High cholesterol during pregnancy - Everything you need to know

High cholesterol during pregnancy - Everything you need to know -
High Cholesterol During Pregnancy

Image: Shutterstock

Did you have cholesterol problems before pregnancy? Are you worried that could hurt your baby in the womb? Well, if you can relate to situations above the reading of this post it is a must!

High cholesterol is a condition that is not exactly good news for your health during pregnancy or in any other way. But, you know high cholesterol levels are not alarming during pregnancy? Want to learn more about high cholesterol during pregnancy? Read on!

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a type of fat that our bodies need to function properly. When your cholesterol levels rise in our bodies, we become prone to heart disease. Hypercholesterolemia refers to the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood. (1)

What is the normal cholesterol level?

Normally the cholesterol level should be between 0 and 10 mg / dl. During pregnancy, these levels can rise well beyond 0 mg/dl.


Does cholesterol levels change during pregnancy?

It 's very common for expectant mothers to have high cholesterol levels during pregnancy. If you too suffer from this condition, do not hit the panic button. As your body undergoes many hormonal changes during pregnancy, the levels of cholesterol in the blood increase naturally.

What are the causes of high cholesterol during pregnancy?

The increase in cholesterol levels are essential to support and develop your child in the womb. The high level of cholesterol is required for the formation of cholesterol steroid hormones.High pregnant happens due to a series of reasons.These hormones help carry the pregnancy to term. Typically, cholesterol levels start to rise during the second quarter and the peak during the third quarter. The usually return to normal cholesterol levels four weeks after giving birth.

How to detect a high cholesterol level?

The doctor may advise you to go and do regular blood tests to keep a tab on your normal cholesterol levels during pregnancy.

high cholesterol is harmful to the baby?

High levels of cholesterol can not directly influence the development of your child. However, it can induce hypertension linked to pregnancy, which may endanger the life of the mother and the child. You can make the mother prone to health complications such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke postal delivery. High cholesterol and pregnancy do not go together.

According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, children of mothers who have suffered from high cholesterol levels before pregnancy were five times more likely to develop the same health status as adults.

On On the other hand, low levels of cholesterol can also lead to premature birth and low weight at birth. So, you need to focus on maintaining a healthy high cholesterol during pregnancy.

What is the treatment for high cholesterol during pregnancy?

Most doctors advise not to use drugs to reduce cholesterol levels during pregnancy. If your cholesterol levels remain high after giving birth, the doctor may prescribe certain medications for you then.

How to prevent high cholesterol During Pregnancy?

Here There are some tips to help you keep your cholesterol levels in check and enjoy a safe pregnancy :.

  • consume a balanced diet every day
  • include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Avoid eating junk food at all costs.
  • fried and processed foods that contain unsaturated fats are a strict no-no during pregnancy.
  • include whole grains and other fiber-rich foods in your diet.
  • regularly practicing prenatal exercises. You can opt for meditation and yoga, if you will.

Above all, be happy and keep stress at bay to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

Hopefully this article helped you understand the health implications of high cholesterol levels during pregnancy.

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