It is safe anesthesia during pregnancy

It is safe anesthesia during pregnancy -
Is Anesthesia Safe During Pregnancy

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Are There are risks of anesthesia to expectant mothers? It has side effects? If these questions seem to bother you, read this post.

It may be a minor dental procedure or surgery, anesthesia is extremely important for the success of a medical procedure. Now that you are pregnant, you want to avoid any undue risk for you unborn child. Read on and find out anesthesia during pregnancy here.

anesthesia during Delivery:

Doctors often they use anesthesia during childbirth to ease any pain you may feel during labor or work. Depending on your body type and how the acute pain is doctors can administer local anesthesia, regional, or general.

In most cases, doctors advise to avoid anesthesia, but if necessary, you need to choose the appropriate anesthetics. Some anesthetics may cause mild side effects such as low blood pressure, mild itching, headaches and allergic reactions. If the effects are severe or become unmanageable, seek immediate medical help (1).

Anesthesia for Other Procedures:

Studies on children concluded that children born to mothers who had local anesthesia for dental procedures during pregnancy had a low birth weight. In addition, children exposed to anesthesia during the first trimester of pregnancy, have a higher risk of neonatal behavioral changes.

One of the American Journal of Public Health study reveals that anesthesia during pregnancy can lead to many complications, and even damage to the baby, especially during the first trimester. Mothers who receive anesthesia during the initial stages of pregnancy may give birth to babies with defects of the central nervous system. In addition, children can also develop congenital cataracts and other eye defects such as hydrocephalus.

opt for a local or regional anesthesia during pregnancy unless it is necessary to reduce the risk of your child contractual conditions, such as cataracts and defects of the central nervous system.

[Read: is ultrasound safe during pregnancy ]

risks of anesthesia during pregnancy:

You and your child share a physical bond during pregnancy, the umbilical cord. The cable provides power for her unborn baby and everything that impacts can in turn influence your child as well

Some of the risks that accompany the use of anesthesia during pregnancy are: .

  1. Higher risk of miscarriage, especially if the transaction takes place in the first or second quarter and is a gynecological procedure (2).
  1. the risk of maternal death is almost double if you opt for general anesthesia during pregnancy, mainly because of difficulties with airways management.
  1. The anesthesia use during pregnancy may decrease uterine blood flow, which can be a cause for concern when it comes to your baby's health. In addition, anesthesia can also lead to neonatal depression (3).
  1. The respiratory depression in the newborn, which can increase the risk of pneumonia. Pneumonia can be fatal for children, and you need to make sure your little angel does not contract the disease.
  1. anesthetics can lead to an increase of the toxicity of the body, which can also lead to complications for expectant mothers.

is safe during anesthesia Pregnancy?

Typically, follow what your doctor has to say about the pregnancy. If you are in the early stages of pregnancy, try to avoid treatments that require local or general anesthesia. Let your doctor make a call here.

Depending on your health and other possible complications, the doctor will be the best person to guide you through the alternative treatment options.

We hope that the post helps you learn the risks of anesthesia during pregnancy. Have you met any tips or tricks of self-help, which has made your simplest surgical procedure? How was your experience? Perhaps you suffer from complications? Let us know in the comments box below. Fellow moms would love to hear from you

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