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Are You're pregnant? And you want to continue with your exercise regime? Have you heard about water aerobics pregnancy? If you do not, these simple water-based exercises can help solve the dilemma. Read our post here to learn all about water aerobics during pregnancy that can help.
Benefits of water aerobics during pregnancy?
in water exercises are good for you during pregnancy. Here are some ways to perform the exercises in the water will help:
- They engage the abdominal muscles and help them stretch. The stretched muscles help maintain balance.
- The buoyancy of the water helps to keep the poses better than conventional poses prenatal aerobics.
- In addition, the cold water, it is not difficult, and you can do more without exercising yourself.
- The Water pressure also helps to relieve swelling and pain in the body and is an actual massage full body
[Read: benefits of swimming during pregnancy ].
Water Exercises for pregnancy:
Here are some water-based exercises that will ease you through your various stages of pregnancy:
1. The Skiing:
the exercise helps to strengthen arms, shoulders, hips and buttocks, upper and lower legs, and core. It will also help to stretch your calves.
- stand in an upright posture and pull in your abs. Make sure you do it in a way that makes you any discomfort or pain.
- You can skip or jump upwards in the water while swinging your right leg forward. Make sure that the knee is bent during the jump. At the same time, swing the left leg backwards so that pressing through your heel. Keep the switching legs in a scissor position.
- While you are doing so with his legs, make sure you keep swinging your arms in opposite directions direction.
[Leggi: Exercises to avoid during pregnancy ]
2. The Floating Frog:
The exercise stretches your lower back, and inner thighs. It strengthens the shoulders, thighs, arms, buttocks and deep abdominals.
- Use a floating dough to wrap around the back and under the arms. Lean back and contract your abs muscles.
- At at the same time, bring the legs to the water surface. Exhale and hold tight muscles. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Let the knees splay apart.
- Stretch out your legs and push them through the water. Keep inhaling as straighten the knees
. [Read: safe Cardio exercises during pregnancy ]
3. The pendulum Cross:
The pendulum Cross strengthens the arms, buttocks, thighs, and Core. It also prepares the abdomen and the outer and inner thighs.
- put your feet hip-width apart and stand straight. Pull your abs up.
- swing your right leg out to the right and then to the left. Then swing across your body. All this time, be sure to swing your arms too in your face, but in opposite directions.
- Slowly take a jump and stand on one foot. Repeat a few times and then move on to the sides
. [Read: And 'safe to do Zumba during pregnancy ]
4. The Sweep Upper body:
The exercise helps stretch the hips and the front torso. It will also strengthen the shoulders, chest, hips, arms and heart.
- Standing on the right foot and place the left leg back into a lunge position again.
- Keep your back straight and do not hunch.
- Float your arms toward your hips to your shoulders level. Breathe in and out making the float left leg upwards.
- Squeeze the glutes and lean a bit 'to the front. Bring your arms forward and sweep them along the sides.
- Let your hands skim the water's surface and get back in front of you.
While water aerobics are safe for pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor before doing any of the above exercises.
have tried and water aerobics during pregnancy? Tell us about them here
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