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Pregnancy It is synonymous with change. While some changes are quite visible and obvious, others aren, AOT! But, the symptoms of these changes, apparent or not, it can sometimes be a bit 'disturbing!
A general condition that many women experience the onset of pregnancy is blood spots in stool. Blood in the stool can be an alarming signal, and even more during pregnancy! But before you panic, find out more blood in the stool during pregnancy, what it means, and why it happens; read our post below.
blood in stool during Pregnancy:
Pregnancy It is a time for caution, and probably try your best to ensure that you are in best of your health, so the unborn baby is safe and healthy. While stain bit 'of blood in the stool can make you panic, it is not usually serious, unless the amount is significant or if it is a normal incidence. Consult your doctor about it
The causes of blood in the stool during pregnancy :.
Here are some causes that may lead to a spot of blood in the stool, while you are pregnant:
1. Constipation:
The majority of women experience constipation, while they are pregnant. It could be either mild constipation or a very serious event that passing stools becomes a painful experience.
If you do not drink enough water or if you do not take enough fiber in your diet, you're likely to suffer from constipation. To ensure that your bowel movements are regular and smooth, try to have a minimum of eight to ten glasses of water a day, and, if possible, even more.
Another reason that might cause constipation while you are pregnant is the drug you take. Sometimes, a high dose of vitamins during your months of pregnancy can also lead to constipation and make it difficult for you to pass stool
If you are constipated, could lead to further problems that could cause blood in the stool .:
A. hemorrhoids:
- the blood vessels that lie around your rectal area are known as hemorrhoids. During the last months of pregnancy, hemorrhoids can become swollen and lead to pain and discomfort.
- If you are constipated, you will have to strive harder to pass stool. As a result, your hemorrhoids can get bigger than they are and start to bleed. And 'when you may notice blood in your stool.
- If the bleeding is due to hemorrhoids, your doctor will ask you to increase your intake of fiber and also ask to drink more water and fluids. The doctor can give a charge feces agent that will help to soften the stool and reduce your need for straining during bowel passage movements.
B. anal fissures:
- anal fissures are cracks that form on the skin around the rectum area. When you are constipated, it must strive harder to pass stool. In most cases, anal fissures occur due to constipation.
- When you continue to live difficult to pass stool, anal fissures can break, which can lead to blood in the stool. The slots are also extremely painful.
- To help relieve the pain and discomfort of anal fissures, your doctor may suggest you to go for a hot bath and also increase the amount of fiber you include in your daily diet. If it does not work, your doctor may advise you to try a bulking agent of the stool that will help to soften the stool and ease the pressure you must use.
- Also, There are various ointments, such as nifedipine and nitroglycerin, which can also help to soothe the affected area and heal your fastest cracks. Make sure that you use them only after checking with your doctor. In some cases, when the cracks do not heal with any form of treatment, the last resort is to go for surgery. If this is the case, your doctor will ask you to wait until you've given birth, and then go ahead with surgery, if it is still needed.
C. The anal tears:
- Anal tears only happen if you have anal fissures. As you remain constipated, it is harder to strain to pass stool, and puts a high amount of pressure on the anal fissures.
- As a result, anal fissures become larger and can lead to tears in your area of the rectum. Because of that, you may notice blood in the stool.
- Most treatments for anal tears are similar to the treatment for anal fissure.
D. Fistula:
- A fistula is a channel from the rectal area to the skin around the anus. In most cases, it helps to download a whitish substance, but sometimes, it can also cause bleeding.
- A fistula is often a problem in that particular area, and the doctor will be able to treat locally. However, sometimes a fistula can also be the cause of a severe form of inflammation in some part of the intestinal tract, and the condition is known as Crohn's disease, AOS.
- for the treatment of a fistula, the doctor may prescribe some antibiotics that are safe to take during pregnancy. Otherwise, if that is not an option, the doctor may also prescribe some medications that will help to take care of Crohn's disease, AOS. In rare cases, if a fistula is not treated with medication, doctors may suggest surgery. However, your doctor will ask you to wait until after the birth, and only then have the surgery.
2. Diverticulosis:
- There are many pockets or pockets, that project from the wall in your intestinal tract, and are known as diverticula. In most cases, diverticula develop in the colon is mature through the years. However, sometimes you can have diverticula that expand and swell due to the constant pressure of the spasms that your colon has to face.
