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Now that you are ready to take a dip in the pool baby-making, you will be using a pregnancy test a couple of times in your TTC journey. And, it can be very expensive to buy a kit for home pregnancy tests, as well as costing the cheap ones, at least, $ 10 to $ 20. In addition, you will need more of the test kit during your attempts to get pregnant and add to your brood happy. That's a lot of money down the drain.
This is perhaps the reason many women who embark on their "trying to conceive" journey are gradually gravitate towards the Dollar Store pregnancy test. And, here we tell you more about the Dollar Store pregnancy test. So, relax and read on.
Choosing the Right Pregnancy Test:
If hopefully pregnant, finding a good and reliable pregnancy test is important. In this quest, you must consider many things when buying a home pregnancy. The test should be sensitive to detect hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is a pregnancy hormone that the body produces when the plant embryo in the uterus. The more sensitive a pregnancy kit at home, the quicker you get a positive (or negative).
Generally, if you are pregnant, the urine is from 5 to 50 mIU / ml hCG a week before menstruation is due. After that, the amount of hCG doubles every two or three days. The Dollar Store pregnancy test detects the presence of this hCG. However, everything depends on the sensitivity of the test is. The uterine wall coating produces hCG after implantation, which can occur at any time from 6 to 12 days after ovulation. In most women, the facility occurs from 8 to 10 days after ovulation.
If the test detects hCG, does not mean you're not pregnant. It may be that you have not ovulated, or the plant has not yet taken place. The exact period of ovulation and implantation varies for each woman. However, if you get your menstrual period, it is certain that they are not pregnant and will have to keep trying until you get a positive pregnancy test result.
The tests must be accurate. The last thing you need is wondering if the results are correct or incorrect. This will eat up.
So, wondering if $ 1 home pregnancy kit meets the requirement of a valid and reliable pregnancy test will weigh heavily on your mind. And, when you can easily get a pregnancy test kit for a dollar, it makes little sense to spend more on a similar test.
[ Read: Urine Test For Pregnancy ]
greater sensitivity of the test the best:
It 'obvious that you should opt for the more sensitive pregnancy test. This way, you get to know very soon if your trip TTC culminated successfully. Before you start to rejoice to add to your family, remember almost 25 out of 100 pregnancies end in miscarriage. Therefore, a highly sensitive pregnancy test may not always be the way forward.
If the test is positive and the next day you have a period, you may feel devastated. It means it has had a very early miscarriage. You may find it difficult to deal with this loss, especially if you are trying to conceive for some time. However, most of the early abortions occur because of some genetic problems with the embryo. You can say that is the natural way to eradicate an embryo that is not perfect. And, he wants nothing more than a perfect child
The thrill of using Dollar Store pregnancy test :.
A Dollar Store pregnancy test is so convenient that you can pick up different kits at once without feeling the pinch. The best part is the kit works like any other pregnancy test that women use at home.
Comes with an absorbent test strip to test the urine, and after just three minutes the results are there for you to see. This kit is 99% accurate, but is not ultra-sensitive when it comes to detecting hCG. Therefore, it is not detected low hormone levels that are present in the body after fertilization occurs. This is why you should wait a few days after missing the period before using the test. Most experts agree that you will get the most accurate results when it comes to a week late.
Dollar of store pregnancy tests can detect hCG levels from 20 mIU / ml. It does not contain a cup, so as to be able to use a disposable cup that is discarded after use. In fact, when you buy a pregnancy test, you can also buy a pair of disposal cups. The instructions on the package are very clear and tell you exactly how to use the test. Pee in the cup and then use the pipette to obtain a small amount of urine from the cup. Use the pipette to remove the urine into the slot and then wait for the urine to travel up the strip. Once this is over, the results will be obvious.
You can only get three results when using a Dollar Store pregnancy test. These are:
- Two lines indicate a positive result
- A line indicates a negative result (which are not pregnant)
- No lines indicate an invalid result. This could be because it is not the test was used as instructed, or the kit has passed the expiration date
It can be quite frustrating to wait for the result. At the same time , you will be filled with anticipation. If the result is positive, you may feel overwhelmed, excited and ecstatic. If the test is negative, it can be raised or extremely disappointed and upset. Just remember if the test comes back negative, not lose hope you can try again to get pregnant, and sooner or later you will be greeted by two lines
the variable line is weak: ..
If. are pregnant, the Dollar Store pregnancy test will show two lines of times, the tag line, which indicates a positive result, is weak This can lead to confusion - .. you're pregnant or not, even if the line is extremely weak, is a positive result.
When urine test too early, the urine does not have a sufficient amount of hCG. So, the variable line is weak and not as pronounced as the control line, which indicates that you used the test correctly.
