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Pregnancy changing. Apart from the swollen belly and become a mother, there is much physiological and emotional turbulence that occurs during the trip. Put on weight, experiencing headaches and mood swings, it's all downhill, and it seems that you have no control over it.
Well, yes and no! You can not control the majority of these symptoms, but you can relieve some of them practicing pregnancy yoga. It is a great way to help your body at ease and relax during the months of pregnancy. And, if you want to try some yoga poses that are particularly good for you during pregnancy, read our post here.
yoga asanas, while You are Pregnant:
Yoga It is a natural and safe way to keep healthy and fit, when you are pregnant. It helps you to relax and also keeps the many aches and pains of pregnancy on. It will not only help physically, but also emotionally and mentally.
And, if you've never practiced yoga before becoming pregnant, you simply find it easier to continue to do so. But, even if you have not tried yoga before, it will be just a little 'difficult, especially as you expect. So before you try any of the poses, make sure you talk to your doctor for an evaluation of your overall health of the pregnancy and to get a green light. Also, if you feel uncomfortable or experience pain while you try any yoga during pregnancy, stop immediately and talk to your doctor about it.
[ Read: Simple Exercises For Pregnant Women ]
Top Yoga asanas during pregnancy:
While yoga asanas are sure to do well during pregnancy, consult your doctor and take a confirmation before. Here are some of the most popular yoga asanas that you can try during pregnancy:
1. The extended side angle poses:
Image: Shutterstock
- stand up and open your feet so that they are placed at a distance equal coordinated by the shoulders.
- Now bend one leg at the knee, while stretching the other leg sideways. Make sure to keep a strong hold so as not to slip.
- Now lift the arm on the side where it was expanded leg and stretch the arm upward. Keep it straight and extend towards and above your head.
- Fold the other hand at the elbow and place it on the knee that is bent previously. Hold your palm open and facing up.
- maintain the position for a few seconds or a minute, as you are comfortable. Release and return to the original position.
- Now repeat the same exchanging the position of the sides.
2. The Half butterfly pose or Ardha Titali Asana:
picture: Shutterstock
- Sit in a comfortable posture and stretch your legs forward.
- Now bend the right leg at the knee and bring your right foot to your left leg. Put your right foot on the left thigh as high as you can comfortably do.
- Now put your right hand on your right knee.
- use your left hand to hold the toes of the right foot.
- Inhale and slowly move your right knee toward your chest.
- Now exhale slowly and push the knee down while trying to touch the floor.
- Go only as far as possible. Head back to the original position and repeat the same with the left leg.
3. The Butterfly Full Installation, or PoornaTitali Asana:
Image: Shutterstock
- The asanas will help you relax your legs and ease any signs of fatigue. It will also help to release any tension and stress from the muscles of the thighs.
- Sit in a comfortable position and stretch your legs straight out in front of you.
- Bend both legs knees and bring the soles together, so that the legs are touching.
- Try to place your heels as close to your body as you can do comfortably, without feeling any pain or discomfort.
- Relax your thighs and keep your feet with both hands.
- slowly bouncing knees in an up and down motion. You can use your elbows to push down the legs, so you must not exert any force.
- repeat 10 to 20 times and relax.
[ Read: Butterfly Exercise During Pregnancy ]
4. The Twisted Pose, OR Vakrasana:
Image: Shutterstock
- The asanas help you relax and gently massage the areas around legs, hands, neck and spine, as well as the organs in the abdomen.
- Sit up straight and stretch your legs in front of you.
- Breathe slowly and stretch your arms up to your shoulder level. Make sure your palms facing down.
- Now breathe slowly and very gently twist the body to a lateral position. You will have to do the twist from the waist area. It transforms from the left side to the right side from the waist and move his hands and head together to the same part.
- Try to take arms both to the back as you can, without feeling uncomfortable.
- make sure you do not bend your knees.
- slowly inhale and return to the original pose. Repeat with the other side.
5. President pose or Utkatasana:
Picture: Shutterstock
- the asanas will help to strengthen the muscles of the thigh and pelvic region.
- are straight and put your feet apart at a distance of about 12 inches and parallel to each other.
- inhaling slowly and push the heels up. Push your arms up to your shoulder level.
- Make sure your palms facing down while you do it.
- Now breathe slowly and sit on his toes in a squatting pose. If you feel any discomfort, you can stand, keeping your feet flat instead.
- If you are in feet, inhale slowly and gently climb. Try and rise up on your toes.
- Now exhale and bring your hands and heels down.
[ Read: Baba Ramdev Yoga Asanas For Pregnant Women ]
6. The laying of the ham with one or Paryankasana:
- lie down comfortably on your back and stretch your legs forward
- Make sure your knees are together
- Fold in .. right leg to the side of the back knee.
- Stay in this position as long as you are comfortable and repeat with the other side.
