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Pregnancy It is a delicate stage, and the weeks before the job can be crucial. There is always the risk of placental abruption. And, if your doctor has talked about it, or you are looking for a bit 'of information to prevent health complications of the placenta during pregnancy, it is possible that the reading of this post might be a good idea.
What is placental abruption?
A detachment of the placenta or placenta, or placental abruption, is the partial or total detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall before the expected delivery date. The placenta is an organ that develops during pregnancy. It helps in transferring nutrients and oxygen from the body to the child. Although rare, a placental abruption can be life-threatening for both mother and baby.
There is a higher chance of placental abruption to occur during the third trimester of pregnancy [1]. After the 20th week of pregnancy, there is always a lingering risk of placental abruption [2].
[ Read: Placenta Previa During Pregnancy ]
Causes placental Abruption:Sponsored
Placental detachment can occur due to many reasons. E 'often difficult to identify the cause of this complication [3]. However, some possible causes of placental typically include:
- abdominal trauma (accidents, falls or accidents)
- Rapid or sudden depletion of the liquid amniotic fluid (the fluid that surrounds and protects the fetus inside the uterus)
placental abruption risk factors :.
risks or the likelihood of placental abruption may increase due to several factors:
- Hypertension is a long-term illness, which can occur due to pregnancy. In any case, if your blood pressure is high during pregnancy, they will incur a risk of placental abruption [4].
- of placental abruption in the previous History pregnancies
- Smoking
- Use of cocaine
- Thrombophilias or blood clotting disorders
- multiple fetuses, which can cause the placenta to break away from the uterus after the first child is born if you are pregnant with twins / more children.
- pregnant women, over the age of 40, have higher than usual risk of placenta their break before full term [5].
[ Read: Blood Clots In Placenta During Pregnancy ]
Symptoms Of placental abruption:
The placental abruption symptoms can develop gradually or abruptly. Symptoms usually cause :.
- The abdominal pain
- Vaginal bleeding
- Back pain
- Rapid and intense uterine contractions
- uterine tenderness or the hardness [6]
- If you experience any of the signs and symptoms of placental abruption during pregnancy above, seek immediate medical attention.
- you may not feel any pain, but only moderate experience vaginal bleeding. However, any shortage quickly can be dangerous for the baby.
- If, placental abruption occurs at a slower pace, you may notice blood from the vagina sporadically.
of placental abruption complications :.
In severe cases, a detachment of the placenta can lead to complications
- because of lack of oxygen, the baby may have brain damage. He can also suffer from growth problems due to lack of nourishment. Preterm birth is also a possibility.
- You can experience shock due to excessive blood loss. You may also suffer from organ failure or need a blood transfusion. There can also be the need for a hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) in the case of an uncontrolled bleeding occurs after birth due to a detachment of the placenta.
- In extreme cases, placental abruption can be fatal for both mother and child [7].
[ Read: Placental Lake ]
Diagnosing Placental :.
The doctor may do some tests to confirm the cause of your abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding or other symptoms [8]
1. Physical examination:
the doctor will perform a physical examination to check the status of your uterus. Any stiffness or tenderness in the uterus indicates a problem that needs medical attention.
2. Abdominal ultrasound:
can not detect placental abruption with the help of an ultrasound. If yours is such a case, the doctor will do additional testing to confirm the problem.
3. Blood tests:
The doctor may conduct a complete blood count (CBC) to know the number of platelets. A low platelet count increases the risk of blood loss. A blood test can also occur if you have anemia. Anemia may indicate the loss of heavy blood due to detachment of the placenta.
4. Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring :.
You can confirm the state of health of your child
5. Vaginal ultrasound:
It allows the doctor to examine your reproductive organs
[ Read: Anterior Placenta ]
Treat placental abruption.
treatment for placenta may vary depending on the severity of the condition. It will also depend on your delivery due date and the health of the fetus. In any case, you can not reconnect the placenta [9].
- If the separation of the placenta is not serious, a hospital stay is not necessary for you. If you are experiencing preterm labor, you may need to take medication to stop them. Your doctor may also prescribe medication to help the lungs of your child to grow properly. It is a significant to the treatment plan in case of need to go for a delivery in advance.
- If your case is critical, you may need to stay in hospital. This is necessary if the doctors must check the condition of the fetus.
- In severe cases of placental abruption, the child's delivery is often necessary. More likely, you may need to undergo a Caesarean section (C-section).
- If your mild placental abruption experience close to your due date, a vaginal delivery may be possible for you.
- may need a blood transfusion if bleeding is excessive [10].
[ Read: Vaginal Bleeding During Pregnancy ]
Preventing Placental:
There is no sure way to avoid the detachment of the placenta. But you can take some steps to reduce the risk of this complication [11].
- keep your blood pressure under control. If you suffer from high blood pressure, talk to your doctor about ways to check before planning your pregnancy.
- Avoid drugs and substance abuse during pregnancy.
- If you have a history of placental abruption and you want to conceive again, talk to your doctor about any health risks [12].
Before planning pregnancy take some preventive measures for your health. Go for a complete health check-up so you know what you need to look out for during pregnancy. Discover the signs so that you can ask for urgent medical attention, if necessary.
You suffer from placental complications during pregnancy? Tell us about it here
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