So even if you have an extremely weak variable line, it is a positive result. You should make an appointment with your doctor to get a confirmation. Doctors now perform the blood test, as this is more accurate. Usually, the doctor running the 10-day test after you miss your period [1]
[ Read: Faint Line On Pregnancy Test ]
The ease of Dollar Store pregnancy test: .
to Dollar Store kit for the pregnancy test has the easy to read instructions that most women may also include, without any difficulty. The kit provides quick results and relatively precise. Just make sure to follow the instructions on the package. Also, do not use the test for the early detection, as it will not produce the results you anticipate. It will give results on the day you expect your period, though.
The test has its downside as well. It's quite small, and this makes it difficult to manage and use. However, if you exceed the size is perfect for repeated tests. You can buy several tests to be used several times until you get the desired result.
When should you use Dollar Store pregnancy test?
Your body gives you signs, albeit small, to show that you are pregnant. Many women lose these signs, because they are similar to the symptoms you get just before menstruation is due. You can use a Dollar Store pregnancy test if you notice one or more of the following early symptoms of pregnancy.
1. Period Lost:
This is the most obvious sign of pregnancy. However, change in diet, excessive exercise or stress can affect your menstrual cycle. If you chart your cycle, that when trying to conceive, you should be able to determine the date of your period. If the period does not occur, it is time to take that home pregnancy tests and use.
[ Read: Pregnancy Symptoms After A Missed Period ]
2. Fatigue:
suddenly start feeling tired for no reason. As your pregnancy progresses, you may feel more fatigued and tired until hCG levels finally settle down. Fatigue is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy, but often overlooked because women also have the same fatigue when their menstrual period is around the corner.
3. Abdominal cramps:
When there is the plant, which causes cramping similar to what you experience when you get your menstrual period. This may lead you to believe you are going to get your period, but does not start as expected.
4. Tenderness of the breast:
The body starts preparing for the baby when you are pregnant. The increase in estrogen and progesterone causes changes in your body, including breast enlargement. Your breasts and nipples will be tender and sore. You may also notice your size increases breast. This engorging breast occurs due to increased blood flow.
5. Frequent urination:
You may suddenly feel the need to urinate more often. This impulse is developed due to the changes in your hormone levels that cause more blood flow through the kidneys. This causes the bladder to fill quickly and, consequently, the need to urinate frequently.
6. Mood Swings:
Just as hormonal fluctuations cause mood swings before your period, the same reason causes your strange states of mind early in your pregnancy. In conjunction with the effort, can compound the problem [2].
it also should use the pregnancy test if the contraceptive method fails. In the event that the condom tears during sex or forget to take the pill, as expected, you should check your urine on the day your period is due or a couple of days later.
[ Read: When To Take A Pregnancy Test ]
False Dollar Store With positive pregnancy test:
Sometimes, the Dollar Store pregnancy test can be positive when in fact you are not pregnant. False positives can occur due to many reasons.
1. Ovarian Cysts:
Ovarian cysts are benign and usually disappear on their own. However, these fluid-filled cysts cause the levels of hCG in your body to marginally increase in the pregnancy test may be able to detect, leading to a false positive result.
2. Evaporation Line:
If you wait longer than the recommended time to read the test result, the urine will evaporate. This leaves behind a line of evaporation along with the command line. This will prompt you to believe you are pregnant when you are not.
3. Chemical Pregnancy:
Sometimes, the sperm fertilizes the egg successfully. However, the embryo can not survive. This leads to a false positive because the body produces hCG as the embryo begins the installation process, but does not complete it. Although called the chemical pregnancy, it is nothing more than a very early miscarriage. You will experience bleeding around the time of menstruation after miscarriage.
[ Read: Causes Of Chemical Pregnancy ]
4. Drugs:
Some drugs, such as anti-epileptic, anti-anxiety, diuretics and promethazine (anti-allergy medications) , they can cause false positives because they cause levels of hCG in your body to increase
[5. fertility treatment:
Women undergoing fertility treatment to receive shots of hCG to stimulate ovulation . This can give a false positive two to three weeks after you take the shot. The best way to confirm pregnancy is to get a physician to test the blood, such as the raising of the level of hCG is a confirmed sign of pregnancy.
6. Test incorrect:
If you do not follow the test dollar deposit instructions to accurately pregnancy, you could end up with a false positive, even if you are not pregnant. So, it is important to read the instructions carefully and follow them to the T for accurate results.
7. Defective pregnancy test:
All of pregnancy test kits have an expiry date. If you use a pregnancy test Dollar Store after the expiration date, it can lead to false positives. The only way to obtain a precise result is to use a current test kits.
