It is safe to take Tums while you are pregnant?

It is safe to take Tums while you are pregnant? -

Tums During Pregnancy

While is pregnant, heartburn is a common occurrence. It can lead to complications, side effects and discomfort. While you want to get rid of that irritating heartburn, you also want to ensure that any medicine you take does not affect the unborn child. However, the level of discomfort could force your hand, and you may need to take medications for your condition.

So if you are considering taking Tums during pregnancy to treat heartburn, you might want to read our post. Here, we look Tums and whether the drug has any health problems for pregnant mothers.

What is Tums?

Tums is a type of antacid which is made using a combination of sucrose which is the sugar, and calcium carbonate. It is a specific type of antacid which is produced in the St. Louis area, Missouri of the United States by the GlaxoSmithKline mark. The antacid Tums is also available in a form with no sugar and is an over-the-counter (OTC) drug that is easily available at retail stores in the United States, according to the producers, which helps to provide quick and effective relief from heartburn stomach and indigestion.

The story behind the invention of Tums is that in 1928, a pharmacist named Jim Howe was trying to help his wife who was suffering from indigestion. In its efforts to make a cure that would work, he ended up creating Tums in the basement of his house. Soon he shared with others, and how medicine has become popular due to its effectiveness, the manufacturer has begun on a commercial scale. The Tums tablets are available as normal chewable tablets, and are available in a wide range of flavors, which makes them convenient (1).

And 'safe to take Tums During Pregnancy?

You You may have tried with the previous Tums before you were pregnant and may have found it quite effective in treating your heartburn. As a result, you can now also try using Tums during pregnancy and when there is a lot of heartburn. The one thing, however, that you must keep in mind, is that Tums was not produced as a drug that can be taken during pregnancy.

The first thing you must do before taking Tums during pregnancy is to talk to your doctor about it and get a confirmation that it is safe for you to consume during pregnancy. In addition, here are a few points you can go through before deciding whether or not you want to take Tums pregnant:

  • When you take Tums during pregnancy, will provide instant relief from heartburn and make sure that your unborn child remains safe, and there are no side effects.
  • Tums can also provide an extra dose of calcium. While you are pregnant, you need more calcium than normal women. You will most likely need anything between 1000 mg and 1300 mg of elemental calcium on a daily basis, depending on your overall health and diet.
  • While you take Tums during pregnancy, make sure you take your iron supplements separately and not around the same time. You should keep a distance of at least one to two hours between the iron supplements and the moment when you take Tums, so that you get the maximum amount of benefit from both the supplement and medicine (2).

before taking Tums while you are pregnant:

Of course, it goes without saying that before taking Tums during pregnancy, you should first talk to your doctor and get a confirmation that is safe for you to have it. However, here are some things you should keep in mind before taking Tums during pregnancy:

1. Make sure you understand the dosage:

Discuss with your doctor and understand all instructions to the health or safety about taking the drug. Make sure you understand the correct dosage, and if you feel any confusion or are not able to get a clear picture, ask your doctor to write it in detail. You can also annotate the instructions in your way on the prescription so that you will be able to remember better. Carefully follow the instructions and have just as much as the doctor has asked to have.

2. Do not take it as a supplement for football:

Tums has a good amount of calcium in it, but make sure it is not used as a calcium supplement during pregnancy. Of course, you need a good amount of calcium during pregnancy, but taking Tums as a supplement is not a safe or healthy choice. While you are pregnant, you need about 1300 mg of calcium on a daily basis. Instead of having Tums as a supplement that will help you take care of your daily calcium needs, you should concentrate on adding more calcium-rich food sources such as milk and other dairy products.

3. Be aware of teratogenicity especially in the first quarter:

Try to avoid taking Tums in the first quarter, the first three months when you are pregnant. When you take Tums in the first quarter, it can lead to a condition known as teratogenicity. It is a condition in which the fetus may develop some anomalies while still in the womb.

4. Do not take Tums If you have kidney problems:

during pregnancy, you should avoid taking Tums if you have been diagnosed with any kidney problems. Also, if your doctor has put on a high risk of getting kidney disease, you should stay away from using Tums altogether. As Tums has a good amount of calcium in it, it can lead to stone formation in the kidney and be disastrous, especially if you have a tendency of issues related to the kidneys.

