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What take or not take during pregnancy is always one of the biggest health and safety decisions you need to make during these precious months. Often, drugs that may be important to you otherwise can be considered dangerous when you are pregnant.
Sometimes it is also true that the drug may be required during pregnancy, especially if it is more beneficial to take it than not. Antidepressants are one such form of drugs that are always involved in controversy. So, MomJunction has put together some information about the use of antidepressants during pregnancy.
What are Antidepressants:
An antidepressant is a type of medication or drug that helps treat and reduce the signs and symptoms of depression. It is one of the most common options and main treatment for the treatment of depression. Not only relieve the signs and symptoms of depression, but it can also keep you happy and positive.
[ Read: Depression During Pregnancy ]
Does Pregnancy lead to Depression:Sponsored
Pregnancy not necessarily lead to depression, but when you are pregnant, your body goes through hormonal changes. As a result, they experience severe changes in your mood and personality, which can often make you feel drained and exhausted. You may find it difficult to cope with these mood swings and emotional upheavals. When you are pregnant, it is common to feel extremely happy, positive and energetic at once and feel immensely inferior and negative about the world in another time. These mood changes may end up making you feel depressed
safety of antidepressants while you are pregnant :.
Whether or not you should be given antidepressants during pregnancy is one of the most common and longest-running debates in the medical world. Your doctor to weigh the decision to expose the fetus to antidepressant medications during pregnancy, as opposed to the risk of not treating depression can have on both the child and you. There have been cases where pregnant women experiencing depression were not given antidepressants that lead to preterm labor and birth. While in many cases the doctors not to prescribe antidepressants during pregnancy to reduce potential serious health risks for the mother or the unborn child, there are cases where the pregnancy outcomes in neonatal withdrawal syndrome and primary pulmonary hypertension when the mother is exposed to antidepressants during [1] pregnancy.
As with any other medication you are given during pregnancy, the doctor will first assess whether the benefits outweigh the risks. This means that your doctor first check your overall health and see if giving the antidepressant can lead to benefits that will help to remove much more serious health threats.
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On a global scale, the most pregnant women who take antidepressants, while the pregnancy experience a problem health far less for themselves and for their children compared to those pregnant women who choose to leave their unattended depression. However, there are some antidepressants that have been proven to be safe for use during pregnancy. As with anything you take during pregnancy, the doctor will be the best judge to tell you about it.
On the other hand, there are some antidepressants that are considered very safe to take during pregnancy. The doctor will also be able to tell you about the same
The antidepressants that are safe to consume while you are pregnant :.
Although it is not considered a safe one hundred percent take antidepressants while you are pregnant, there are some that are still considered okay to take during pregnancy. Make sure before you talk to your doctor about the same. Here is a list of antidepressants that are considered good to take while you are pregnant:
1. Some selective serotonin reuptake (SSRIs):
SSRIs are mostly considered safe antidepressants that can take during pregnancy. Some medications that are part of the SSRIs include antidepressants such as citalopram (also known as Celexa), sertraline (also known as Zoloft) and fluoxetine (also known as Prozac).
[ Read: Is Citalopram Safe During Pregnancy ]
2. Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs):
SNRIs They are also largely considered safe antidepressants that can take during pregnancy. Some of the antidepressants that are part of SNRIs include antidepressants such as venlafaxine (also known as Effexor) and duloxetine (also known as Cymbalta).
3. Bupropion (also available as Wellbutrin):
Bupropion, which is also known as Wellbutrin, is used primarily for the treatment of depression and is also used to help stop or reduce the urge to smoke. Although it is not considered to be the safest or the first choice of antidepressant drug that will be used during pregnancy, it is still an option. The medical practitioner when suggest taking bupropion (Wellbutrin or) if you have already been given antidepressants, but do not seem to make any progress on your health. Also, if you had been a smoker before you got pregnant and now considered difficult to give up, or are experiencing depression. Consequently, the doctor may prescribe to take bupropion (Wellbutrin).
[ Read: Wellbutrin During Pregnancy ]
4. Tricyclic antidepressants:
Tricyclic antidepressants are the type of antidepressants, which include drugs such as nortriptyline (also known as Pamelor) and amitriptyline. In most cases, the tricyclic antidepressants are not considered as the first choice and the second choice of treatment for depression. The doctor suggested to go with the same if there is no positive result was given to other forms of antidepressants, but they have not shown [2]
Antidepressants should avoid taking during pregnancy :.
