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Congratulations! You're pregnant! But, no one except your spouse and doctor knows! Are you wondering how and when to announce your pregnancy to friends and family? It 's the first quarter too early for the ad, or the second quarter too late? If these questions have been swimming around in your head, consider scroll down and read our post below.
Once you begin to plan your pregnancy, you are on a roller coaster that keeps moving higher and faster with each passing day. The moment you realize you have conceived and are finally pregnant is probably one of the most exhilarating moments of your life. So if you are thinking of ways to announce your pregnancy, now that you are pregnant, here are some of our recommendations to see what works best for you.
When to tell the world that You are Pregnant?
The news that she is pregnant is first of all, a reason to celebrate with your partner. The moment belongs to both of you, and she's probably been planning for some time. And 'natural that the two of you will take time to bask in the joy of what is soon to come. The first person to know about the pregnancy will of course you, even as you take a pregnancy test and see the lines that make up the kit. The second person in all probability will be your partner, it will either be around you when you take the test. He will learn the good news as soon as you have confirmed on their own tests.
As a couple who are about to have a baby and have just found out they are pregnant, everything you choose to do with your most important news is your prerogative . When to make your own state of public pregnancy in the world and when to share it with your closest family and friends is a decision that is unique for all couples. There is no right or wrong time to announce your pregnancy to the world. However, if you follow certain traditions and cultural rules, you would probably want to check with your family tradition about the same.
Here are some synchronization options when you may want to announce your pregnancy to world:
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1. As soon as possible.
For some couples who discover that they are pregnant, keeping the news of their pregnancy under the covers is a difficult situation, something you do not find attractive
- as a couple, you can decide to announce your pregnancy as soon as it turns on it. Being pregnant is great news and something I have been looking forward to, so it's natural that you want to share with those who are near and dear to you and your partner.
- If you believe in this notion, you will not see no reason to keep your great news and pretend as if nothing happened. He however feels that as friends and family, others to have the right to participate in the initial enthusiasm to know that a child is going to get.
- In some cases, you may even feel that it is right to announce the arrival of your baby, as soon as it turns on it. The other factor that comes into play is the idea of truth and falsehood. As a couple, you may feel that it is not right to lie on the state of pregnancy. As a pregnancy is the result of love, the truth about it should come out as soon as you are sure that you are pregnant. Sometimes, it can be difficult to be in a situation and pretend that you are not pregnant, especially when you are out with family and friends. E 'for these situations; you may feel that it is better to announce your pregnancy as soon as it turns on it. Everyone should know the excitement that is going on in your life.
- Sometimes, it can become very difficult to avoid a situation where the state of pregnancy, will be a tribute. You may be battling morning sickness and nausea at work, and your employees can find something wrong, asking you if you're pregnant. Or you can be out with family or friends and can always avoid that glass of wine or alcohol, even if you dont like your drinks. In such a situation, your friends and family can ask your hesitation, and the decision or lie about it or come out with the truth may want to think to tell them that you're pregnant.
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2. At the end of the first Trimester:
Some couples prefer to share their enthusiasm for their pregnant only after going through the initial waiting and watching for the first quarter, preferably about week 10 ° or 12 °.
- There are many reasons why you may want to wait until the end of the first quarter before you tell your family and friends that you are pregnant. The first trimester is the most crucial period of pregnancy; the child is still developing, and much has yet to happen. It 's also the time when your doctor may ask you to be extra cautious about your health and take as much rest and care as you can.
- For some couples, if you have suffered a miscarriage in the past, waiting outside the first trimester may play a more important meaning, as you want to make sure that all is well. Once you have gone through the first quarter, the doctor will be in a better position to understand the health and development of your unborn child. It will also be the moment when the doctor will be able to give you a clearer picture of how your child is doing and how the pregnancy is developing in general.
