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Diagnostic tests and scans usually go hand in hand with the pregnancy. However, most of the scans occur way before your third trimester. So, when the doctor recommends a growth scan in the third quarter, the anxiety is bound to creep in. While your concerns are not unjustified, it may be necessary for you to undergo a growth scan during pregnancy.
Read our post below to understand why you need to undergo a growth scan, and what purpose it serves.
What is the growth during scanning Pregnancy?
A Scanning growth is an ultrasound exam that determines whether the child's growth is normal. Doctors usually recommended for women during the third trimester of pregnancy; one of the reasons is also a scan fetal growth [1].
[ Read: Fetal Echocardiography ]
What is the purpose of growth Scan?Sponsored
A growth scanning during pregnancy is performed to provide the physician with useful information for the growing fetus and [2] pregnancy. Helps the doctor: ..
- Check the overall growth of the child
- Check the volume of amniotic fluid
- Determine the final position of the placenta.
- determine the fetal position.
- Check the weight of the baby close to your expected delivery date [3].
[ Read: Is Ultrasound Safe During Pregnancy ]
Who It needs a growth scan?
may need to scan an increase, (usually your third trimester), for various reasons [4]. Some of these reasons include:
- If you have had complications in previous pregnancies, the doctor may perform additional scans to monitor fetal health. complications during pregnancy can mean health risks for you and the unborn fetus. If you had a health problem before becoming pregnant, it could lead to complications during pregnancy. You can also occur health problems during pregnancy. Accidents or injuries can also lead to complications during pregnancy. In these cases, doctors may opt for an advanced pregnancy growth scan to keep a tab on the health issues that may arise because of pregnancy complications [5].
- pregnancy complications can also occur due to the position of the placenta. placenta previa means the placenta is laying low in the womb. You can block the cervix, making it difficult or impossible vaginal. placental abruption is when the placenta detaches from the uterine wall. If one of the two conditions, the doctor will check the pregnancy and fetal health for the rest of his term. A scan of growth in the last weeks of pregnancy can be essential to determine the health of your baby [6].
- Many a time women develop diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). It is a serious condition, and if you fail well, it can cause complications during pregnancy. A scan growth helps the doctor determine if there is a problem with the pregnancy because of gestational diabetes. Your child may suffer from excess weight at birth, which can mean a cesarean delivery for you. Your child may have trouble breathing, a preterm birth and low sugar at birth. These are just some of the risks for the child because of gestational diabetes [7]. With the help of a growth scan, your doctor can determine if the pregnancy or the baby has problems because gestational diabetes [8].
- Women can develop high blood pressure during pregnancy (gestational hypertension). If you have high blood pressure before pregnancy or gestational hypertension, both conditions can cause complications during pregnancy. In case you have high blood pressure during pregnancy, the doctor will check your baby's growth. And, a growth scan can help your doctor check for fetal growth abnormalities and complications [9].
- Other gestational diabetes or high blood pressure, you may suffer from other medical conditions as well. You may develop during pregnancy or already suffer from it. You may develop anemia, infections, depression and other anxiety disorders during [10] pregnancy. If suffered from sexually transmitted infections (STI), thyroid disease, seizures, asthma, heart disease or liver problems before you become pregnant, your doctor would keep a tab on fetal growth. A growth scanning reveals that more useful in these cases [11].
- If your doctor thinks that your abdominal measurements are normal, then it may recommend a growth scan just to check your baby's growth. The doctor will also measure the fundal height. Fundal height is the distance from the top of your uterus to the pubic bone. It should correspond with the pregnancy in weeks. For example, if you are 22 weeks pregnant, then the ideal fundal measurement is 22 cm. If there is a discrepancy in this measure may indicate slow or rapid fetal growth. It can also mean other problems with pregnancy, such as too little or too much amniotic fluid, changes in fetal positions that are not uterine fibroids or ideals. A growth scan may be necessary if the fundal measurements indicate problems with fetal health [12]
- Her fundal height can indicate fetal growth restriction or delay intrauterine (IUGR) growth .; both indicate low fetal weight or abnormal fetal growth rate. The doctor can then confirm through an ultrasound. If the ultrasound results suggest that fetal growth is not optimal, your doctor is likely to perform a growth scan (or more than one), as the pregnancy progresses towards the end of his term [13].
[ Read: Early Pregnancy Scan ]
- Multiple pregnancy can lead to more risks or complications. A scan growth in the third trimester of pregnancy can help the doctor determine whether there is any cause for concern [14].
- you start to experience less fetal movements during the third quarter. If it persists, your doctor may perform a growth scan to check if everything is okay with your child [15].
- You have a breech position of the fetus. Breech of the fetus means lower position downward. This is not an ideal location birth, and may need to undergo a Caesarean section. But, the doctor will try to change your baby's position upside down. If an earlier ultrasound revealed the breech position, your doctor may recommend another scan growth toward the end of pregnancy to check the position of the fetus and placenta [16].
[ Read: Transvaginal Scan During Pregnancy ]
The doctor may perform a growth scan for various reasons during pregnancy. So, if you have doubts or questions about scanning internal growth during pregnancy, do not hesitate to ask your doctor. You had a growth scan in the third quarter? Contact us here
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