The following antidepressants are considered very harmful to take during pregnancy, so be sure to try and stay away from them:
1. SSRI paroxetine (also known as Paxil):
As suggested by some medical data, SSRIs could lead to a small increase your chances of heart defects in the unborn child
[ Read: Medications To Avoid During Pregnancy ]
2. monoamine oxidase inhibitors:
Do not take monoamine oxidase (MAO), including tranylcypromine (also known as Parnate) and phenelzine (also known as Nardil) when you are pregnant. Some medical research suggests that taking these drugs during pregnancy may limit the growth of your unborn child
When antidepressants are needed during pregnancy :.
In some cases, it is extremely important for you to continue taking antidepressant medication, as not doing so can have negative effects. Sometimes, not taking antidepressants during pregnancy may be more harmful than the effects of taking antidepressants during pregnancy. Your doctor will be the best person to tell you when you should take antidepressants even if you are pregnant. Here are some situations in which your doctor may suggest so:
1. If it is suicidal:
If you have ever been a suicide, have had thoughts about killing, he doubted about the reason you're alive, and wondered if it would be better to be dead, the doctor will suggest you to go for antidepressants.
2. If you have tried to hurt himself:
If you ever hurt yourself and if you still try and hurt yourself or think about it, your doctor will put you on antidepressants.
[ Read: Zoloft During Pregnancy ]
3. Have a history of depression :.
The doctor will also suggest to go on antidepressants during pregnancy if you have suffered from depression for a long period of time or have been in and out of depression for a long time
4. Any other mental illness:
in some cases, the doctor will feel it is better if you continue to take antidepressants during pregnancy, especially if they have suffered or are currently suffering from other mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder.
Antidepressants Avoiding:
Many psychiatric experts, as well as gynecologists, you feel that if you are suffering from a mild form of depression, or if you have not had any signs and depressions for about the last six months, you can slowly move out antidepressants. Of course, you have to do with the right guidance and supervision of a doctor if you are trying to get pregnant or if you are pregnant.
In some cases, you will need a mix of some changes in lifestyle as well as some psychotherapy to help take care of your depression.
Once the doctor helps to reduce the antidepressants, there are some other ways you can use to help reduce the signs and symptoms of depression and better manage. Here are some lifestyle changes that you can try to help you take care of your depression without having to rely on antidepressants while you are pregnant:
[ Read: Are Painkillers Safe During Pregnancy ]
1. Being a regular on sessions with the therapist:
Talk to your doctor and make sure to go to all sessions with the therapist. You may feel that you are doing well and that it is good to skip a few sessions. But doing so can be a negative step, as you may suddenly face even more serious signs and symptoms that may require the need for medication. Be sure to keep all your appointments and do not miss a session. If for any reason you feel that you will not be able to meet the therapist at the date indicated, ask for a change of date as closer to the date the original appointment as you can.
2. Give Running time:
When you are pregnant, you must be careful about the types of exercises you do and how you do them. Talk with your doctor about what exercises are safe for you to do. Your doctor will be the best judge to guide you after going through your overall health and pregnancy health. If you had always exercised before you got pregnant, it would be easier for you to begin the new workout. If you have never really exercised, the doctor will ask you to start with the slow forms of exercise and then gradually increase it as you gain strength.
[ Read: Breathing Exercises During Pregnancy ]
3. Enjoy the outdoors:
is said to be out in the sunlight it can help relieve the happy hormones and kick those positive feelings. Try to spend some time outdoors every day instead of staying at home all the time and you are feeling down and depressed. When you are out in the open, you get in touch with other people that will help you forget your worries and stress and instead enjoy the interaction and society. You may even end up making new friends who are also a positive sign and may help reduce depression in a large amount.
4. Reduce stress:
E 'easier said than done, but it is extremely important for you to reduce stress, if you want to cut out about depression and the need for antidepressants. Try to find some activities that make you feel happy and spend time doing the same thing. Talk to people and time to go out with friends that you know will cheer you up. Spend quality time with your partner or family or other near and dear ones to stay happy. Investing time for yourself and regularly take some time to kill the many responsibilities and deadlines of the busy modern life.
5. Try natural healing practices such as yoga and meditation:
Do yoga and meditation can help you feel more calm and reduce stress, which will also help bring down levels of depression. It will help you learn the techniques that will be useful at the time of birth breathing, especially if you go for a vaginal birth technique.