- In the case of a past miscarriage, you will be especially careful to announce the status of the pregnancy immediately. It might be possible that you told your friends and family on a previous pregnancy, that has not reached its lifespan due to certain reasons, and you had to lose your pregnancy. In that case, when your friends and family are already aware that you were pregnant, they can take it upon themselves to check after your health and your emotions, and can be useful to know what happened and why. In an effort to make you feel good and help you deal with your loss, may try to address the issue of pregnancy lost over and over again, all the while trying to make you feel you will be fine next time.
- Miscarriage can also have a negative impact on your mental and emotional health condition, how can you not want to talk about the pregnancy that you lost. Be reminded constantly can take a toll on your health and well-being and can, on the contrary, it is placed in depression or denial
[Read: family rituals to celebrate pregnancy ]
3. in the middle of your second trimester:
While some couples do not announce the pregnancy until they are through with the first quarter, some couples, on the other hand, no they want to tell anyone about it until they are at least midway through the second quarter.
- at times, you might want to keep your big news just a little 'longer, and you want to treat it as your secret with your partner, something that it can be terribly sweet and adventurous! It can be a special bonding feeling with your partner on, especially because it will be only the two of you around the world, of course apart from your doctor, you will know that you are going to have a baby. Nothing can beat the feeling of embracing such a big secret between just the two of you, and in a beautifully and very affectionate, can work magic to bring the two of you even closer to each other than they already are.
- If you have suffered a loss of pregnancy, in the past, you might also want to keep your good news this time for a couple of weeks. As mentioned in the previous point, there may be many reasons why you first want to be sure that the pregnancy is going well before sharing it with family and friends.
- During the second quarter, the doctor will also suggest to go for a couple of prenatal tests such as amniocentesis, which is a type of test that allows the doctor to check for birth defects in other controls such prenatal baby not yet born and. Many couples wait until the test results are out, to find out how their unborn child is progressing and if there is any chance of a risk to the child at birth or a permanent condition that can not be avoided. In the event that something does not pop up in, medical tests allow parents to go for the decision to terminate the pregnancy at that stage, or carry on with it. In some cases, however, the doctor informs the parents that pregnancy can not be exercised, as may become extremely bad for the child in case of birth or could cause some serious complications to the mother. At this stage, parents may have to give up the pregnancy, and therefore may not want to talk about it at all
[Read: Things to know about ] pregnancy.
4. Until the end:
While most couples announce the news of the pregnancy and their family and friends by the end of the first quarter or half of the second, some couples take much longer time to share the good news [
- Although not common, there are many couples who decide to keep their good news for as long as they can, often until the middle of the final quarter. It 'also a great way to carry on with your life everyday, if you do not put on too much weight and if the pregnant belly is not yet visible. In addition, you may feel that you are going on every day with a big secret live inside you that is only growing with every passing minute, and could be a source of great emotion and excitement for both your partner and you.
- another big reason that many couples choose to keep the pregnancy secret until almost the end is because they do not want to get a steady stream of advice from friends and family about what they should or it should not do. There are times when you may feel that you already know how to take care of yourself and your unborn child during pregnancy, especially if you have been in a state of previously pregnant. However, it can be difficult to get to inform others that although compared their love and concern, you are able to look after themselves and do not need much advice. It can not only amount of irritation and a feeling of constant control, but sometimes, getting too much from people tips can also make you feel confused, especially if you get different versions of the same situation.
- Although it is illegal, some organizations discriminate against pregnant women. While employers can not be said openly that they are now concerned about your professional life, because she is pregnant, you can start to show their concern and lack of confidence through their actions. The employer can stop giving important assignments and projects that had previously successfully tackling, as they may believe that you will not be able to finish in time. The employer and colleagues may also feel that now that you are pregnant, you often start to lose your job because of not being well and feeling sick, and giving every major responsibilities could be detrimental to the organization. Once you announce your pregnancy, make sure that you are aware of your employment rights and to speak with the authorities concerned if you feel that employers are discriminating against you
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5. First Family, friends later, then the rest:
of course there is no need to make your special ad for throughout the world at the same time and, depending on the type of equation that share with whom, it is possible to make a selective ad.