5. Do not take Tums if you Parathyroid Gland Disorders:

The parathyroid glands are located in the back of your thyroid. If you have a disorder of the parathyroid gland, have a history of the same, or are prone to it, it means you have a high risk of suffering from a serious imbalance of calcium levels in your body. As Tums contains a good amount of calcium in it, then take while you have disorder of the parathyroid gland can lead to a dangerous situation for the health, both for you and for your unborn child.

are the side effects of taking Tums while you are pregnant?

could easily be popped into a Tums pill before, when you were not pregnant and have not experienced any side effects. However, once you're pregnant, you need to be very careful about having Tums to take care of your heartburn. Here are some side effects that can occur when you take Tums for heartburn during pregnancy:

  • in the mouth dryness
  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Belching
  • Frequent and urgent need to urinate

What is meant for heartburn?

heartburn is often known as indigestion. It is a condition in which you feel a sort of burning sensation in your body, which can start at the bottom of the sternum, just below the chest, and will come down to almost the bottom of the gorge. While you are pregnant, heartburn is mostly caused due to various hormonal as well as physiological changes in your body.

During pregnancy, your placenta produces a hormone known as progesterone, which helps to relax the muscles of your uterus that are smooth. In turn, it helps stretch the uterus during pregnancy so that your unborn baby gets more room to grow and spread comfortably. However, as the hormone progesterone relaxes the muscles of your uterus, but also ends to relax the muscles in your digestive tract, as well as the muscular valve located between the esophagus and the stomach. The muscular valve helps to keep the esophagus and the stomach separate from each other. When the valve gets a result, the different gastric acids that the body produces to get an opening to come right back up and lead to unpleasant sensation of heartburn

Natural ways to prevent heartburn while it is pregnant:.

The many hormonal and physical changes that you go through during pregnancy can make it difficult for you to completely avoid heartburn. However, it is always a better option to try to prevent or reduce the onset of heartburn, so you need less medication to control it during pregnancy. Instead of trying to take care of the condition once begins heartburn, you can make some healthy changes in your lifestyle as a preventative measure, so you can control the amount of heartburn can occur. Here are some tips that can help to minimize this uncomfortable situation:

1. Observe what activates the heartburn:

Being a bit 'careful and take note of what you It is heartburn, or that can increase the symptoms. Sometimes, jumping out these foods from your diet can be the best way to avoid heartburn at all. If you often experience a lot of changes in food or are not able to remember what you ate and what may have caused heartburn, you can try to keep a small food diary that will help you write your own meals. Take note of what you ate, what you ate, what day you had and at what time. Be sure to write about everything you ate or drank. It will also help you get the right kind of treatment in case you break into a food allergy during pregnancy.

2. Avoid foods that can cause stomach irritation:

You may not feel that certain foods are directly responsible for heartburn, but if they cause irritation or discomfort stomach, you should avoid them. Some types of foods can cause the accumulation of gases in the system, and eat them several times during pregnancy can make you feel bloated and gaseous, which can finally lead to heartburn. Some foods you should be careful to and should also try to avoid or reduce the intake of meat is processed, vinegar, tomatoes, acidic foods like citrus fruits and their juices, caffeine, chocolate, mint-based products, very spicy or fried foods , fatty foods, foods that have too much mustard dressing.

3. Look at the meal portions:

Try to eat meals in small quantities and space them out throughout the day. If you eat a very large portion at once, it can cause a lot of inconvenience and will be difficult for the system to properly digest. As a result, you can experience gas and flatulence, it can still become cause indigestion and heartburn. Instead of having three large meals a day, you can try and divide it into six small meals and have light snacks in between every time you feel hungry.

4. Chew your food properly and slowly:

While it reduces the amount of food you have at a time, it is also important for you to take care that what you eat is chewed properly. Take time to chew your food slowly as it will help the system to digest properly and avoid any gas or flatulence.

5. Avoid having too many fluids, while eating:

You may feel thirsty while you have your meals, or you can decide to have a glass or two of fruit juice, water or other liquids, while you have your meal. However, it is best to avoid having too much liquid while you have your food, because you can lie on your stomach and make you prone to gas, bloating and flatulence. If you are thirsty or want to have some fluids at the time of your meal, be sure to slowly sip and not gulp down too quickly. Also, be sure to first chew the food properly and finish the bite in his mouth, and then have the liquid.

