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At Week 39, your pregnancy is officially a 'timeout' pregnancy. If you opt for caesarean or induction, now is the time for doctors to schedule a delivery. You are in week 39 and wondering about how things will move forward? If you said yes, or just want to know what happens in week 39 of pregnancy, you should consider reading our post. Here is a simple guide to help you understand the changes taking place in you and your child to 39 weeks
'completed' Redefined :.
Although doctors consider pregnancy between weeks 37 and 39 to be completed, the timeline was previously redefined by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The new guideline considers pregnancies between 39 and 40 weeks and six days to be completed. In fact, ACOG does not recommend elective deliveries as a C-section and induction before 39 weeks unless the pregnancy tests show that the baby's lungs are mature. Studies show that babies born (through elective delivery) prior to term may develop respiratory problems. Similarly, children born between now and week 40 were found to perform better in academic tests according to a joint study conducted by Columbia University Medical Center and the New York-Presbyterian Hospital. lungs and brain of the child continue to mature until week 39 resulting in better brain development, it concludes.
[Leggi: Pregnancy week 40 ]
39 weeks pregnancy symptoms:
you will go through many of the 39-week pregnancy symptoms, and some of them include:
- Braxton Hicks contractions become stronger and increase in frequency.
- vaginal discharge.
- pressure and discomfort in the pelvic area.
- frequently still short sharp pain around the pelvic area.
- constipation or diarrhea.
- varicose veins or leg cramps.
- General discomfort, back pain, headaches, and dizziness
changes in your body.
The physician can call each week to exam to look for signs of labor. In addition to an ultrasound, she may also perform a cervical examination to check whether the cervix is dilated (opened), and deleted (diluted). It will also check if the cervix is softened- the plot should be the same as the inside of the cheeks. Here are some of the changes your body is likely to undergo a week 39 pregnancy:
- Braxton Hicks contractions increase in frequency:
Somewhere in the second quarter on, the uterus muscles begin to tighten and contract. Initially, they are barely perceptible, but as you get closer to the expiration date, become frequent and intense. Sometimes, these contractions can be rhythmic, closer is deceiving to believe that you might be in labor. But the real contractions grow stronger and longer in time and are preceded by other signs of labor. Although not observed other signs of labor, immediately contact your doctor if these contractions increase in frequency or if you find your child unusually inactive
- The discomfort around the pelvic area.
If the child fell in the pelvic area, which is most likely to press against your internal organs such as the bladder, hips and pelvis. As a result, you may feel uncomfortable around the lower abdomen. Sometimes, you may even experience a sharp short shot around the pelvis- this happens when the child turns his head.
- General Discomfort and pain:
The emotional stress along with physical symptoms (of pregnancy) can sometimes leave exhausted and tired. But if you still feel drained, contact your doctor immediately. Chances are, you might be anemic or you may not get enough sleep. And in some cases, fatigue may be a sign of approaching work
- vaginal discharge :.
If the mucus plug has not downloaded from now, it may happen this week. It can fall all at once or as small discharges. The mucus is typically white in color although sometimes traces of blood. In fact, this is one of the first signs of labor. But wait, it is not yet time to pack your bag. Sometimes, vaginal discharge occurs just before work and sometimes it might take for the job to start a day or two. And sometimes, the mucus plug may have downloaded while in the bathroom, in which case it might not have noticed the drain at all
[Read: 10th month of pregnancy ].
How does the progress of the work:
There are no two pregnancies are alike- each delivery is different, and so are the experiences of women during labor ( 1). But in general, the work proceeds in three stages:
early and active labor: It occurs when the cervix is dilated and deletes. You may notice a discharge of brown mucus from the vagina, which is tinged with blood. Vaginal discharge is often followed by brief but sharp contractions that last between 30 to 0 seconds. This is the longest stage of all- the average duration of first job ranges between 6 to 12 hours, although it is much shorter for subsequent deliveries. When women enter active labor, the contractions intensify and become stronger, longer and closer. The cervix continues to dilate to about 10 cm. Some women complain of nausea, while some complain of leg cramps. Sometimes, the amniotic fluid breaks at this stage. For first time moms, active work may last up to 8 hours. But for women who have had a previous vaginal delivery, the active working time does not last that long. Your doctor may advise against pushing too hard, even if you have the urge to do so. The cervix is dilated enough and pushing can cause to swell
The second phase :. The second phase lasts from a few minutes to a few hours. You will be asked to push after each contraction to accelerate the process. But sometimes, your doctor may ask you to take it slowly or even stop pushing. It allows vaginal muscles to stretch rather than tear naturally due to the pressure. Slowly, but surely, the child comes out of the birth canal (head first if things go well). After the head is delivered, the doctor makes sure that the umbilical cord is free to allow the rest of the body to move out
The Third Phase :. The phase lasts about 5 to 30 minutes depending on how soon the doctor gives your placenta. She will also make sure that the bleeding is under control. You may be asked to push for the last time to remove the placenta which is usually delivered in one fell swoop. The doctor will then examine the placenta to ensure it is intact. Fragments remained inside the uterus and cause an infection several times bleeding. And, finally, the doctor administers medication to minimize the bleeding
changes in the child's body to week 39 :.