- Now straighten your legs and repeat using your left leg.
7. The Fish pose or MatsyaKridasan Flapping wings:
- The asanas will help to keep your skin smooth digestion and prevent chances of constipation, which is often a concern common pregnancy. It will also help to relax the muscles of the legs.
- lie down gently on your stomach and put your fingers under the head.
- Bend the left leg to the side and bring your knees as close to your ribs as you can comfortably.
- make sure that the right leg is straight.
- Place the left elbow on the left knee. If you feel uncomfortable, let it sit on the floor.
- Place the right side of his head on his right arm.
- Relax for some time and go through the other side.
[ Read: Ashtanga Yoga During Pregnancy ]
8. The Thunderbolt pose or Vajrasana:
Image: iStock
- the asanas will help to improve digestion and prevent constipation, which is a common problem in pregnancy. It will also help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region.
- Sit down on the floor in a kneeling position.
- touch the toes together and place the heels apart.
- Move your hips so that you sit in the middle and the heels touch the sides of the hips.
- Put your hands on your knees, with your palms facing down. Keep your back and head in an upright posture.
- maintain the position for a few minutes and relax.
9. The Squat and rise pose, or Utthanasana:
- The asanas will help to strengthen the muscles of the thighs, uterus, back and ankles
- Stand straight and keep your feet apart by. a meter. Make sure that your toes are facing out.
- Block in your fingers and place them in front of your body. Do not stress your hands.
- Slowly bend your knees and bring your hips down.
- Now straighten your knees and go back to the original position.
[ Read: Yoga Postures For Normal Delivery ]
10. The Sleeping Abdominal Stretch Pose or Supta Udarakarshan Asana :.
- The asanas will help to improve digestion and also ease any stiffness that you feel in your spine
- lie down on your back and interlock your fingers with both hands.
- Place your hands under your head, keeping your fingers interlaced.
- bend your legs at the knees and touch the soles of the feet on the ground.
- Turn your head to the left so that you feel a movement that stretches the spine.
- Now bend your legs to the left and stretch your head to the right.
- Repeat.
11. The ankle Crank Installation:
- The asanas will help alleviate any stiffness and pain you feel in your ankle and foot
- Fold right leg at the knee and place your right foot. on the left knee.
- keep the fingers of his right leg with his left hand and hold the right leg with the other hand.
- Move your right ankle in a large circular motion and do about ten rotations in each direction.
- Stop and repeat with the other ankle.
[ Read: Yoga Poses To Avoid During Pregnancy ]
12. The cord Bending pose or Meru Akarshanasan :.
- This yoga for pregnant women will help to relax the areas around the abdomen, inner thigh and hamstring
- Lie down on left side and place the left leg on the right leg.
- Bend your right arm and place your elbows on the floor. Use the palm of your right hand to support your head.
- Place your left arm on the left thigh and stretch the left leg as high as possible without feeling any pain or discomfort.
- Now try to touch your left foot with your left hand.
- Repeat with the other side.
13. The rotary Vita pose or Kati Chakrasan :.
- The asanas will ease any pain and will help to flex the muscles of the back and hips
- Stand straight and put your feet at a distance of about one meter from each other. Keep your arms at your side.
- Inhale and raise arms to shoulder level.
- Exhale and twist your body to the left side.
- Place your right hand on the left shoulder and wrap the left arm behind his back.
- Turn to the left shoulder.
- Hold your breath for about two seconds, breathe and return to the original position.
- Repeat on other side.
[ Read: Pranayama During Pregnancy ]
14. The Palm Tree pose or Tadasan:
Image: iStock
- asana helps to stretch and loosen the spine and also stretch the muscles in the abdominal area.
- Stand straight with your arms on the side and feet together.
- stretch your arms above your head Cross your fingers.
- make sure that your palms are facing up and the hands are above the head.
- Inhale and stretch your arms, chest and shoulders in an upward motion.
- Increase on your heels and balance on his toes, stretching your body upward.
- Exhale, lower your heels and hands on top of the head.
- Relax and repeat.
15. The handpicked pose or Hasta Utthanasan:
Image: iStock
This yoga for pregnancy will ease any stiff shoulders and upper back areas. It will also help improve breathing.
- stand straight with your feet together and put your arms on the side.
- Put your hands in front of your body in a passage position.
- slowly inhale and lift your arms above your head. Crossing arms.
- slightly bend your head back and look at your hands.
- exhale and extend your arms to shoulder level.
- Breathe again and reverse the movement.
- Exhale slowly and bring your arms in front of body.
Yoga in pregnancy is a great way to relieve various aches and pains, as well as prepare the body for the birth of your child. Talk to your doctor to understand that asana you can easily do by which quarter.
Moms, you practice yoga while you were pregnant? Do not share some of yoga poses pregnant with us here
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