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“Are we arrived? "I ask impatiently. Unfortunately we're just approaching the third quarter, which you enter in a couple of weeks. You need more patience to go through just another last quarter the company
Do not worry about how long you have to hang in there .; instead, you can enjoy the fullness in your hair. no hair shedding as much as women who do not normally post pregnancy; therefore, you will feel satisfied with your hair during this week.
As the lovely walk starts to wobble, to know that all the joys of being a woman, the greatest is to be a mother. Keep yourself with love and pride.
Changes In your body during 25 weeks of pregnancy:
How the palm towards the third quarter, the physical growth and changes become quite obvious. Many foreigners will offer to help you when you are carrying bags, once they realize she is pregnant. the world is not such a bad place after all.
your uterus is well above the belly button and measure the size of the FIFA football. Speaking of football , kicking inside your breasts continue as well. There is a full game going for your star performer.
Check Here what to expect in 25 weeks of pregnancy:
a. Preventing falls during pregnancy:
With growth comes change in your center of gravity. It can be noted that the balance is not longer what it once was. you may find yourself standing on unstable ground and the reasons for your instability may be: ..
- Increase the circumference
- displacement of the center of gravity
- changes have taken place in your spine.
- held in the muscles.
- the high levels of relaxin hormone released during pregnancy, which loosens the joints.
- You may experience dizziness and fainting due to lower blood pressure, anemia, decrease in blood sugar and metabolic shifts.
the risk of falls increases with pregnancy progresses, so does the danger related to falls. Falling down is never as dangerous as when you are pregnant. Studies show that the probability of a fall during pregnancy is about 25%, which is equal to about the risk for people over the age of 65. So, you must take special precautions to be sure and keep your child safe .
[Read: Falling Down during pregnancy ]
b. Mind when you move:
do not give a damn how bad your pace is for the moment, because the change is not permanent. You can walk back to the ramp once the baby is born.
- For the time being, adopt a posture that gives you a good balance.
- If six women who pay attention to health, which continued to exercise throughout pregnancy, then it's time for you to watch your steps.
- not feeling any balancing trick when you exercise. They can wait until the baby is born. You can entertain your child and exercise so postpartum.
- Never try new complicated postures during pregnancy. Do something you're familiar with and safe.
- missing your step can be fatal to you or your child if the trauma on your abdomen.
- If by chance you have a fall or accident there is trauma to your abdomen, please contact your doctor as soon as possible. Often, early intervention can prevent serious crisis in many cases.
- Take things slowly and avoid rushing around in a hurry. Keep away from people who are known to run around without looking.
- Avoid multitasking.
- Use handrails when using the stairs.
- wear flat shoes.
- do not let clutter around your home or the way you walk.
c. Snoring Beauty:
"How dare you?" You can yell at your partner complains that he could not sleep because you were snoring loudly last night. How dare he accuse snoring when no one has ever complained before. Relax. He is not lying.
- is common to start snoring as the pregnancy progresses.
- The increased blood flow to the mucous membranes in the nose can cause congestion.
- might be linked to an increase in weight or sleep apnea as well.
- could also be a sign of gestational diabetes in some cases.
What you can do about it? Not much, since it is just discomfort that is going to last until the child was born. To be on the safer side, you need to inform your health care provider to rule out any serious issues with your snoring. In the meantime, you can deal with this annoyance:
- Using some extra pillows to elevate your head
- Watch out for those excess pounds
- Find breathing aids like .. inhalers (that are safe during pregnancy) or nasal strips
- Use steam to relax the nasal cavity
.. [Read: nasal spray during pregnancy ]
d. Sciatica:
Sciatica is a condition caused by the growth of the uterus, which puts pressure on your back and pelvic region. Sometimes the nerves of the lower back and legs are compressed as the baby's head presses against the bones of the pelvis. This can lead to:
- numbness in the legs or back
- tingling or severe pain in the lower back, legs or buttocks
[Read: numbness during pregnancy ]
If you find the pain and unbearable discomfort, you can follow some methods to find relief from sciatica :.
- move often
- do not sit in one position for a long period of time.
- Apply ice pack or a hot water bottle to the painful area. Both provide relief.
- not emphasize the painful part of the body.
- Do not bend over as much as possible.
- make yourself comfortable with enough pillows and supports.
- you can help yourself to a massage or chiropractic care.
- not pick up heavy objects.
no matter how severe the pain is during the pregnancy will go away on its own after delivery. You do not worry about it at all
25 weeks pregnant Symptoms in brief :.
In addition to the above changes in your body, you will also see the following week 25 pregnancy symptoms:
- The faster hair growth and nails.
- Constipation
- Hemorrhoids
- Backache
- Swollen arts
- Headache
- difficulty sleeping
- Stretch marks
- rapid weight gain
- larger boobs
- round ligament pain
- increased sweating
- vivid dreams
- oblivion
- sciatica
- bleeding gums
[Read: bleeding gums during pregnancy ]
glucose screening test:
you should know about the importance of glucose screening test, which is an essential element of prenatal testing is usually done between weeks 24-28 of pregnancy. Almost 2-5% of pregnant women are at risk for gestational diabetes, which is the temporary diabetes that occurs during pregnancy, even with no previous history of the disease.