If the Dollar Store positive pregnancy test comes off, but questioned the veracity of the result, it's time to make an appointment with your doctor. With the help of blood tests and ultrasound scans perhaps, your doctor will be able to confirm or deny the pregnancy.
[Read: How To Tell If Your Pregnant Without A Test]
False Negative With Dollar Store Pregnancy tests:
Imagine if you use the Dollar Store pregnancy test kit, and you get a negative result only to discover weeks later that she is pregnant. This can lead to confusion, stress and anxiety. There are many reasons why a pregnancy test at home gives you a false negative result.
1. The first tests:
The main reason for a false negative is testing the urine too soon. A Dollar Store pregnancy test kit is not designed for early detection. So, the levels of hCG in your body will not be high enough to detect its presence. This will give a false negative when using the test. You should expect to lose your time, maybe three or four days after the due date, to test the urine. This will give a more accurate result.
[ Read: False Negative Pregnancy Test ]
2. Not with the test correctly:
Yes, we know you're excited about using the pregnancy test from the dollar store but this excitement prevents you from reading directions and instructions on the package. If you do not read and follow instructions carefully, do not expect the test results to be accurate. You could easily end up with a false negative because you do not wait long enough for the test to give the results or did not put enough urine in the slot for it to favor the strip.
3. Reading the results too early or late:
Be sure to read the results within the period referred to in the instructions. If you read it too early because you're impatient, you will prevent the display of precise testing results. On the other hand, if you select the result after the interval, the test will be inaccurate. In fact, the result is considered invalid regardless of what the evidence shows.
4. Diluted urines:
If you drink too much water before you take the test, it dilutes the concentration of hCG in urine. So, you get a false negative. This is why you should use the first urine of the day, which focuses if you are using a Dollar Store pregnancy test.
5. Obesity:
Obese women with a high body mass index (BMI) tend to have lower levels of hCG. So if you are obese, the home pregnancy test may be negative for a while '. It will take time for the result to turn positive, and this will happen only when the levels of hCG in your body build up to such an extent that the test can be deduced.
[ Read: Is Overweight A Problem For pregnancy ]
6. Pregnancy Problems:
You can also get a false negative if you have a chemical pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy or early miscarriage. In such circumstances, initially, you can get a positive result and a few days after a negative. If you get two different results, make an appointment with your doctor. Remember ectopic pregnancy is dangerous and life-threatening. It can damage internal organs, which leads to irreversible sterility.
Do not get discouraged if you get a false negative after trying to conceive. This result indicates only that you could not be pregnant. If you think you are pregnant even after a false negative result, wait a couple of days and check the urine again. If you get a positive this time, you must visit your doctor. A more specific tests, such as a blood test hCG, will give you a definitive answer if you're pregnant or not.
[Read: Common Problems During Pregnancy ]
The Next Steps after Dollar Store pregnancy test :.
After you get your dollar store pregnancy test results, there are some things that you should do on the basis of the results
1. Positive result:
fix an appointment with your doctor for a blood test and ultrasound. The two confirmed the pregnancy. Once the pregnancy is confirmed, you can immediately begin prenatal care to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy.
[ Read: Homemade Pregnancy Test ]
2. Mixed results:
If you have had mixed results with multiple Dollar Store pregnancy test, you still need to visit your doctor for a checkup. A mixed result could be a chemical pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy or confirmed pregnancy. Your doctor may recommend a blood test or ultrasound to find out the cause of the mixed results and suggest an appropriate course of treatment
3. Negative result:
If you get a negative result, you should get your period. In the event of a missed period or delay, repeat the pregnancy test one week after taking the first test.
4. Continue Negative result:
If you get back a negative result and the period not to start, it's time to consult your doctor. missed period might be a sign of some underlying health problem, such as low body weight, stress, overwork, too much exercise, thyroid disorders or problems with the ovaries. Finding the cause of amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), your doctor may treat and make sure your menstrual cycle resumes. This way, if you're trying to start a family, you can proceed after getting the green light from your doctor [3]
In conclusion :.
Do not let the price tag of $ 1 a Dollar Store pregnancy test fooled. The test is sensitive enough (although not ultra-sensitive information) and precise. You will read many stories anecdotal network of women who have successfully used the test to confirm the pregnancy and were more than happy with the tests for subsequent pregnancies. You too can use the test when you start the TTC journey with DB or DH (dear husband or boyfriend dear). The low price and cost of a Dollar Store pregnancy test makes it an attractive choice for women who wish to conceive. Just like you, they too can keep checking their urine repeatedly without feeling bad about spending large amounts of money.
a Dollar Store pregnancy test Have you ever used? What were your experiences when it was used? I would say that the test is accurate? We would love to hear from you and learn more about your experiences as you started your trip TTC
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