Your child is now ready for delivery. It further falls in the pelvis and occupies the position of birth. He continues to accumulate fat around the knees and shoulders. It helps to control body temperature outside the womb. His lungs and the brain continues to mature. The baby continues to gain weight. If not done so until now, he'll be shedding the vernix, a substance like white cheese that covers and protects the baby's skin as a natural moisturizer.
The baby's skin becomes white due to a thick layer of fat on top of your blood vessels. The pigmentation is effective only after a few weeks after birth
[Read: date of birth Calendar | Momjunction ]
size of your baby:
Your baby weighs about 2.8 to 3 pounds and measures about 20 inches measured from head to toe
What does an ultrasound to determine?
An ultrasound helps determine if the fetus is developing normally. Doctors rely on an ultrasound to find the child's age, its location within the uterus, respiration, heart rate, the amount of amniotic fluid and the number of fetuses in the womb.
induce labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy:
Doctors usually wait until the 39th week prior to planned deliveries. But if there is an emergency situation, she may have to induce labor. And 'common when the pregnant mother complications like preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. Work prevents children from developing an infection is likely to harm the baby. Similarly, low levels of amniotic fluid can induce labor. Some methods to induce labor are: dilating the cervix with prostaglandins, sweeping the amniotic membranes, rupture of the amniotic sac, and using oxytocin
[Read: induction and increased job ].
tips to help you cope:
Even if the expiration date could be any time soon, less than 5% of babies are born on their dates deadline. You are more likely to go into labor either before or after the expiration date. The wait is not easy, especially when you know that the work is imminent. Here are some tips to help you cope:
- Pay attention to your child's activities:
The doctor will advise you to monitor your child of activity. It will include counting the number of times that takes in a span of time. Contact your doctor immediately if your child is unusually quiet because these are signs of a problem. The amniotic fluid levels may have low or the amniotic sac may rupture. Ideally, the contractions start before the water breaks. But in some pregnancies, contractions do not even start after the membranes rupture. If this is the case, the work is induced
- look for signs of Work :.
The doctor would have warned you about the early signs of labor; would also lists some possible emergencies that may occur. Your task is to look at these signs and inform all interested parties. Self-diagnosis is not box at the scene- call your doctor, even if you suspect something wrong
- relax and wait for the job to kick in :.
sex and pineapple vinegar and castor oil, the list of old wives' remedies to induce labor are in abundance. However, none of these has a base made of, and much is known about the effectiveness and safety of these measures. It 'best to talk to your doctor before considering these remedies
- exercise and relaxation helps :.
Go on a slow and short walk or swimming practice. You can also practice prenatal yoga prescribed by your doctor. Light activities like swimming and basketball game will help keep your mind relaxed and away from all the anticipation
- get as much sleep as you can :.
Your child and you are going to be very busy after childbirth. Including feeding and diaper changing, there may be a hundred other activities that require attention. And 'the best time to catch up on some' sleep
- Take care of your diet :.
may not be in the mood to eat dinner, but you should maintain a healthy diet, which includes taking vitamin and calcium medications as prescribed by your doctor
- visit to the doctor promptly :.
The doctor check you closely for signs of labor detectors. It includes the implementation of a cervical examination to look for dilatation of the vagina and controlling the amount of amniotic fluid. It can also monitor the heartbeat of the fetus
- accept offers for help :.
A good support system helps prevent pregnancy -related depression. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, it is not the best way and need help with chores like cooking and cleaning. Accept offers of help from family and friends. You can also discuss problems related to pregnancy with your near and dear ones
Tips for fathers-to-be.
Even if your partner is one is experiencing any discomfort, you can help in your little 'street. Here are some tips to help you cope :.
- Walking along with her, if she is in the early stages of the work and was advised to take short walks
- Offer to massage the back or shoulders. But if she does not want it, he backs out.
- Offer to practice breathing and relaxation techniques during contractions. However, make sure that you back off if it is not comfortable in your presence. We know it sounds weird, but sometimes pregnant women resist their partner's efforts.
- Do not feel dejected and sad when she asks you to back off. And 'her hormones at work!
- Read as much as possible on the various stages of the work.
- Read as much as you can about postpartum depression. You may start a few days after delivery and will last for the first few weeks.
What are your experiences in pregnancy week 39? Share your story with us here. Leave a comment below.
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