- Gestational diabetes can bring down the chances of vaginal delivery, thus increasing the risk of cesarean.
- gestational diabetes during pregnancy leads to children with low blood sugar.
- This can lead to macrosomia in children, a condition in which the baby weighs more and is larger than average babies. This makes it difficult vaginal delivery.
bring some books with you when you are going for the glucose screening test, as you will have to wait for a while 'to the hospital.
The GCT for the procedure is the following:
- You have to drink a very sweet solution, which contains 50 grams of glucose. You 'available in different flavors so that you can chill and drink easily.
- you must consume all within 5 minutes.
- You will have to wait for almost an hour for your body to process glucose consumed. This is when the book or magazine, is particularly useful.
- After the waiting period is over, a blood sample will be drawn from the arm.
Now you can go home and wait for the results that will be available within a few days. If by chance you test positive, do not worry. This is just a screening test and not actual diagnosis. You will have to come back for a long procedure three hours glucose tolerance test to check if you really have gestational diabetes.
be prepared to be sick, especially during the glucose tolerance test that is done when you are fasting. Imagine ultra-sweet soda to drink on an empty stomach
Care and tips for the week 25 of pregnancy: ..
You may need to visit your doctor more often than before, as you near the third quarter
- your child needs more control by the doctor to see that all is well and there is no need for an intervention.
- There are some choices that must be done before the baby arrives. One of them is choosing the right birth partner: .. A person who will be there for you during the D-Day
- If your partner is willing to be your partner birth go ahead and start planning with him
[Read: Heels to wear during pregnancy ]
a. Drink plenty of water:
It 'important for you to drink plenty of water during pregnancy, as it not only helps to prevent constipation, but also keeps the skin elastic to accommodate all the stretching that is undergoing. If fluid intake is insufficient, you may suffer the itching on the skin that covers
Benefits :.
- water facilitates the absorption of essential nutrients into blood cells, which later will feed your baby through the placenta.
- It removes toxins from your body, making the child grow up in a safer environment.
- water reduces the risk of UTI (urinary tract infections).
- keeps you cool and comfortable.
- With plenty of fluid intake, you can keep fatigue at bay.
- Being properly hydrated it will bring down the swelling in the legs.
- A well hydrated woman is at low risk for preterm delivery.
make sure that water or other liquids you consume are free of impurities. If you do not want to be infected with some water borne disease or a virus during pregnancy.
b. Sleeping Tips:
If you are among the people who love staring at the ceiling when you sleep, you have to change the model. Sleeping on your back will cause the weight of your uterus to bear down on the spine, back muscles, intestines and blood vessels.
- This pressure causes pain in the muscles, legs and back.
- can lead to hemorrhoids.
- hinders the circulation of blood.
- Causes drop in blood pressure leading to dizziness.
- can cause snoring and lead to. condition called sleep apnea
[Read: dizziness during pregnancy ]
Try sleeping on your side, as your pregnancy progresses, especially on the left side is good for you and your baby.
- The blood flow to your uterus increases when you sleep on your left side, and thereby provide your growing baby with more nutrients.
- also it helps in the elimination of waste products from the body.
- and 'it has been observed that sleeping on the left side reduces swelling in pregnant women.
Avoid sleeping on your back and change position from side to side as often during the night
[Read: Sleeping positions during pregnancy the second quarter ].
fun activity for the week:
One of the best you can do for you child is to keep her safe from pesticides and toxins.
- start a small vegetable garden in the space at your disposal.
- If you do not have a garden, you can keep some potted plants.
- add some herbs that can function as emergency medication for you and your baby as well as vegetables and fruits. Since you will never know when you might need, especially in the early years of your child's life.
- you can also enjoy your mini gardening with your child in the days ahead.
to be Dad Tips:
Looking at the woman you love go through the pain of labor is not something you look forward to, but experience many rank dad to be there for the birth of the child as the most memorable in their entire lives.
- If you are up to it, go ahead and tell your partner that you are going to be his companion of birth.
- be a birth partner means to discuss with the mom-to-be about his preferences for childbirth and transmit the message to health care providers at the right time.
- your partner may not be able to do this when going through its birth pangs. You might change your perception of your partner as well.
Even before you realize, you've already hit 25 weeks of pregnancy. And very soon, the little protagonist is going to be right there in your arms. Good luck!
has any special advice to share for the mom-to-be when 25 weeks of pregnancy? Let us know by sharing your comments. Do not share your experiences with other readers in the comments below:
- What to Expect When You're Expecting by Heidi E. Murkoff and Sharon Mazel
- the pregnancy week by week by Lesley Regan
- pregnancy: the Ultimate Guide pregnancy month by month: all the tips and tricks you need to know
- to pregnancy guide for beginners
- Raising baby green, Earth-Friendly guide to pregnancy, childbirth and child care, by Alan Greene, MD
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