And 'safe to eat cabbage during pregnancy

And 'safe to eat cabbage during pregnancy -
Cabbage During Pregnancy

picture ?: iStock

We He knows how everyone tells us how the pregnancy is the most special time for a woman. But, as wonderful as that feeling is, pregnancy is a time rather vulnerable. Any carelessness regarding their diet and lifestyle may take a toll on not only you, but your unborn child too.

Thus, it becomes necessary to healthy eating while you are waiting. And, when we say healthy food, we usually think of leafy vegetables. So, let's look at the safety of eating a particular leafy vegetables I.E cabbage during pregnancy.

What is Cabbage?

Cabbage It is also called Brassica oleracea. It is a leafy vegetable with many variants. It is closely related to the Cole crops viz. broccoli, Brussels, cauliflower, etc. It 'a multilayer vegetable that has a lot of layers.

The history of cabbage goes back to 0 BC It is believed that modern cabbage is the descendant of the wild cabbage that has been cultivated in Europe during those times. In addition, wild cabbage has also been grown in the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations where it was a common belief that hell has helped cure many diseases. So, it was used both as a vegetable as well as medicine

[Read: eat broccoli during pregnancy ]


Over growing years cabbage spread through Germany, Poland and Russia, where it became a popular legume green. Today, Japan, Poland, Russia and China are the major producers of cabbage in the world.

And 'safe to eat cabbage during pregnancy?

Yes! As long as you cook them properly you can safely eat cabbage during pregnancy. raw cabbage, like other raw vegetables, is home to bacteria that can lead to a myriad of diseases, while you are waiting. Heavy use of pesticides and fungicides also makes the cabbage more prone to fungal and bacterial infections. So, try to use the organic cabbage that has not been treated with pesticides to ensure healthy pregnancy.

You should consider eating cabbage during pregnancy, as it has many health benefits for the body. It is a real stock of many essential nutrients. Here, we look at some of the major nutrients present in cabbage:

  • vitamins K, C, B6, B1, B3
  • Manganese
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Protein

[Leggi: Sauerkraut during pregnancy ]

benefits of cabbage health during pregnancy:

cabbage not only helps to improve digestion, but also promotes eye health. Here, we list some other benefits of eating cabbage health during pregnancy:

1. improves Digestion:

Cabbage It improves the health of the digestive system. It aids digestion and helps to overcome problems such as constipation and irregular bowel movement. Such as constipation is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, regular cabbage diet can help control it. Cabbage contains a high amount of dietary fiber, which helps regulate bowel movement and digestion.

2. DNA Health :.

Cabbage is a rich source of folate or folic acid, which is vital to the health of the fetus DNA

3. Low Calories:

Cabbage It is low in calorie count and thus helps women to maintain weight during pregnancy. So, all mothers-to-be, if you want to earn minimum weight during pregnancy and ensure that you eat in a healthy manner yet, include cabbage in your diet. You can also include cabbage juice during pregnancy

[Read: Spinach during pregnancy ].

4. Preventing gestational diabetes:

Gestational diabetes is very common during pregnancy. However, the high fiber content of cabbage helps maintain blood pressure and the blood sugar under control and reduces the risk of gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

5. Anti-Cancer Properties:

bright purple cabbage contains anthocyanins. The studies demonstrated that the properties of the fight against cancer.

6. Prevents Swelling:

cabbage leaves during pregnancy play a key role for swollen legs which is quite common during the phase. Wrapping cabbage leaves around the leg swelling condition facilitates

A word of caution :.

If you are allergic to cabbage, broccoli, and other such vegetables, then you should consider talking to your doctor before having cabbage during pregnancy. Do not experiment with your diet during these crucial months.

Have you eaten cabbage during pregnancy? How it helped you? Share your story with other would-be-mothers here

Reference items :.

  • And 'safe to eat during pregnancy Rapa [1945020?]
  • Wand can eat during pregnancy?
  • gooseberries can eat during pregnancy?
  • E 'Edamame safe to eat during pregnancy?

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