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Learning on pregnancy she will make you the happiest woman on earth. However, when the hormones fluctuate and trigger complications, your euphoria dies down rather quickly. These fluctuations have a profound effect on your body, including your immune system and you become more susceptible to infection during pregnancy.
contracting a cold or a cough during pregnancy is common. There is a silver lining on the horizon, though. Cold during pregnancy is not dangerous for your baby, but be prepared to sniffle, feeling tired, argue with a sore throat, and possibly fever. So, it is important to take all possible measures to avoid catching a cold, and if you do get a cold during pregnancy, it is important to treat it. MomJunction put a bit 'of material information about treating a cold during pregnancy. Read on to find out more.
Relieve cold Complications Pregnancy:
There is undoubtedly a cold during pregnancy, you will feel miserable. Fortunately, there are more than a few things you can do to feel comfortable and make your condition bearable. Remember, a cold is triggered by a virus, and there is no cure for the common cold. So, these comforting measures will help you feel less miserable.
[ Read: Bacterial Infections During Pregnancy ]
1. Increase Your Fluid Intake:Sponsored
Your appetite will be affected by the cold. But, you can supplement the nutritional needs by consuming fresh fruit juices, soups, broths and. It 'important to increase fluid intake to speed up the congestion and phlegm removal. Try to drink about eight to 10 glasses of fluid each day. You can have water, fresh juices, and even POP.
2. Keep your nutrition:
Remember do not eat for two, but you need to eat more than usual, and you need to eat nutritious food to sustain proper growth and development your child. So, do not give up your power, no matter how horrible it feels. If you can not eat three regular-sized meals, break up your meals into six smaller.
3. Elevate your head:
The fatigue gets to you. So I do not feel guilty about lying when you feel tired. But, remember to elevate your head with pillows. It will help you to breathe without difficulty and also reduce nasal drip.
4. Apply hot pack:
The cold can block your breast due to nasal congestion. This will cause pain. You can ease the pain with a warm compress. Apply repeatedly collapse during the day to get relief [1].
[ Read: Heating Pad During Pregnancy ]
How To deal with cold-induced fever during Pregnancy:
With a cold, there is a high chance that you may develop a fever. The fever comes on because the body tries to fight the virus that causes infections. Even if it is a fever caused by temperature, obtaining a cold during pregnancy it is not a good sign. So, if you feel feverish, monitor the temperature. If the fever spikes to more than 101 degrees Fahrenheit or 38.3 degrees Celsius, it is best to consult your doctor.
Usually, if you run a slight fever due to your cold, you can take acetaminophen without worrying. It is a safe drug for pregnant women. However, avoid taking an aspirin, ibuprofen and other antihistamines
Remember you should also consult your doctor if you :.
- coughing yellow or green sputum or phlegm
- have a severe headache throat
- experience Persistent chest pain
- suffer from shortness of breath.
Do not take any medication for fever, if you have less than 12 weeks or more than 38 weeks pregnant. Take only those measures that the doctor prescribes as he will know which ones are safe to use during pregnancy.
[ Read: Fever During Pregnancy ]
Treatments To the cold during pregnancy:
Although it is not prudent to take OTC medications for cold during pregnancy, research shows the majority of products available in pharmacies have more or less the same active ingredients and They do not pose a risk to pregnant women when used on a short-term basis [2].
Here are some treatments that you can take to a cold during pregnancy and which ones you should avoid.
1. Cold Cure Tablets:
While you may be tempted to take OTC cold tablets care as well as the packet drinks that claim to cure the common cold, you should avoid them. These drugs contain acetaminophen, which is safe during pregnancy, but also contain phenylephrine, which is a decongestant. Phenylephrine constricts blood vessels, which can restrict blood flow to your placenta.
[ Read: Over The Counter (OTC) Medications During Pregnancy ]
2. Lemon juice and honey:
This ancient remedy is excellent for a sore throat. Mix fresh lemon juice and a little 'honey (to sweeten) in a glass of warm water. Sip while it is hot to relieve discomfort.
3. Throat lozenges and cough mixture:
You can take a mixture of cough or throat lozenge that contains glycerin. It will ease congestion and soothe the throat.
4. Nasal spray:
You can use a nasal spray to reduce the severity of cold during pregnancy. The irrigation will remove the germs from your nasal passages and also relieve congestion. However, before using a nasal spray, talk to your pharmacist if it is safe for pregnant women.
[ Read: Nasal Decongestant Spray During Pregnancy ]
5. Vapor Rub:
Sometimes a simple vapor rub can do wonders. You can remedy the situation, help with chest pain, if necessary, and make it easier for you to breathe without problems.
6. Menthol Tablets:
There are many types of menthol lozenges available in the market. It can suck one to relieve congestion and relieve stuffy nose. Menthol also eases your sore throat.
7. Vitamin C Supplements:
Since the immune system is taking a beating because of fluctuating hormones. You can strengthen it by taking a supplement of vitamin C. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant and will help keep your body and healthy cells. However, it is better to consume natural sources of vitamins, such as oranges and fresh lemon juice with water.
