of Edamame value:
Edamame is a legume, which can deliver your daily requirements for many nutrients [1]. Half cup of shelled edamame provides about 0 calories and nutrients following main:
- Fat - 2.5 g
- Fiber - 9 g
- carbohydrates - 13 g
- Proteins - 11 g
Edamame also provides percentage daily value (% DV), iron (10%), calcium (4%), vitamin C (10%), and the vitamin a (8%). It 'also a good source of manganese, potassium, copper, phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamin K, folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids
[Read: benefits of eating asparagus during pregnancy ].
And 'safe to eat edamame during pregnancy?
Pregnant women can eat a serving of edamame a day without problems. But there are several problems with the consumption of soy during pregnancy. Therefore, if you are pregnant, you should only consume any type of soy product after the approval of your doctor. In addition, it is better to consume organic soy products at all times, but especially during pregnancy
health benefits of Edamame :.
The research on the health benefits of edamame or soy is in progress. However, it is said to be good for heart health, type 2 diabetes, obesity and bone health. It also provides relief from symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and protects both cancer and neurodegenerative diseases due to its high antioxidant content [2].
Eating soy products during pregnancy is generally safe enough [3]. Here are some health benefits of eating Edamame during pregnancy:
1. Rich source of plant-based proteins:
Edamame is a great source of vegetable protein. Pregnant women who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet can eat edamame regularly for their protein intake. 'Also a good source of calcium and protein for women who suffer from lactose intolerance
[Read: of foods rich in protein during pregnancy ]
2. Low-calorie food:
All legumes are rich in nutrients but low in calories. The body processes the carbohydrates found in legumes at a steady pace, and therefore, the consumption of vegetables helps keep hunger pangs at bay. A small serving of legumes like edamame can provide a generous mix of carbohydrates and numerous antioxidants in a [4] meal.
3. Rich source folate:
Edamame is a good source of folate (a type of vitamin B). While folate occurs naturally in foods, it is added to food sources such as folic acid. Folate reduces to a minimum the risk of birth defects in fetuses. You can also reduce the risk of premature birth. Soybeans in all forms are good sources of this essential vitamin for pregnant women and those women who are planning their pregnancies [5] [6]
[Read: And 'safe to eat soy during pregnancy ]
side effects of eating edamame during pregnancy:
eating edamame is good for health. However, there seems to have some side effects, which include:
1. Allergies:
Pregnant women who suffer from soy allergies, of course, can not eat edamame soybeans or in any form . However, pregnant women who are not allergic to soy should also not take soy supplements without the consent of their physicians. Soy allergy signs are nausea, urticaria, pruritus, diarrhea and reddened skin.
2. Bleeding risk:
Pregnant women who are on drugs that thin the blood should refrain from eating soy products as it increases the risk of bleeding. If you are taking antidepressants, you should remember not to eat soy products.
3. Stomach problems :.
Eat soy products in large quantities can produce side effects such as diarrhea, constipation and stomach cramps [7]
4. Reproductive problems:
All soy products , including edamame they contain large amounts of plant estrogens such as isoflavones. According to research, the neonatal exposure to estrogen can adversely affect the reproductive health of the females later in life. In fact, chemical exposure estrogen can affect female children since the fetal stage of their adolescence.
5. Fertility Problems:
There is a risk for pregnant women who consume genetically modified soybean instead of organic soy. Crops that are genetically increase the risk of fertility problems and can affect reproductive health. Genetically modified and conventional soya also receive a herbicide containing a substance called glyphosate, which is known to increase the risk of spontaneous abortions [8].
as you can eat Edamame during pregnancy?
Considering you can eat edamame during pregnancy that you have your doctor's approval, does not suffer from soy allergies or any health problems that may be aggravated by soy, edamame can provide a good power during the period.
- Edamame is available in frozen form in most food stores or health. You can buy edamame shelled or those still intact in their pods. Here are some ways you can use edamame for meals every day during [9] pregnancy.
- Steam or boil edamame for 10 minutes in salted water. You can cook edamame in their pods or shelling beans - either way is fine. It is a matter of preference. Remove from heat and, once cold, you can enjoy a healthy snack that fills up well thanks to its good fiber content.
- Add cooked or edamame before for your fresh salads, soups, pasta, and rice dishes.
- make a thick paste of raw edamame and mix with avocado, artichoke, tomato or herbs such as mint to make healthy dips.
- You can add edamame to scrambled eggs and further strengthen your plate with vegetables such as spinach, peppers, onions, broccoli and a little 'cheese.
- You can mix edamame with some roasted peanuts or other roasted vegetables for a full one healthy snack of protein
[Read: Calendula during pregnancy ].
So, you can eat edamame when pregnant. But if you can not consume soy products, there are a lot of vegetarian and vegan options for proteins such as beans, lentils and other varieties of legumes. The important thing is to eat right during pregnancy, follow your doctor's advice and take care of your health and that of her unborn child.
You ate edamame or other plant sources of protein during pregnancy? Please share your experiences with us
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