6. Maintain a gap of time between meals in bed:

Be sure to keep a good amount of space of at least one to two hours between your last meal of the day and the hours of sleep . When you hold the gap between food and go to sleep, help your body to digest food better and avoid indigestion, the accumulation of gas or heartburn. If you go to bed immediately after you have had your meal, the body will not be able to digest food properly. Maintain a gap between having your meal and go to sleep means that you do not go to bed at that time at all. You may feel that you can lie down and rest and not sleep and that will still help the body digest food, while you are awake. However, lying down will slow down the digestion process, so it is best that you remain in a sitting position. Also, you can use the time to go for a nice long walk after the meal, as it will help your body to digest the food faster and better, while also allowing time for your exercise, which is very important, while it is. pregnant

Home remedies to treat heartburn while you are pregnant:

Instead of popping those pills or Tums, here are some natural remedies you can try at home that can help facilitate that heartburn. In the event that does not help, make sure you talk to your doctor about it and see what you can do better. For now, try these:

1. cold and Honey Milk:

drink a glass of cold milk with a spoon. honey. before going to bed or if you feel heartburn coming up.

2. Yogurt :.

You may also have a small bowl or a few tablespoons of fresh plain yogurt as a regular daily snack

3. Ice Cream:

If you start to feel uncomfortable or feels that there is a bit 'of the stomach burning sensation, try a scoop of ice cream as it can help reduce the symptoms of indigestion and heartburn


4. Fresh basil leaves :

chewing a few leaves of fresh basil and clean as an instant home remedy to treat heartburn. Not only to chew the fresh leaves work wonders on your indigestion and heartburn, but it will also leave a refreshing taste in your mouth, you can feel a little 'off, if you have indigestion.

5. Slippery Elm:

Please try a couple of slippery elm lozenges as they help to treat the symptoms of indigestion absorbing any extra amount of acid that your body may be producing. It will also help to bring down any inflammation that may be present in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. If you do not want to have elm in the form of lozenges, you can also try in its powder form if you have the opportunity. You can make a mix with elm and honey, which will help keep your digestive system in good working condition and will help to avoid any indigestion. Boil two cups of water and add two tablespoons. elm powder. Let steep in boiled water for about five minutes. Then, add a teaspoon or tablespoon. of honey to it according to your preference and have it as a tea. You can also skip the honey, but the addition of honey further aid to improve your digestion.

6. Ginger Tea:

Have a cup of ginger tea to aid digestion back on track and prevent any signs of heartburn. You can also steep a simple ginger tea by grating fresh ginger and the addition of a pot of water. Allow the tea to come to a boil and set aside to cool while the ginger is still inside. Once cooled to a comfortable temperature, warm that you can enjoy with confidence, you can either download the ginger and drink only water or does as a whole and also chew pieces of fresh ginger. You can have ginger tea once in the morning and once at night before going to bed, as it will help keep your digestive system running smoothly.

7. Tea Fennel seeds:

Try to have a cup of fennel tea daily after a meal. It is an excellent natural remedy that can help prevent or reduce the symptoms of heartburn especially when you are pregnant. However, make sure that you do not consume more than a cup of fennel tea daily, as too much of the same can have a negative impact on your health. And 'better that you first talk to your doctor about the dosage before you have it during pregnancy. To make tea of ​​fennel seeds, it is possible to first crush the fennel seeds home to a fine powder or a mix coarsely ground. Next, add about 2-3 teaspoons of crushed seeds in a cup of water and boil for about ten minutes. Leave aside to cool to a temperature in which you can comfortably sip on it.

8. apple vinegar with honey:

You can also try to have a cup of hot water and stir in a spoon. each of honey and apple cider vinegar. Make sure you have only one cup a day.

heartburn during pregnancy is extremely uncomfortable, but you can definitely avoid making some smart changes in your lifestyle and take care of what you eat and how. Also, before you decide to use Tums as a relief, make sure you also try natural remedies after talking to your doctor.

How did you take care of your heartburn pregnancy? Do not share your tips here to help others who are experiencing the same.


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