5 Environmental risks during pregnancy that you should be aware of

5 Environmental risks during pregnancy that you should be aware of -
Environmental Hazards During Pregnancy

Image : Shutterstock

Are It is concerned about the various reasons that may pose as a threat to you or your unborn child? You really are clueless about the dangers that are present in the home, which may prove fatal for you and the growth of your unborn baby? There are many environmental risks during pregnancy that you should be aware.

If you are skeptical about the various problems that could harm you and your unborn child, then please continue to read this article and to be aware of the do's and don'ts during pregnancy.

5 environmental hazards during Pregnancy:

Hazardous materials may be present everywhere, within your home, in your neighborhood or at your workplace. In most cases, even if you feel safe, surrounding these hazards can cause much harm, without realizing the same. Here are five environmental risks you should take care during pregnancy:

1. Cleaning products: [1]



Cleaning products often contain a substance called glycol ether that is present in the cleaning of the oven and for windows. And 'dangerous to get in touch with ether glycol, as it can increase your chances of a miscarriage, and to put at risk.

remove mold contain a substance called phenol which can increase the chances of birth defects. In severe cases, it can even cause death of the fetus

Avoiding :.

  • Read the label carefully and follow the instructions. Read the warning label to see if it is safe to use the product during pregnancy.
  • Ask someone else to use the product during pregnancy.

[Read: Using cleaning products during pregnancy ]

2. Pesticides: [2]


Among the many environmental risks in pregnancy this is the most dangerous.Pesticides contains a lot of toxic materials that can damage various organs of the body. Inhalation of pesticides may worsen asthma and other related respiratory conditions.

Pesticides contain chemicals that can increase the risk of cancer and cause various birth defects

Avoiding :.

  • Wash anything you eat, either raw or in cooked form.
  • Always wash your hands after coming into contact with any form of pesticides or containers that contain the pesticide.
  • Vacate the area where you suspect A is used pesticides.
  • In the event that the pesticide treatment was done at home, at your home remove all utensils and food from the designated area. Cover and keep them away for a few hours

[Read: exposure to chemicals during pregnancy ].

3. Cell Phone Radiation: [3]


Radiation from mobile phones affects the fetus. This environmental effects on pregnancy here could be threatening.Exposure birth to cell phone radiation can cause various birth defects in the child.

Your child may be affected by conditions such as growth retardation, malformations, the underdeveloped brain function and increase the risk of cancer. The chances of a miscarriage also increase

Avoiding :.

  • Use your cell phone as little as possible and keep it away from yourself when not in use.
  • not carry the phone in your pants pocket or shirt pocket. Keep it in your bag.
  • Do not hold the phone under or near your pillow during sleep. Keep it at a safe distance.

4. Cosmetics: [4]

risk :.

cosmetics and skin care products contain a number of chemicals that can be very harmful to you and your unborn baby

it might break up with various diseases skin after the use of a particular product. You may develop some allergies during pregnancy that were not present before. Deal may require the use of drugs are not recommended during pregnancy

Avoiding :.

  • Avoid the use of cosmetics, as far as possible
  • Try to use natural products that do not include harmful chemicals.
  • always use cosmetic products that come from well-known brands. Read the label and understand the ingredient list

[read: E 'safe use deodorant during pregnancy ].

5. Lead: [5]


exposure to lead can lead to premature delivery, miscarriage, low birth weight and delay in developmental milestones. It can affect behavioral and cognitive abilities of the child

Avoiding :.

  • Ask your local health department to verify the presence of lead in your drinking water.
  • If your home has lead paint do not touch the areas where the paint has come off.

pregnancy requires to be safe and alert. Sometimes, your home can contain many dangerous elements that you are not always aware of. Always be sure to read the labels and avoid chemicals as much as possible.

What were the special tips you followed while you were pregnant? You have to reduce the use of cell phones or you reduce the excessive use of cosmetics? Tell other mothers in this regard to enable them to become aware of living a stress free pregnancy. Happy pregnancy

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