- Some couples feel terribly excited about the news of their pregnancy and have difficulty maintaining complete secret from the world. If you feel that you want to share immediately with someone who is not your partner, you can start saying your parents or brothers about it, after discussing with your partner.
- Once you cross the first few weeks or the first trimester of pregnancy, you can go to share the news with your friends and other family members. Everything depends on who you are comfortable with and at what level and what is expected reactions to be like.
- In the end, you can give the news to everyone else, including your neighbors, your co-workers and others who are also a part of your life, but not the people closest to the street to tell
[Read: What to do and what not to do during pregnancy ]
fun ways to announce your pregnancy:
knowing that you are pregnant can give a thrill of excitement and football like no other, and it's definitely a lifetime event that is expected to announce in a certain style. Here are some fun ways to announce your pregnancy to your partner and the rest of the world that are going to be the proud parents of a little:
- If you and your partner have been trying to have a child for some time, now is the time to break the surprise. You can get cozy with your partner and whisper the secret in his ears. Alternatively, if you know that you are taking the pregnancy test and is waiting right outside the door, you can go out and give him a big hug that says it all.
- If your partner does not know who is going to do a pregnancy test at home, can be a lot of fun to break the surprise for him once it is at home. Take a small green pea and ask him to hold your hand. Once it does, open the palm of your hand and place the small pea on the palm of your hand and gently close your palm. Tell your partner something to the tune of 'This is how big our baby is now.' Your partner may not initially be able to understand what you just said, but once it does, the look of surprise and joy on his face will be something you will remember for the rest of your life
[Read: Fun baby Shower Games ].
- Get a cup of coffee that says something like 'Dad-to-be' or 'Best Dad in The World' and put the tea or coffee of your partners in it the morning. Put on the dining table along with the newspaper of the day so that when your partner sits to browse the news of the day, gets the biggest news of his life. And 'the cute way to announce your pregnancy.
- You can also make a nice puzzle at home writing the news. Use words like 'Congratulations are in a state of' or 'pregnancy is going to be a dad soon' or 'A small growing inside mom' and cut out the shape of a puzzle. Put the puzzle pieces on the table for as long as your partner will be at home and ask them to solve the puzzle. Even if your partner starts to solve the puzzle, you will soon realize what they are watching, his expression and his reaction will be priceless.
- When you want to share the good news with your family and friends, you can begin to do this by taking the image of your first ultrasound that will have the word written on it pregnant. You can also choose to take the image of the first report from the doctor that confirms the pregnancy. After analyzing the picture, you can send it as digital information to your e-mail friends and family
[Read: Baby Shower Recipes nonalcoholic ].
- a much nicer way to announce your pregnancy to your partner is to feign a desire for pregnancy. You can wake up your partner in the middle of the night while he sleeps and you ask him to get something from the kitchen or from the market. Be prepared to see him react funny when you think that you're acting strange. If you understand the hint, you will see the joy and surprise on his face almost immediately. In case your partner is not able to understand what you are trying to say, you can say something along the lines of 'Start getting ready for my desire to strange food for now on, for the next nine months' and it will be a complete offer. the reaction of your partner will be something I will remember for the rest of your life.
- Submit a cute card for your special family members that you want to break the news of the pregnancy. If you plan to share the news with your parents, you can choose a beautiful card that says a message to a grandfather. Of course, if this is the first grandchild that your parents will, the tab title tell you everything, but you can also add a personal message inside to break the news.
Share the news of pregnancy is something that is a personal decision and should be taken along by your partner and you. Make sure your partner knows when you plan to share the news and with whom.
mothers, when you started to tell others about pregnancy and how you did it? Also, how did you share the news with your partner and what was his reaction? Do not share your fond memories here
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