8. The inhalation of vapor:
The worst part of a cold are a stuffy nose, making it almost impossible to breathe. You can remedy this by steam inhalation. It will also help with clogged sinuses. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in boiling water and sit over a bowl of hot water with a towel covering her head. Inhale deeply, but keep your eyes closed, as steam will sting the eyes. Inhalation should make it easier for you to get rid of the mucus [3].
[ Read: Stuffy Nose During Pregnancy ]
9. Drink water:
The water is good when you have a cold during pregnancy or at any other time. Staying hydrated will replace the fluids lost due to runny nose and sweating. As a woman pregnant, you need to drink about ten glasses of water. So if you have a cold, try to drink anywhere from 12 to 13 glasses of water. Drinking water will also clear mucus buildup.
10. Nourishing:
Remember the saying secular - feed a cold and starve a fever. There is reason for this saying has been around for generations. Your body needs nutrients to build his immune system. So try to eat vegetables in bright colors, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, spinach and fresh fruit to give your body antioxidants, such as flavonoids and carotenoids, vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants improve your immunity and help fight infections. A balanced diet will ensure you have all the vital nutrients you and your baby need to stay healthy.
11. Bed rest:
When you have a cold, you require bed rest to beat the infection. So, try to sleep as much as possible so that your body can concentrate on fighting the infection and getting better. In addition, bed rest prevents the virus from spreading to other members of your family. Just go to bed and let your partner and spoil spoil. Before you know it, your cold will be a distant memory
Drugs for the cold during pregnancy :.
Ideally, you should not take any cold medicine during pregnancy without obtaining the green light from your OB / GYN. This is especially true if you are in the first quarter. Remember colds and minor aches have not need medication. However, if you still want to take cold medicine during pregnancy to relieve discomfort, here is some information on the various drugs.
1. Acetaminophen:
Pregnant women can take acetaminophen without worrying. It 'good to relieve mild to moderate pain (headache and body ache) and fever. If you are taking the medication without first talking to your doctor, take the minimum dose allowed. If this dose does not help you with your cold symptoms, seek medical advice immediately.
2. Ibuprofen and aspirin:
aspirin and ibuprofen belong to (NSAIDs) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Before taking any NSAID during pregnancy, consult your OB / GYN. There are doubts about ibuprofen increasing the chances of miscarriage during the early stages of pregnancy. And, if you take this medication later in your pregnancy, there is a risk of your child developing abnormalities. In addition, an NSAID such as aspirin if taken during pregnancy can lead to bleeding problems in a newborn.
This clearly shows that you should stay away NSAID that is safe for you to take acetaminophen. But keep your doctor in the loop when you take paracetamol.
[ Read: Cold Medications During Pregnancy ]
Treating Cold-induced nasal congestion during pregnancy:
One of the main reasons for the discomfort when catching a cold during pregnancy is nasal congestion. It will make it difficult for you to breathe, and congestion could also bring your sinuses get clogged.
Here are some non-drug ways to treat nasal congestion and get relief.
1. Nasal Irrigation:
There is scientific evidence that nasal irrigation can reduce nasal congestion and also help reduce the severity of the cold. You can rest easy knowing that nasal irrigation solutions are simply sterilized or distilled water. So you do not have to use any medication. You can use a neti pot, bulb syringe or squeeze bottle gently irrigate the nose, flush out the mucus and a little 'respite.
2. Spray Tablets:
A vaporizer tablet is an effervescent tablet that emits steam when it dissolves in hot water. Typically, the tablet contains sodium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate and essential oils such as lavender oil, eucalyptus, peppermint and. These ingredients are used in lotions, aromatic candles, and various other household products. There is no information to suggest that these ingredients harm pregnant women. So, you can use these tablets without any worries.
3. Humidifier:
Running a humidifier in your home when you have a cold it will be a blessing. The moisture the humidifier adds air will ease pressure in your breasts, and provide relief to your dry, sore throat. There is no concern when using a humidifier, as it uses only water and chemicals.
4. Nasal strips:
You can get nasal strips at any pharmacy. These strips are marketed as a way to control snoring. However, you can also use them if you have a cold. They help to spread the nose, expanding your nasal passages, and this allows you to breathe even when you are suffering from a congested nose [4].
[ Read: Flu Vaccine During Pregnancy ]
Cold Remedies to avoid during pregnancy:
As we have said, a cold is sometimes unavoidable because of weak immune system. However, treatments and remedies are not so simple, because she is pregnant. You must ensure that any remedy or treatment you opt for it is safe for the baby.
So here are some remedies that you should avoid when you have a cold during pregnancy.
1. NSAIDs:
As mentioned earlier, you should stay away from anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Some studies show ibuprofen increases the chances of miscarriage. In addition, NSAIDs are related to the premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the baby if you take these drugs in high doses during late pregnancy. However, in some cases, you can take these drugs under medical supervision. The doctor prescribing these drugs only if you have an underlying health condition that will benefit from taking NSAIDs.
