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Viral infections during pregnancy can be very dangerous and lead to long-lasting complications. CMV, or cytomegalovirus infection is one of those infections that can complicate pregnancy and endanger your unborn baby. If you suspect an infection with CMV, or exhibit any of the symptoms, you should consult your doctor immediately. Meanwhile, here is a brief overview of a CMV infection and how it affects pregnancy.
What is a CMV infection?
A cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus that affects people of all ages. CMV belongs to the herpes virus family. Like all herpes viruses, CMV can remain dormant before becoming active again. CMV infection is quite common, but its symptoms usually surface in people with poor immunity [1].
[ Read: Viral Infections During Pregnancy ]
CMV During pregnancy:
The CMV can become active in pregnant women who have previously been infected with the virus. With such reactivation and with primary infection (first time), there is a risk that CMV infection is transmitted to the fetus as well. This infection is called congenital CMV (from birth) [2].
Causes CMV during pregnancy:
CMV infection occurs when a pregnant woman with low immunity is infected with the cytomegalovirus. In some cases, the virus remains dormant in the body. Some likely ways CMV can be transmitted from person to person, include:
- close contact with another person infected with CMV (through bodily fluids)
- organ transplants
- blood transfusions
- pregnant women to the fetus
- breastfeeding [3]
[ Read: Herpes During Pregnancy ]
symptoms of CMV during pregnancy:
symptoms of infection with CMV rarely occur in healthy subjects. Infants with congenital CMV and CMV perinatal (shortly after birth, for example through feeding breast milk) and people with low immunity are more likely to develop symptoms of infection with CMV during [4] pregnancy. In rare cases, congenital CMV can also be fatal [5]
The temporary symptoms of congenital CMV :.
- spleen problems, lung and liver
- Jaundice
- purple spots on the skin
- Seizures
- smaller babies at birth
the permanent congenital symptoms CMV:
- Mental disability
- Loss of vision
- hearing loss
- Coordination Problems
- Seizures
- small head size
- the lack of cognitive development
- cerebral palsy
- brain damage
[ Read: Hearing Problems In Pregnancy ]
if pregnant or planning pregnancy, then you should talk to your doctor about CMV and how you can protect yourself from it. The typical symptoms of CMV in pregnancy include:
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Pneumonia
- Hepatitis
- Digestive ulcers Track
- Swelling in the brain
- Vision loss
- Convulsions
- Changes behavior
- Coma
Diagnosing Cytomegalovirus during pregnancy:
The doctors typically use a routine blood test for the diagnosis of CMV infection. These tests detect antibodies in the blood that develop due to CMV [6] infection. If you develop flu-like symptoms, consult your doctor for any potential risks CMV. It may be a primary infection or reactivation. It could also just be flu or fever. Depending on your individual case, your doctor may want the test and diagnosis methods.
Some tests such as amniocentesis (amniotic fluid test) and ultrasound can confirm perinatal CMV infection in pregnant women and the risk of fetal exposure [7].
[ Read: Common Infections During Pregnancy ]
Treating CMV during pregnancy:
Unfortunately, there are no vaccines to protect you from CMV. For pregnant women with CMV, there is also a specific treatment available. Any tests that exist for CMV infection are not safe for pregnant women. These treatments are also useful to protect the fetus from CMV [8] infection.
If necessary, your doctor can provide you with a treat cytomegalovirus during pregnancy for the specific symptoms such as fever or pneumonia.
Prevent CMV during pregnancy:
If you are pregnant or planning pregnancy then some preventive measures can help prevent CMV infection
- The washing the hands with soap and clean running water for. up to 20 seconds can reduce the probability of contracting infections. And 'especially important if you are in close contact with children while tending to tasks such as feeding, changing, playing with their toys, touching their nasal fluid, saliva or tears.
- regularly clean kitchen surfaces, floors, home toys with a mild detergent and rinse properly with clean water.
- women who closely work with children (such as in a kindergarten) or in the health sector must take special precautions with hand washing as they are at greater risk CMV virus exposure. A simple act of kissing a child can mean getting in touch with the saliva. It can mean exposure to the CMV virus. These considerations are essential for pregnant women to prevent CMV infection.
- safe sex practices are extremely important to prevent the risk of CMV exposure during pregnancy.
- Avoid sharing utensils and food with others how these practices can increase the risk of cytomegalovirus infection in pregnancy.
- may not always be possible for you to avoid exposure to CMV infection. But if you are pregnant, you should pay particular attention to preventive measures against CMV infection.
[ Read: Upper Respiratory Tract Infection During Pregnancy ]
Facts About CMV infection and pregnancy :.
Here are some important points / facts about CMV and pregnancy
- is a good During pregnancy, if you experience fatigue, muscle aches and fever, sign consult doctor to see if you are experiencing CMV reactivation or perhaps the development of a primary infection. Your doctor may suggest measures to control the infection and minimize the risk to the fetus.
- Women with primary CMV infection during pregnancy and also during the first half of their term pose a greater risk to their unborn child. In the case of primary infection during pregnancy, it is ideal for women to wait at least one year before becoming pregnant again.
- CMV reactivation of the virus during pregnancy may or may not harm the women or the fetus. In rare cases, CMV can cause stillbirth.
Have you contracted a CMV infection during pregnancy? How did you manage the symptoms? Please share some tips with our readers below
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