[ Read: Meditation During Pregnancy ]
Harmful recruitment effects of antidepressants during pregnancy:
There are very few drugs considered safe to take when you are pregnant. Almost all drugs have some or the other side effects when taken during pregnancy. The same applies to antidepressants too. The risks for the unborn baby also be different depending on the type of antidepressant you are taking and what time during pregnancy you are taking. Of course, do keep in mind that your doctor will try to give an antidepressant that works best for you, as well as keep your and your unborn child's health and safety in mind.
Here are some of the harmful effects that antidepressants may have effects on your unborn baby if you take it during pregnancy:
- Miscarriage
- defects in the heart of
- Other defects at birth: omphalocele (a condition that affects the organs in the abdomen of the child). Anencephaly (a condition that affects the spinal cord of the baby as well as the brain), limb malformations, craniosynostosis (a condition that affects the skull of a child and more.
- Low weight at birth (in which case the weight at birth of the child will be less than five pounds, eight ounces).
- pregnancy in which the baby will be born before reaching the entire period in many cases, before 37 weeks of gestation.
in addition to the above conditions that can affect your baby if you take antidepressants when you are pregnant, a child may also experience withdrawal symptoms [3]. Here are some of the signs and symptoms that the unborn child may develop as part of the withdrawal symptoms:
- difficulty breathing
- low blood sugar, which is a condition known as hypoglycemia
- feeding difficulties
- irritable or nervous Being
- tone Poor
when your unborn child is not suffering from withdrawal symptoms, your doctor will keep your baby in the neonatal intensive care unit for the first four or five days after birth for observation. Do not worry, as none of the symptoms mentioned above will make any long-term damage to your small and proper care and medications, to eliminate the same.
[ Read: Safe Medications During Pregnancy ]
are antidepressants linked to autism in The unborn child:
There's a lot research underway to determine whether taking antidepressants during pregnancy may lead to autism in the unborn baby. Researchers are trying to discover the link between taking antidepressants during pregnancy to long-term neurological effects that SSRIs can have on her unborn child.
According to research, women taking antidepressants while they are pregnant are more likely to give birth to a child who will be diagnosed with autism [4]. The research was led by Professor Anick Berard, and he and his team looked at data from nearly 150,000 women who were pregnant. The results showed that each woman who took an antidepressant, while she was pregnant had a 87 percent increase in the likelihood that children would be born with autism. In cases where pregnant women have SSRI (like Paxil and Zoloft), the increased likelihood was an astonishing 0 percent.
The professor also stated that according to the study, it is clear that when a woman takes antidepressants during her second or third trimester of pregnancy, nearly doubles the chances that the child will be diagnosed with autism by the time the child turns seven.
Some studies also show that when a woman takes antidepressants during her second or third trimester of pregnancy, increases the risk of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in children [5].
can get pregnant while taking antidepressants?
If you are already on antidepressants and want to try to have a baby, make sure you talk to your doctor about it before you even try to conceive. Your doctor will be the best judge to tell you whether you should stick to the antidepressant or stop, or if you should switch to some other antidepressant. Also, if your doctor recommends that you take a different type of antidepressant or go away completely, try to do so, at least, three or four months before trying to conceive. It will give you enough time to understand how your body reacts to it, and the doctor will be able to suggest a more practical and safe solution.
In some cases, it is possible that when you go off your antidepressants or switch to a different one, you can start to experiment with the various signs of depression. Some of these signs and symptoms may be changes in your sleep patterns and appetite, difficulty concentrating, sleep or overeating, mood swings, anxiety, no interest in sex, and so on. In that case, your doctor may also suggest that you go for some alternative therapies, such as meditation, yoga, psychotherapy, light therapy and such.
[ Read: Over The Counter (OTC) Medications During Pregnancy ]
Things You should remember about antidepressants while pregnant:
Here are a few things you should keep in mind, even if you do not take antidepressants during pregnancy:
- The doctor should inform you about the pros and cons of a particular antidepressant that is prescribed.
- If your doctor has not prescribed antidepressants, he needs to explain why it has not done so.
- make sure you ask a lot of questions, such as the risks of taking this medication, alternative options you have, the side effects of the medicine suspended in the middle.
- Often you may worry that the drug can be harmful to the baby and you, but sometimes the risk of not taking the same may be higher. Your doctor will be the best person to help you in this situation, so be sure to clarify all your doubts.
Moms, did you go through depression while you were pregnant and you have taken antidepressants? What alternative methods you've tried to help treat depression during pregnancy
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