2. Vitamin and mineral supplements:
When you are pregnant, your OB / GYN will put you on prenatal vitamins. In addition, you will get vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. So, you should not try to take extra vitamins and mineral supplements during pregnancy. At the moment, there is no information available on what happens when women take too many supplements during pregnancy. In addition, there is no scientific evidence to show that these supplements can prevent you from catching a cold or reduce the duration of infection.
3. Herbal Supplements:
You should also stay away from herbal preparations to treat your cold during pregnancy. Echinacea is a common plant that many women use to treat colds. However, studies show that not to fight the infection or reduce the duration of colds. If you take herbal supplements, first run to the doctor
Tips to boost immunity :.
As we have said before, the cold during pregnancy is due to the weakened immune system. This makes you more susceptible to infection than a woman who is not pregnant. So a good way to prevent colds and also strengthen your immunity is to eat foods that are beneficial to the immune system.
1. Almonds:
almonds can increase their immunity during pregnancy. This skin on the outer surface of the nut contains natural chemicals that help white blood cells identify viruses so that leukocytes can destroy them. These chemicals also prevent the spread of these viruses that cause infections.
Health experts suggest you should consume a handful of almonds on a daily basis. These nuts are full of copper, riboflavin and manganese that help the body produce energy. They also contain calcium and phosphorus that strengthen bones and teeth and phenylalanine which improves brain function. Of course, let's not forget that almonds contain folic acid which is necessary for the proper development of the baby's nervous system and brain.
[ Read: Almonds During Pregnancy ]
2. Vitamin D:
If you hate the sunlight, it's time to change dislikes, and let your body absorb the rays of the sun. Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin because the skin produces when exposed to sunlight, it is essential to strengthen the immune system and keep colds at bay.
Usually, your OB / GYN will put you on vitamin D when the pregnancy is confirmed, and you will have to take the vitamin in the first nine months, as well as when you are breastfeeding your baby. You can also get the vitamin through food sources, such as fish oil and eggs. However, be careful of the fish you eat, as it may contain methyl mercury, which adversely affects the growth of fetuses. Also, do not be tempted to eat raw fish and shellfish. They are not meant for pregnant women. There will be sufficient opportunity to enjoy sushi and oysters later after giving birth to your little one. If you feel uncomfortable to eat fish, looking to eat fortified margarine and breakfast cereals.
3. Zinc:
Zinc is a trace mineral that plays a significant role in the production of sperm. However, it can also support the immune system [5]. One study found people who take pills containing zinc when they get the symptoms of a cold can reduce the duration of their infection than those who do not take these lozenges.
The body also needs zinc for the production, operation, and repair of DNA. So, it is important that you get a sufficient amount of this mineral during pregnancy. The good news is that you get zinc from a number of sources of food, including beans, nuts, wheat germ, dairy products and bread. Avoid oysters, which are the best source of zinc. You can contract a foodborne illness or consume oysters that have high levels of mercury. This could be dangerous for you and your growing baby
tips to prevent a cold during pregnancy :.
Just because she is pregnant, but does not mean you have to contract colds. You can take steps to prevent getting a cold.
1. Maintain excellent hygiene:
rhinovirus, the virus that causes the common cold, it spreads when a person with a cold sneezes. The droplets in the air containing the virus, and if you inhale these droplets, you catch a cold. The other reason for the cold transmission is contact with the hands.
The surfaces around you are full of germs, and, when touched, and then touching your face, chances are you catching a cold. So the best way to avoid a cold is to maintain good personal hygiene. Be sure to wash your hands often, especially before eating. Also, avoid touching your face.
[ Read: Hygiene Tips To Follow During Pregnancy ]
2. Influenza Vaccination:
You're pregnant, so that the system immune is weaker than normal. This makes you more susceptible to common infections. So, it is best to get a flu vaccine that will protect you against all influenza outbreaks and colds. You can take a flu shot when you are pregnant. It is not dangerous for your baby. You can take at any time during pregnancy to avoid taking a cold or flu infection.
3. Hand Sanitizer:
Always carry a hand sanitizer with you when you are going out. Remember that you can not have the opportunity to wash their hands and in such circumstances, the hand sanitizer can help clean hands. The alcohol in hand sanitizers minimizes the spread of viruses that cause cold.
4. Keep your distance:
If a family member or friend has a cold, it is better to keep a distance and stay away from the person. Cold viruses can be transmitted through airborne droplets or touching infected surfaces. So make sure to stay away from an infected person, and do not use the same tools that the person uses
In conclusion :.
get sick when you are pregnant is not fun. However, with proper hydration and rest, you will feel better in a few days. If symptoms do Abate in a two or three days, or you feel that you are getting a secondary infection, consult your doctor. Typically, a little 'R & R is more than enough to get you back on your feet
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