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There there is no doubt Pregnancy is a wonderful time for every woman - but with that wonder they do come a number of associated health risks. And one of them is norovirus.
Nausea, headache, and inflammation in the stomach are quite common during pregnancy. Sometimes, we consider it as an integral part of our journey toward motherhood. However, in the worst case it could be norovirus.
This is about norovirus and pregnancy, scary ways it can affect you and your child, and what can be done to prevent this. Read on to learn more about its effects on you and your baby, Symptoms and Treatment (1).
What It is Norovirus?
Norovirus leads to gastroenteritis, which is also commonly known as "stomach flu." And 'certainly an unpleasant disease that an expectant mother can contract, but fortunately, it is not very dangerous for both the fetus or the mother.
About 1 in 5 pregnant women receives gastroenteritis each year. Noroviruses are RNA viruses that do not affect the child directly. The infection caused by norovirus is usually mistaken as 'food poisoning.' However, with norovirus timely treatment can be treated effectively (2).
[ Read: Stomach Bug During Pregnancy ]
Symptoms Norovirus infection:
The following are the symptoms of norovirus when pregnant:
- Headaches
- Vomiting
- Low-grade fever
- diarrhea
- abdominal cramps
- Chills,
- Lethargy
- Weakness
- Muscle pains.
A person usually suffers from norovirus for 2-3 days of infection (3).
How does a pregnant woman is infected with Norovirus?
- Norovirus is contagious infection. If you touch anything that is touched by the infected person, then there are a good amount of chances of you encountering the virus
- The sharing of food or drink from an infected person
- eat or drink from the same plate or glass
[ Read: Fever During Pregnancy ]
How Norovirus infection has affected the mother and the fetus
With electrolyte imbalances and pregnant women are at risk for the following reasons :?
- preterm labor
- The expectant mother can develop urinary tract infections
The expectant mother usually have these symptoms within 24-48 hours after it has been exposed to the virus. People usually get affected by this virus in public places such as hospitals, schools, kindergartens, restaurants, etc.
In addition to this, pools, lakes, raw food, ice machines, are also an important source of infection. Pregnant women have less immunity so there are no chances to the maximum of his being infected with the virus.
If you expect and identify any of the above symptoms related to gastroenteritis, you should see your doctor immediately. If fever is not too high and there is severe diarrhea, there are minimal chances of any major complication related to pregnancy.
However, if you are not able to keep up with fluids, have a high temperature, and identify any serious complication, it is wise to see your gynecologist. If this is not your first pregnancy, and you have a have a sick child at home, which was identified with the norovirus, maintaining acute hygiene. This will help to prevent transmission of the virus (4).
[ Read: Rotavirus During Pregnancy ]
When you see the doctor?
And 'wise to seek medical help if they develop diarrhea especially if not resolve within three days. Apart from this, consult your doctor if you have bloody stools, vomiting, bloody stools, dehydration and abdominal pain. Please note that the norovirus is highly contagious and has found in the feces of infected people.
How do Noroviruses are transmitted?
- Eating contaminated food
- drinking contaminated water
- Touch / shake hands with the person or contaminated objects or surface
- If you find yourself with the infected person
- Noroviruses are extremely difficult to clean. This is because they can easily withstand extreme temperature levels. Be extremely careful is the only solution to avoid being infected with norovirus during pregnancy (5)
[ Read: Diarrhea During pregnancy ]
Risk factors :.
The following are the risk factors for infection with norovirus pregnant:
- Have a week immune system
- Eating food that is not cleaned or cooked properly.
- to contaminated food due to another person
- living or staying in villages, hotels, cruises, hospitals, hotels, etc.
For a number of people, the norovirus infection settles within a week. The best part is, this infection is neither for the mother or the fetus's life in danger. With timely medical assistance, this virus can be treated effectively.
[ Read: Hygiene Tips To Follow During Pregnancy ]
Warning Norovirus signs:
- dry mouth and throat
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Listlessness
- Prevention
- Decreased diuresis (6)
- Make sure you frequently wash their hands with soap under running water disinfected. Do not wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom or before taking the food.
- sanitize and clean the surfaces that are contaminated by diarrhea and vomiting. Use a good cleanser that ensures clean surfaces.
- If you are down with vomiting or diarrhea, so you do not prepare, cook and serve food for others.
- Wash vegetables and fruit, seafood, oysters thoroughly before cooking and eating.
- wash clothes and linens that are tainted by feces or vomit immediately. Make sure that you remove it carefully so that the virus does not spread (7).
It 'important to prevent and treat Norovirus especially if an expecting mother.
- Do keep your distance from people who bring out the symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting.
- Keep your surroundings clean.
- Wash your hands properly with a disinfectant soap.
- not to eat raw or uncooked foods.
- If you are identified with Norovirus during pregnancy, then it is wise to keep hydrated and drink plenty of fluids.
- No medication will be of great benefit, and certain medications such as anti-diarrheal may prove harmful to the fetus.
- Take good rest and get in touch with your doctor every time you feel that your condition is getting worse.
Norovirus is not a very serious disease. With good hygiene and cleanliness, you can prevent and treat this disease to a greater extent. I hope that our article about norovirus was helpful and informative. If you have any useful information on norovirus and then not share it here so that other would-be-mothers benefit from the profits inputs
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