- While there is usually not a problem, the diverticula may get infected and lead to a condition which is known as diverticulosis. In the case of diverticula, hemorrhage often happens at once, and only once. You will see a lot of blood along that will stop as soon begins. Sometimes, however, it can be noticed blood stains constantly on a certain number of days, and sometimes even for a couple of weeks. In these cases, the amount of blood is usually less.
- In a few cases, diverticulitis can develop into a serious condition in which you may need to stay in the hospital or even need to go into surgery. Make sure you talk to your doctor if you notice a large amount of blood or notice blood stains for a few days at a stretch.
3. polyps and cancer:
- A health concern that is often related to bleeding from the rectal area is cancer. Benign growths that occur in the colon are known as polyps. Often when these polyps become large, they can lead to bleeding.
- There are some types of polyps that can turn cancerous.
4. proctitis and colitis:
- rectum or colon can sometimes get inflamed and cause the growth of ulcers. Sometimes, both the rectum and the colon can be ignited at the same time. The inflammation of the rectum is called proctitis and inflammation of the colon is called colitis.
- There are various reasons that may lead to the appearance of ulcers on the inner surface of the intestine area. As a result of ulcers, you can also experience bleeding and notice stains in faeces.
- Sometimes, you may experience what is known as rectal emergency. It is a condition in which you suddenly feel as if you have to pass almost immediately feces. You may also experience diarrhea that will be associated with bleeding in the stool.
- When you encounter one of these, make sure that you talk to your doctor immediately about the same. Your doctor before you diagnose and test to verify the exact cause of the bleeding and identify whether you are suffering from colitis or proctitis. Once you know what the cause of the bleeding is, you will get the right kind of treatment
symptoms of blood in the stool during pregnancy :.
Here are some of the symptoms that occur with blood in the stool:
- you may experience pain in your rectal area especially during the passage of stool. Sometimes, if the condition is severe, you will also have a lot of pain, even while you sit.
- will be able to detect bright red blood in the stool.
- In some cases, the stools will change color and turn blackish, reddish or even brown.
- sometimes, your doctor may ask you to go for a stool test, and the result may come back as positive for occult blood loss. This means there is blood present in the stool, but are not able to see him.
- Some other symptoms that can occur if you have blood in the stool are feeling dizzy or direct light, feeling confused, or even fainting.
When should you tell your doctor about blood in the stool during pregnancy?
Blood in the stool is quite common during pregnancy. If you see only a small amount, as very few drops of blood in the stool, it probably is not something you need to be worried! Of course, you should keep your doctor updated about any changes are noticed during pregnancy, so you can count on your next visit or during the next phone call. In addition, if you are certain that the blood was noticed only by your rectal area and not from your vagina, it is not also a cause for concern. However, here are some scenarios in which you should definitely call your doctor and tell them about the blood that you have seen in the stool:
- If you are not sure where the blood in the stool came to and are worried it could also be from your vagina; your doctor about it. The doctor will do an exam to make sure that the blood is not coming from your vaginal area.
- If you are not suffering from constipation and have not experienced any discomfort or pain while passing stools.
- at times, may experience other symptoms in addition to the blood that is detected in the stool. Check if you feel any pain in the abdomen or back. Also, see if you feel nausea or vomiting ends while also you notice blood in the stool. If you notice any of these symptoms, be sure to inform your doctor immediately about it.
- For frequent bleeding occur, instead of seeing a pair of stools red patches, tell your doctor about the same.
- call your doctor immediately if you feel any pain or swelling in the stomach when it is stained with blood in the stool. While your stomach will grow when you are pregnant, you will be able to feel if it is due to swelling.
- If you suddenly experience weight loss for no apparent reason, be sure to check with your doctor about the same. Also, let them know that you are made of blood in the stool instead.
- Call your doctor if you have a fever or feel feverish, as well as blood stain in the stool.
- you may even feel that you are losing control over your bowel movements, and can sometimes notice the involuntary passage of feces, even when you are not in the bathroom. In this case, be sure to tell your doctor about it.
- If you are suffering from diarrhea for more than a couple of days, or if the diarrhea is severe, immediately talk to your doctor about it.
- Another condition in which you must inform your doctor immediately if you are unable to pass stool for a few days at a stretch. This means that your constipation is severe, it may lead to other health problems
The health concerns of the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy :.
When you are pregnant, there are a lot anatomical as well as physiological changes that occur in the gastrointestinal tract. During pregnancy, the doctor will attempt to diagnose such changes as quickly as possible, so that you and your unborn baby stay healthy and safe.
- The many changes that occur in the gastrointestinal tract during the months of pregnancy can also lead to symptoms such as nausea, constipation, gastroesophageal reflux and more.
- In some cases, you may also be suffering from Crohn's disease, AOS, which can make the rather difficult to treat.
- you can also get extremely challenging for doctors to diagnose and begin treatment as soon as possible, as there are a lot of medical restrictions that must be followed during pregnancy. In the case of patients who are not pregnant, doctors can make use of various tools, like radiological procedures, as well as a number of medications that can help heal the condition faster. However, when you encounter the same during your months of pregnancy, doctors will try to avoid the same, as far as possible, as it may lead to health problems in the unborn child.
- to make sure you do not suffer from severe constipation or any of the other health problems that could lead to blood in the stool during pregnancy, doctors advise to take precautionary measures, instead of wait for the treatment (1).
Relieving blood in the stool during pregnancy:
The first thing to do when you feel discomfort because of the blood in the stool is to inform your doctor. Once the doctor has spoken to you, here are some things you can do at home that will put you at ease, even though you continue to stain the blood:
- Clean properly after you have been to the toilet. Be sure to clean your rectal area each time after passing stool.
- Be gentle when you wipe yourself or dry the area, so as not to cause further damage to the cracks or tears that you may have. Instead of the rectal area dry rub, pat gently.
- If you feel too much pain and discomfort, and if you interfere with the passage of stool, ask your doctor there are any pain medications you can safely take during pregnancy .
- If you still feel pain and discomfort, ask your doctor to recommend some creams or ointments that will help heal the skin around your rectal area. There are also some medicated creams that numb your rectal area so that you will experience less pain while passing stool.
- wear clothes that are loose fitting, especially lowered, so that they do not scrape or stretch the skin that is already sore from the cracks or tears.
- Increase the amount of water you drink during the day. If you do not want to drink too much water, you can also include a lot of different types of fluids, such as fruit juices, soups, stews, smoothies and such in your daily meal plan. When you are pregnant, your body loses a lot of water, so it's important to make sure that they are adequately hydrated.
- increase the amount of fiber you have in your meals everyday, such as bran will help your stools become soft and prevent constipation. The most cereals contain a good amount of fiber. Furthermore, one of the richest sources of fiber is bran.
- Be sure to include a certain amount of exercise and activity into your daily lifestyle. Consult your doctor what all the exercises you can do or how much activity is good for you.
- Try to pass feces after having meals, as colonic activity will be at its highest when you have had a meal. It will put less stress on your colon and cause less blood in the stool.
- If you are not able to include exercise into your daily routine, you can talk to your doctor about a fiber mix you can create at home with the approval of doctor, AOS . Take four to six spoons filled with bran and stir with a mass formation agent, such as psyllium, polycarbophil or methylcellulose. To obtain the mixture with one or two glasses of hot water. The mix will help to increase the content of water in the body, as well as reduce the amount of time required for the feces to pass through the colon. Talk to your doctor about the measures and such before you take it.
- Some probiotic formulas can also reduce the pressure that occur during the passage of stool that often causes bloody stools. The supplements will help change the flora that is present in the colon and can cause an improvement in your bowel function. Probiotics are considered very safe and, therefore, are recommended when you are pregnant. However, be sure to talk to your doctor first, and only then go for it
The foods to ease constipation.
Here are some foods you can include in your daily diet to reduce constipation. Before you do, be sure to consult your doctor before:
- Garbanzo Bean
- Beans
- Black eyed peas
- Kiwi
- sweet potatoes
- Almonds
- Pecan
- pumpkin seeds [1945029Pere]
While constipation is a common concern during pregnancy, be sure to take precautions to avoid it, and also observe the stool to look for any blood stains.
Moms, did you ever experience the same problems mentioned above? If yes, do not share your experience here to help other pregnant women know more. So, leave your comments in the section below, because we would like to hear from you.
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